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Sents and mara's stay outta pvp


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You know every time you que you're now just a drain on the others in that grp


problem is, they buffed to much sins i mean pre 3.0 they were very strong class, but now they are even better, self heals, good def cd's, stun immunity, double shroud, stealth, burst, name it, yhey have it. Or powertechs, i see them dominate wz with an oustanding damage, amd their f1 mode on HO, bioware pls fire at once the guy who did this ****

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lol with over 5 mil in heals hahahaha wow!!!! I guess that's what it takes. If anything you only proved what i already said. HOW THE HELL DID YOU DIE 4 TIMES? Oh wait you were dps farming and also least medals earned please post more of these.The saddest part is if you werent the only sent there you would have lost that match.

Edited by mcpark
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Q.Q i took over 1 mil dmg and was being tunneled the whole game by like 3 people with no guard xD what do u think i am? a juggernaut?


I didnt say the class was in a good place i was just saying they arent that much of a drain :p


I mean... you need a healer but sentinels have ALWAYS needed a healer to excell.


keep being mad tho <3

Edited by AngusFTW
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Q.Q i took over 1 mil dmg and was being tunneled the whole game by like 3 people with no guard xD what do u think i am? a juggernaut?


I didnt say the class was in a good place i was just saying they arent that much of a drain :p


I mean... you need a healer but sentinels have ALWAYS needed a healer to excell.


keep being mad tho <3


ok ok ill give you that much but what im saying is it took a canned hunt to get that number it means little. The biggest prob i can think of is if sent/mara get anything in the future with the current state sorc/sage are in they will scream they're now op and now need another nerf this always happens

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well ya but i've done top dmg in wzs without healers as watchman in 3.0... fact is.. most guys in regs are bad so play your sent in pvp if you want if you play smart and know how to do dmg you'll do fine. I'm semi trolling anyway..but to tell a certain class not to queue for any pvp is kinda stupid... ranked is something else entirely but its mainly cause they buffed the derpdot classes that where already strongest in it , killing hard swaps, encouraging derp in group ranked and mara/sent was never the best yolo queue class anyway since 4dps games where never our strong point especially after jugs got enraged defense buffed...


not even my first time doing 2k though though the other time a hatred assasin on the other side (we won btw) did 2.6k xD Watchman/anni really is kinda like a gimped version of that spec now imo

Edited by AngusFTW
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well ya but i've done top dmg in wzs without healers as watchman in 3.0... fact is.. most guys in regs are bad so play your sent in pvp if you want if you play smart and know how to do dmg you'll do fine. I'm semi trolling anyway..but to tell a certain class not to queue for any pvp is kinda stupid... ranked is something else entirely but its mainly cause they buffed the derpdot classes that where already strongest in it , killing hard swaps, encouraging derp in group ranked and mara/sent was never the best yolo queue class anyway since 4dps games where never our strong point especially after jugs got enraged defense buffed...


not even my first time doing 2k though though the other time a hatred assasin on the other side (we won btw) did 2.6k xD Watchman/anni really is kinda like a gimped version of that spec now imo


Ummm ok now you think youre the troll here.

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I believe that very soon they will balance some classes, especially powertech and the stun immunity of shadow / sin.

I still wonder which are the reasons why devs have decided to buff classes already strong as assassin, sorc and powertech.


And for what ******* reason they nerfed sentinels / marauders so much...

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I believe that very soon they will balance some classes, especially powertech and the stun immunity of shadow / sin.

I still wonder which are the reasons why devs have decided to buff classes already strong as assassin, sorc and powertech.


And for what ******* reason they nerfed sentinels / marauders so much...


Because com/carn got a small buff mid season the other classes got used to underpowered warriors so they took it as the warrior classes were op only because so few stuck around after the 2.7 nerf they simply got used to them not really being a prob to deal with bam small buff the class explodes and the tears start which is what i fear will happen this time

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sure ok lets say its the only reason :cool:

they werent that amazing... hence team was wiped once or twice :p watchman since its kinda a derp dot spec actually does decent dmg but as i said hatred/serenity light.


i'm in no way saying.. omg look at me im great look at my DMG im saying sent can still do decent dps in wzs.. if you are as stubborn about your main class as mine. Yes we're actually kinda low in the pecking order now but if you play smart you can still do fairly well.

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sure ok lets say its the only reason :cool:

they werent that amazing... hence team was wiped once or twice :p watchman since its kinda a derp dot spec actually does decent dmg but as i said hatred/serenity light.


i'm in no way saying.. omg look at me im great look at my DMG im saying sent can still do decent dps in wzs..


you proved it. you only need the entire team to heal you. we get it

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I like how no one has acknowledged my screen shot of 1900 dps in carnage with zero healers and dying 3 times, invalidate his screen shot all you want but mine proves his point that maras are still solid.


http://i.imgur.com/PTPPUuB.png it looks like the other team ran over you and could really care less about what you were doing

Edited by mcpark
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