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Mando/Merc healer augments? Mainstat or...?


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Hi all,


With the price of purple augment 36s I'd like to get it right the first time. Is everyone going with the Advanced Reflex Augment 36? Or is it now better to stack Alacrity? Or...is everyone waiting for a Dulfy guide to pop up before augmenting?





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Hi all,


With the price of purple augment 36s I'd like to get it right the first time. Is everyone going with the Advanced Reflex Augment 36? Or is it now better to stack Alacrity? Or...is everyone waiting for a Dulfy guide to pop up before augmenting?






You can still go reflex or overkill, either would work fine. Yes overkill will give you more bonus dmg/healing, but if you're a healer it's almost negligible (less than 4 points) and main stat still counts towards your crit chance. I wouldn't commit all 14 slots to anyone aug until you've min/max'ed your armor pieces, since each aug gives slightly less than a mod or enhancement. For instance you could add one more power mod by using a crit aug instead. In the meantime if you wanna save some creds throw some blues in there instead.

Edited by TezMoney
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Asked the same thing on the fleet and got 3 answers, 1 claimed power rules, 1 claimed alacrity is king and 1 said mainstat is the way to go. So what gives? Im trying to gear a merc healer for pvp...


When we had the 9% boost to aim, mainstat went further than it does now. With the main stat boost gone, it isn't necessary to go full out reflex augs. Keep in mind that one Nimble mod has +82 crit rating which is approximately +1.50 crit chance. TEN reflex augments gives 52*10 = 520 aim which is approximately +1.55% crit chance. Power also contributes more to bonus damage and bonus healing than aim does (0.23 vs. 0.20 and 0.17 vs. 0.14, respectively). So if you wanted to go overkill augs, you could offset the loss of crit from main stat with just one or two crit pieces. And note that two overkill augs give more power than you would lose by swapping an agile mod for a nimble mod.


Therefore, the remaining power augs are giving a total bonus over the aim augs.

Edited by Osxoba
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When we had the 9% boost to aim, mainstat went further than it does now. With the main stat boost gone, it isn't necessary to go full out reflex augs. Keep in mind that one Nimble mod has +82 crit rating which is approximately +1.50 crit chance. TEN reflex augments gives 52*10 = 520 aim which is approximately +1.55% crit chance. Power also contributes more to bonus damage and bonus healing than aim does (0.23 vs. 0.20 and 0.17 vs. 0.14, respectively). So if you wanted to go overkill augs, you could offset the loss of crit from main stat with just one or two crit pieces. And note that two overkill augs give more power than you would lose by swapping an agile mod for a nimble mod.


Therefore, the remaining power augs are giving a total bonus over the aim augs.

Thats very nice to know, thank you! How about alacrity then?
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I'm not so sure yet about alacrity, I'm still trying to make judgement at this point. We haven't been able to raid yet to see how much difference exists. Though I would assume that 5% alacrity would give a 5% boost to your DPS.

While I wouldn't stack full alacrity since it takes quite a bit to get a decent alacrity %. Consider the numbers here, with +111 alacrity on a 192 enhancement.

111 ---> +1.46%

222 ---> +2.86%

333 ---> +4.19%

444 ---> +5.45%


So if you went with alacrity augs at +52 alacrity, you would need 8 of them to get 5% alacrity, and at least 3 +111 enhancements and 2 +52 alacrity augments to get 5% alacrity. It just seems like such a heavy investment for 5% bonus.

If you can hit 3500 dps without alacrity, you would possible see 3500*(1.05) = 3675 dps with 5% alacrity, at most. I say at most, because you would be losing surge in exchange for alacrity.


If you are a DPS you already need 757 accuracy to be at 100%, which is 4 - 7, +111 accuracy enhancements depending on how you decide to augment and your earpieces/implants. Leaving only 3-6 enhancements open for surge/alacrity.

Edited by Osxoba
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I haven't done any hard math on it, but due to the fact that commando healers get more surge than anything else in the entire game (in addition to some crit talents), I'm very tempted to say that reflex augments are superior. The difference in max HPS is unlikely to be significant though.


Alacrity augments are most definitely not BiS for this class.

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When we had the 9% boost to aim, mainstat went further than it does now. With the main stat boost gone, it isn't necessary to go full out reflex augs. Keep in mind that one Nimble mod has +82 crit rating which is approximately +1.50 crit chance. TEN reflex augments gives 52*10 = 520 aim which is approximately +1.55% crit chance. Power also contributes more to bonus damage and bonus healing than aim does (0.23 vs. 0.20 and 0.17 vs. 0.14, respectively). So if you wanted to go overkill augs, you could offset the loss of crit from main stat with just one or two crit pieces. And note that two overkill augs give more power than you would lose by swapping an agile mod for a nimble mod.


Therefore, the remaining power augs are giving a total bonus over the aim augs.


5% bonus mainstat buff ignored there.

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And increase in damage and healing

I added and then deleted it, but since you mentioned it.


Bonus damage: 520 aim yields 520 * 0.2 * 1.05^2 = 114.66

Bonus damage: 520 pow 520 * 0.23 * 1.05 = 125.58


Bonus healing (aim) : 520 * 0.14 * 1.05^2 = 80.262

Bonus healing (pow): 520 * 0.17 * 1.05 = 92.82


Again not a huge difference , but it is nonzero.

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I added and then deleted it, but since you mentioned it.


Bonus damage: 520 aim yields 520 * 0.2 * 1.05^2 = 114.66

Bonus damage: 520 pow 520 * 0.23 * 1.05 = 125.58


Bonus healing (aim) : 520 * 0.14 * 1.05^2 = 80.262

Bonus healing (pow): 520 * 0.17 * 1.05 = 92.82


Again not a huge difference , but it is nonzero.


Exactly what I was saying. The difference for healers is almost negligible between pwr and aim. You just need to decide if you need the extra .13% crit chance per aim aug over the extra 1.56 bonus healing per power aug. It's possible that you can get more bonus heals with all aim augs if you swap enough of your crit mods or enhancements in your gear with pwr ones.


EDIT: Had to rephrase.

EDIT II: After doing more math I figure if you can replace at least 129 crit rating with power in your gear, you'll have a net gain from using all aim augs with an additional 1.82% crit chance. So if you have more than 129 crit and losing it wouldn't cost you more than 1.82%, it's a net gain over all. Now if you don't care about that 1.82% crit, then pow is the way to go.

Edited by TezMoney
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Exactly what I was saying. The difference for healers is almost negligible between pwr and aim. You just need to decide if you need the extra .13% crit chance per aim aug over the extra 1.56 bonus healing per power aug. It's possible that you can get more bonus heals with all aim augs if you swap enough of your crit mods or enhancements in your gear with pwr ones.


EDIT: Had to rephrase.

EDIT II: After doing more math I figure if you can replace at least 129 crit rating with power in your gear, you'll have a net gain from using aim augs with an additional 1.82% crit chance. So if you have more than 129 crit and losing it wouldn't cost you more than 1.82%, it's a net gain over all. Now if you don't care about that 1.82% crit, then pow is the way to go.

Keep up the testing guys, this is priceless info for the entire merc/mando community!
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