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Video: NovaDive Jedi


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I've seen lots of good pictures on this forum, but not too many people post videos. Well, here's my video!



Although nothing extraordinary happened, I at least enjoy watching it. I'd appreciate any advice to improve my flying.


I was on the Shadowlands. I used the free trial version of Fraps, which limits each recording to 30 seconds, then combined the recordings, and also upgraded the music.

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Open broadcast is freeware and allows you to record to your hard drive and/or stream to twitch. Probably a lot easier than stitching together 30 sec fragments.

Not bad flying at all. Some minor stuff: There was once when you forgot to use F3 at the match beginning (~4:10) and another instance when you died from a missile when you could have used your missile break (barrel roll) (~2:38). Your gunship approaches were good, aim could have been a bit better, but you stopped firing when you should have for the most part.

It's cool you decided to post a video. Do you have a premade you usually fly with?

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Wow that looked like a lot of work to piece together really great job, the quality is amazing. The music was awesome!


Yallia pointed out the 2 really glaring mistakes however the barrel roll mistake he referred too, I noticed you were out of energy and actually trying to break it with barrel so that's more of an energy managed issue of making sure you always have enough energy to barrel when it's up. The other was the missed power swap on spawn where you head all the way to A on balanced power, a mistake I'm sure you don't do very often.


Your anti gunship play is phenomenal! The way you charge with disto then do the 180 and land almost perfectly at 500m was some really solid flying.


My only big suggestions would be maybe use "W" and "S" more? (full power and lesser power)

Also maybe trying shooting with power to engines on when you are at full weapon power and like 5% engine power, you sacrifice some burst damage but atleast you will have some engine power if you have to bail. This is really finicky when using light lasers however as they have pretty high draw already, just something to think about. Firing in other power settings for a couple of seconds can do wonders in certain situations.


This is really nit picky stuff though was really solid flying. Thanks for the video. ^^

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You need to manuever more and try to stay with the pack, otherwise enemy will just eat you in tough games.

Rocketpod builds are great for clearing turret defences and killing gunships, but this way i think laser cannons are best suited for the job because of their closer range to rocketpods. Personally i use sabotage probes on my t1 scout with emp blast combo for hunting gunships, try that some day :D:hope_01:

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This is a fun video. I would encourage new/intermediate pilots to focus on the attack approach to gunships. Several different angles are demonstrated in this video with different responses by the gunships. For scouts, flight path is generally more important and harder to teach/learn than cooldown management.


I think the build is fine. It is a reasonably high dps build with good mobility for the Denon map. You are getting inside 3000 meters with a centered target to fly to your build.


Thanks for posting this.

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I noticed you were out of energy and actually trying to break it with barrel so that's more of an energy managed issue of making sure you always have enough energy to barrel when it's up.


Nice catch, I missed that. Can't do the move when you ain't got the power.

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Very nice video. Excellent music.


I agree with what has been said already. I'll add a few comments about the play.


I feel like you broke off too early in some of your engagements. For example, against the Mangler at ~0:52, you should have turned and pressed him till he was dead or safely well away from contesting the node. He didn't have a peel available, and by breaking off when you did you gave him the chance to shoot you as you re-entered the scrum at A. This would have been extremely ill-advised if the target were a more dangerous gunship pilot.


It's arguable whether you should have immediately pressed your advantage on the minelayer (Skirne) at the very beginning. Minelayers are much easier to dislodge on approach, and I think you should have risked the mine when you were at full health for a chance to take him out early, with pre-emptive dfield use to counter the gunship charging on you. As it was, the minelayer was alive to contest (and win) the node later on. A life spent early is often worth it for a small bit of early advantage in domination. As it was, it didn't matter in this match, but still.

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did I hear Video?




maybe this Looks a bit unfamiliar to some of u ^^


pls enjoy


Fun video I love me some highlight reels.


However this really shows just how far we have come in a year of playing. This video is pretty and the music is awesome but the pilot is making a ton of mistakes.


I really wish I had recorded myself flying in that first month just to see how far I've come as well.


Thanks for sharing I had never seen this. :)

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Thanks for all the positive response, and Hitomo's video too!


Open broadcast is freeware and allows you to record to your hard drive and/or stream to twitch. Probably a lot easier than stitching together 30 sec fragments.


Thanks for the tip about Open Broadcast! I've recorded a few complete matches so far. None of them went according to the script in my mind ;)


It seems to need more CPU than Fraps though. I'll tinker some more to see if I can get better frame rates.


Your anti gunship play is phenomenal! The way you charge with disto then do the 180 and land almost perfectly at 500m was some really solid flying.


I feel like you broke off too early in some of your engagements. For example, against the Mangler at ~0:52, you should have turned and pressed him till he was dead or safely well away from contesting the node. He didn't have a peel available,


I assume you are talking about the same moment... How did he manage to turn around so quickly? Was he using Rotational Thrusters? If so, he really made the best use of them!


BTW, the thought did occur to me to mix in soundtrack from Top Gun for whenever I got close to Val'kill-more :)

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Man, this was fun to watch. Overall quality play, 10/10 music and sound clips.


One thing I noticed was that there were a lot of times when your cursor was not on the target -- you were aiming a bit to the right or the left (most notable when you're chasing the bomber around B, forget the time). Now, 32% accuracy with LLCs and pods isn't bad at all (I'm generally in the 40%-50% range with BLCs and pods), but obviously there's room for improvement.


I think this might be related to your mouse sensitivity. Compared to mine, your cursor is just flying around the screen. When I start a match, I turn my mouse down to about 400 DPI. For anything but GSF, that's absolutely crawling, but given the amount of precision we need to land a shot, I find it's really helpful for flying. I used to have it at 500 DPI, but I switched down a bit when people started tensoring around a sat.


Remember to vary your speed with the accelerate and decelerate buttons (W and S for you WASD scrubs, E and D for proper gamers). Not only does this help you move more precisely (by closing distant targets faster or managing your distance from close targets), but it also makes your flying more erratic and thus makes you harder to hit.

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I think this might be related to your mouse sensitivity. Compared to mine, your cursor is just flying around the screen. When I start a match, I turn my mouse down to about 400 DPI. For anything but GSF, that's absolutely crawling, but given the amount of precision we need to land a shot, I find it's really helpful for flying. I used to have it at 500 DPI, but I switched down a bit when people started tensoring around a sat.


It took a few people to say it, but I finally got the message... and invested in a proper mouse that had proper DPI settings.


Yes, there is a difference between a $5 mouse and a $60 mouse. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not getting very good performance out of Open Broadcast in terms of frame rate, compared to Fraps, so I haven't been recording my matches.


But, tonight, I was with some good pilots in a deathmatch against Xi'ao and Ygri'tte and I sensed a good match coming so I went for it. And it was a nail-biter!


The frame rate I experienced wasn't quite as bad as the video and probably didn't affect my shooting. I'm not sure if the other players saw me stuttering or jumping though. As always, any advice is welcome!


And if anyone is wondering about the name, see

If you still don't get it, go here.
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Nice videos, you should play on Pub side at night more often


He doesn't?


That was a confusing match - we were ahead 48-46 or something at the end and I thought it'd be fine, but then got rushed by 2 guys that kept me busy till the match ended. A hard carry. Well done to your side.

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