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16m dropping half the token loot it should: response would be appreciated


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As all of the 16m community knows the loot has been cut in half for the new 16m ops. You used to get two token pieces a boss kill since you have twice the people in your raid. Now only one token item drops thus making 16m gearing take twice as long as it would for 2 8mans. So would like to hear an official response as to whether 16m ops is supposed to drop one token now or if this is a bug that'll be fixed soon so we can start doing 16m ops again instead of two 8mans.


If this is the way it is supposed to be I'd like the thought process behind such a change.

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Ruugar and Blaster's loot tables are being corrected in 3.0.1 for 16-Player Story Mode, and Blaster's loot table is being corrected for 16-Player Hard Mode.


What about the other bosses? Or did they get fixed already? Haven't tried 16 man this week yet.

Also any word on the performance in 16 man Operations (and in general) yet? It would go along way if Bioware could admit the performance drop since 3.0 hit. No it's not my computer, everyone in my guild sees it and many have been running 16 man since launch.

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Its pretty much ALL of the boss fights in 16 m except the FIRST one in each operation.


I've submitted 3 tickets already with screen shots, videos, time stamps and log files to get our team loot back.


My submission is pretty straight forward. Doing both 16 man SM you will be missing these items:

1 Helm

1 Glove

1 Offhand

1 Bracer

1 Chest

1 Mount (Debatable if 100% drop on 16m)

1 Ear

1 Belt

1 Pant

1 Relic

1 Mainhand

1 Banner

7 RNG items across all the bosses except FIRST on each operation and Lurker (Its broken in 16m)

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What about the other bosses? Or did they get fixed already? Haven't tried 16 man this week yet.

Also any word on the performance in 16 man Operations (and in general) yet? It would go along way if Bioware could admit the performance drop since 3.0 hit. No it's not my computer, everyone in my guild sees it and many have been running 16 man since launch.


I believe the general consensus is that the expansion introduced some memory leaks, because relogging can temporarily fix the problem, and then performance will steadily degrade at a consistent rate.

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OK Bioware.. you're killing 16m raiding. There is no point running 16m for loot.. only achievements. Loot tables seems switched with 8m..


Get your act together and fix it.




Yep what he said, you fixed none of the other bosses. All the bosses other than the ones mentioned in patch notes still drop one token. For some reason I had hope that maybe the others got fixed since last time I tried it. But nope just one token per boss. No reason to do 16m anymore until this gets fixed.

Edited by Keypek
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-Ruugar and Blaster’s loot tables have been corrected on 16-Player Story Mode The Ravagers, and they now drop two pieces of Massassi gear instead of one.


OH GUESS WHAT!!! The last boss still dropped one token piece. Excellent waste of our time doing a 16m raid again. Good god.


Bllaster was the only boss to drop more than 1 token piece.

Edited by Keypek
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Honestly I'm not really sure what is supposed to drop how much anymore. We killed the first boss in hm 16m of each operation and RAvagers dropped 3 implants and the ToS one dropped 3 relics. So SM is bugged the bad way and so far HM is bugged in a good way? I don't know, so confused.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.. Jan 3, 2015 (30 days after launch) - I can confirm that 16m SM is still NOT dropping 2x of the same token on any boss fight except first ONE in each operation. Sort of a PUG Killer for motivation to do GF or 16m ops.


I can confirm that 16m HM is dropping at LEAST 2x same tokens for what appears to be MOST of the Boss fights. (Running several, patch notes 12/6 for Blaster 2x Bracers).


So.. the "New Loot" model for 16m SM should be ditched and use the 16m HM mode w/2x of each Token drop.


PS: All my tickets have been closed with "looking into it.. will let you know"... Ya... lots of faith I'll see that RETRO gear show up in an RNG fashion to team members that should have had this loot 3-4 weeks ago.


I'm sorry.. Who would roll out a new crappy loot model in 16 SM, but use an old loot model in 16 HM?

Edited by dscount
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Honestly I'm not really sure what is supposed to drop how much anymore. We killed the first boss in hm 16m of each operation and RAvagers dropped 3 implants and the ToS one dropped 3 relics. So SM is bugged the bad way and so far HM is bugged in a good way? I don't know, so confused.


Actually the "new loot model" apparently has an RNG factor that you can get 1-3 relics and 1-3 implants on the first boss PLUS chance of Relic on 2-5 boss fights. The problem is that 16m SM seems like the BASELINE loot is not the 2x locked in model like HM has and loot is almost identical to 8m SM with like 1-2 more RNG pieces.


CS folks actually said we are just very unlucky to never see 2x of the same token in 16m SM. (4 weeks later still have yet to see 2x of same set bonus token, mainhand, offhand except first boss on each OP)

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Ruugar and Blaster's loot tables are being corrected in 3.0.1 for 16-Player Story Mode, and Blaster's loot table is being corrected for 16-Player Hard Mode.




Why are we not seeing 2x Token Drop like 16m HM in our 16m SM runs?


Patch 3.0.1 did add more RNG gear for 16m SM, but NOT 2x token drops like 16m HM:

  • Ruugar and Blaster’s loot tables have been corrected on 16-Player Story Mode The Ravagers, and they now drop two pieces of Massassi gear instead of one.
  • Blaster’s 16-Player Hard Mode The Ravagers loot table has been corrected, and now drops two Revanite Wrist pieces instead of one.

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I sure hope this is fixed.. makes doing GF with PUG a complete waste of time. Better to just run with guildies and clear all the content for almost the same loot drop.


TAIT - oh wise one of the DEV contacts.... please tell us this is getting fixed to be like 16m HM content? (2x Token of each token per boss)

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