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Petition to make Brooding a passive ability for Carnage


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Nope, every Marauder spec needs this.


Yes I agree.


However, seeing how this is in the pvp forum, can you justify taking this over the two separate root breakers in the heroic utilities? I couldn't so I skipped it. I'm missing it badly but I felt the root break on prediction and camo was more valuable in pvp. Yes, no, indifferent?

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Yes I agree.


However, seeing how this is in the pvp forum, can you justify taking this over the two separate root breakers in the heroic utilities? I couldn't so I skipped it. I'm missing it badly but I felt the root break on prediction and camo was more valuable in pvp. Yes, no, indifferent?


I disagree. You can do without the cleanse on cammo before you can do without the extra fury/centering. That ability to use predation/transcendence without having to give up a zen burst cycle is essential for all three specs. And a tweak like this is one of the things the dev's could consider to close the gap between mara/sent and other high end melee DPS spec's like sins, PT's, and jugs.

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