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3.0+ PvP Individual Class Records


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Know these records won't hold up for long, but to help fill up the boards!


Game Type - Warzones

Section - Biggest Hit

Class - Juggernaut

Rank - 2

Name - Yuuzhan

Record - 13,533

Link - http://i.imgur.com/CCGirUJ.jpg?1


Game Type - Arena

Section - Healing per second

Class - Sorc

Rank - 1

Name - Seraphyne

Record - 2372.04

Link - http://i.imgur.com/XalitIn.jpg?1


Game Type - Arena

Section - Biggest Heal

Class - Sorc

Rank - 1

Name - Seraphyne

Record - 12,803

Link - http://i.imgur.com/mQzmbdO.jpg?1


Game Type - Warzones

Section - Healing per second

Class - Sorc

Rank - 3

Name - Seraphyne

Record - 2898.41

Link - http://i.imgur.com/xIARMMD.jpg?1


Game Type - Warzones

Section - solo kills

Class - Powertech

Rank - 1

Name - Jerichô

Record - 6

Link - http://i.imgur.com/Vo4cNx8.jpg?1

Edited by xeraphyne
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http://i.imgur.com/Wl4ZwK9.jpg - Arena, Sorc DPS for Going. (Side note, this was a weird match. We loaded in to a 2 v 4 and only played one round, yet it said we lost two of them.)


http://i.imgur.com/DAEfdR0.jpg - Warzone, Sorc HPS for Tigolbitties. Not sure where it ranks. Also, could you fix the overall healing that Tigolbitties has currently? It's listed under merc.. :p


Edit: http://i.imgur.com/qWnJIlB.jpg Warzone, Most damage taken by Sorc. Wish I had a guard that match. :(

Edited by Tykhelituss
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Game Type - Arena

Section - Heals Per Second

Class - Operative

Rank - 1

Name - Maulum

Record - 3456.71

Link - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1419911139_Maul-3400-HPS.jpg




Gametype: Arena

Section: HPS (scoundrel/operative)

Name: Telre

Rank: 1

Record: 3573.04






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Game Type - Warzones

Section - Most Damage Taken

Class - Sage

Rank - 2

Name - Monala

Record - 1516424

Link - http://i.imgur.com/bNxrkc0.png


Game Type - Warzones

Section - Most Damage Taken

Class - scoundrel

Rank - 2

Name - jon-boy

Record - 1101730

Link - http://i.imgur.com/OkLOdIW.png


Game Type - Warzones

Section - Most Damage Taken

Class - Sentinel

Name - Dr'on

Rank - 1

Record - 1094943

Link - http://i.imgur.com/cfrFaxy.png


Game Type - Warzone

Section - Most Damage Taken

Class - Jugg

Name- Yuuzhan

Rank - 2

Record - 1143249

Link - http://i.imgur.com/BevQ9lJ.png


Game Type - Arena

Section - Biggest Heal

Class - Sorc

Name - Seraphyne

Rank - 1

Record - 13758

Link - http://i.imgur.com/8gxv6ki.png

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I wanted to announce a few things this week.


First and most importantly, Seraphyne has agreed to help me with the records and it is help greatly needed and appreciated so thank her when you see her. I will still be updating this main thread myself but Sera will be providing support with validating screenshots, checking for accuracy, etc. So if she posts anything in relation to the records please take it as you would coming from me. In addition Sera and I will both be updating the records on torcommunity @ http://torcommunity.com/database/pvp-records/us. Thank you very much Sera.


Second, please post in the proper format. I can't express how much this helps us maintain accurate records and speeds up the process so we can have updates done as quickly and as often as possible.


BTW, Yuuz. I changed my name to Yoonii if you want to change my Operatives records to that. Thanks!


I will not be updating name changes on the thread. The reason for this is that the update will occur naturally anyway when one of two things happens: A. You break your own record which will then overwrite your previous record with the old toon name. B. Other ppl break your record and you record/old name falls off the boards. I would love to do this for ppl but it would be a lot of work and eat up a lot of time if we updated anytime someone decided to change their name. In this instance and one time only, your name has been updated because Sera was nice enough to update it for you and was not aware of my rule on that.


http://i.imgur.com/Wl4ZwK9.jpg - Arena, Sorc DPS for Going. (Side note, this was a weird match. We loaded in to a 2 v 4 and only played one round, yet it said we lost two of them.)


I realize this was a wierd match and was only one round of a 2 v 4. Unfortunately bioware's matchmaking system for pvp leaves much to be desired. However in the interest of fairness this would be considered a valid game. Normally in the interest of balance arena records are only valid if they are the total/overall stats for the game. This means that the screenshot must show the overall tab statistics not the round 1 or round 2. However in the screenshot you can see that there was no round 1. Therefore I will accept this record as valid.



http://i.imgur.com/DAEfdR0.jpg - Warzone, Sorc HPS for Tigolbitties. Not sure where it ranks. Also, could you fix the overall healing that Tigolbitties has currently? It's listed under merc.. :p



This has been fixed. Sorry.


All records have been updated.




Edited by Babychka
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