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Scheduled Maintenance: December 16th, 2014


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And what about us who spent hour after hour to get the:


•The Last Straugh

•Where’s Wudd

• A Breck House

•Three Not So Little Grophets


Will we get the achievements and the title "The Wolf Of Rishi", and will the datacrons work... or are are you DEV 's just gona ignore us faithfull subscribers/customers(paying beta testers as i call us nowdays) as you usually do?

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Dark Reaver Stalker’s Saberstaff and Exhumed Stalker’s Saberstaff now have Advanced Battle Enhancements instead of Advanced Adept Enhancements.



My Exhumed saberstaff already have the battle enhancement...


Edit: I see now that the ranked one has an adept enhancement.. So of course, you wanna change this to a crappy one. Noted. Its my own fault tho, for not buying the healer lightsaber instead, that actually have the correct mod and enhancement already..

Edited by Alyssis
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Since you address the color of Satele's saberstaff, you should know that Beniko has a different color as well :D

In the trailers she uses Orange-Red crystal while on the loading screen she is wielding a default red. Sorry to mention this! It's not like it's a big deal to me. I haven't even noticed that Satele has a wrong color ;)

Edited by PavSalco
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The notes mention changes to a lot of Republic classes but not their Imperial counterparts. Is this merely bugfixing, or do the notes also apply to the Imperial classes as well?


He already answered this earlier in the thread. The changes are made to make the classes mirrored again.

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Since you address the color of Satele's saberstaff, you should know that Beniko has a different color as well :D

In the trailers she uses Orange-Red crystal while on the loading screen she is wielding a default red. Sorry to mention this! It's not like it's a big deal to me. I haven't even noticed that Satele has a wrong color ;)


Satele was known to use a blue crystal from the earlier CGI trailers, never a green one; Same with the trailers for SoR.


As far as Lana is concerned, I only wish they'd fix it in-game, not so much the artwork. The latter looks so much better IMHO. :p

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Since you address the color of Satele's saberstaff, you should know that Beniko has a different color as well :D

In the trailers she uses Orange-Red crystal while on the loading screen she is wielding a default red. Sorry to mention this! It's not like it's a big deal to me. I haven't even noticed that Satele has a wrong color ;)


I just wish they would add Marr to the loading screen. (Joke) But, we all know BioWare is Pro-Jedi!!!! (/Joke)

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Again we have problem with control option in preferences,again you can only scale camera distance for every 5 points,for example you can go from 20 to 25,nothing in between.

Normally it should be every 1 point.

Can you pls fix that?

Edited by Kikitigar
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