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Pat on the back to you 3.0 healers


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I know there's a lot of whining and crying out there after the patch that healers got nerfed and people are dying in HM FPs and such. As a tank, and though I'm not the best, I'm not the worst either, I completely feel for you healers. Holy crap tanks take way more damage than they used to. And even in the HMs that I've done, and managed to get the team on the same page (CCs, waiting for healer to recover, playing smart, etc) even the best laid plans seem like they are taxing on the healers. But I am having fun with the new HMs. It's so much better than facerolling everything.


So kudos to all you that stuck with the healing class. You keep healing, I'll keep tanking for you. I know it's not easy, but I want you to know that at least one tank noticed you're doing a good job. Hang in there, it'll get better!

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Thanks for the encouraging words :)


Only healed two 60HMs, a few tacticals, Dread Council and the first two bosses of Ravagers since the patch hit, but I'm acutely feeling the change (I wasn't the best healer to begin with). That said, everyone I've played with has shown uncharacteristic caution and tactical judgement, and demonstrated expert use of CC and DCDs to make up for my barely sufficient healing. Kudos to everyone who's adjusting their game!


In other news, Roaming Mend and Kolto Waves are insanely fun :D

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So kudos to all you that stuck with the healing class. You keep healing, I'll keep tanking for you. I know it's not easy, but I want you to know that at least one tank noticed you're doing a good job. Hang in there, it'll get better!

As a noob tank just starting Ops, I agree with the OP. I know people are still adjusting, and others are whingeing, but my Ops experiences/lessons would be a lot shorter without you guys.


Keep it up :)

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I understand everyone's frustration. As a healer, I feel we were nerfed just a little too much. But in my opinion (and this applies STRICTLY to me) I love it for now. I was one of the top healers on my server before 3.0 and healing got a little boring. There was no sense of danger that someone would really die because one heal would fix all of that. So I like the new sense of challenge. But with that being said, heals need to be improved better (which I'm sure will come with gear). Everyone should have fun and be challenged with their class regardless of how well they play it.
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Why is everyone claiming that healing has become hard. It never really was. I healed all new HM flashpoints, 2 new operations, and it's pretty easy as it used to be. There are just some new mechanics where tank can be almost one shotted (like if tank will just stand in rapid fire on Sword Squadron Units).
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Thanks OP. As a healer I've found that my heals just aren't as strong as they once were, nor am I really criting as heavily as I did previously,and I think it's mainly gear based. The new 186 gear doesn't seem that strong, but now that I've got a few pieces of the 192 I've found my heals getting back to where I remember them to a degree. I agree that healing is a bit more challenging in the way that now you have to use more of your heal abilities. Before I could bring a team back from a huge misstep without really any problem, now it's a much bigger deal if someone does something stupid that I've got to kind of go overboard to help. And yeah I thought I would absolutely hate losing orbital strike to deal with the adds who seemingly love to attack me all the time en mass, but kolto waves is so unbelievably useful.
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Thanks for the positive post :) As an operative healer I'm feeling the change, big time, but I'm still really enjoying Rishi and Yavin 4 and the 3.0 expansion as a whole. Just need a little time to relearn the class :)


Since you're also an Op healer like myself, I'm curious to hear what has been your biggest change has been? I'm just curious about your experiences and how they compare to mine.

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i think one thing that people are forgetting as far as healing (and tanking, for that matter) goes is that a lot of us who used to be absurdly overgeared for content simply aren't anymore. We're doing the new content at level and at the gear level recommended for it...rather than people in full dreadforged running through 55 HM's on autopilot, we actually have to pay attention now.


Add to that that the new HM's are actually harder, and require more coordination than the previous ones, I think these changes overall are good.


Plus, most of us are relearning our rotations with the new abilities and energy management that 3.0 brought us.

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Glad to read some positive feedback. And I agree with nearly all that was said so far. I do enjoy learning the new, harder mechanics, and doing all the tank dancing I can to try and keep my team as safe as I can. It's been fun so far. I'm really looking forward to getting into the new ops to see how those go.
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Why is everyone claiming that healing has become hard. It never really was. I healed all new HM flashpoints, 2 new operations, and it's pretty easy as it used to be. There are just some new mechanics where tank can be almost one shotted (like if tank will just stand in rapid fire on Sword Squadron Units).


I don't know about the new content, it's the old lvl 55 HMs that have become a <strike>nightmare</strike> challenge. Repeated wipes of overgeared regulars are the new normal.

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That said, everyone I've played with has shown uncharacteristic caution and tactical judgement, and demonstrated expert use of CC and DCDs to make up for my barely sufficient healing. Kudos to everyone who's adjusting their game!


Kind of harkens back to the good old days of MMO raiding when everyone had to actually do their roles, use all their skills, and do them well to avoid a wipe. :)


A good outcome IMO, but I understand that people who have become accustomed to group content being a faceroll in SWTOR got a little gut punch with the expac.

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i think one thing that people are forgetting as far as healing (and tanking, for that matter) goes is that a lot of us who used to be absurdly overgeared for content simply aren't anymore. We're doing the new content at level and at the gear level recommended for it...rather than people in full dreadforged running through 55 HM's on autopilot, we actually have to pay attention now.


Add to that that the new HM's are actually harder, and require more coordination than the previous ones, I think these changes overall are good.


Plus, most of us are relearning our rotations with the new abilities and energy management that 3.0 brought us.


This. When we first entered lvl 55 Hard Modes in Rakata gear it was the same feeling. We had to be careful what we pulled, we had to use a CC here and there, etc. And as everyone was getting gear it became much easier to the point where you could even lose someone and not bother with getting a replacement.


Then you can start carrying undergeared people. I saw people entering these new FPs with less than 35K health, I am sorry but today we can't carry you.

Edited by demotivator
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This. When we first entered lvl 55 Hard Modes in Rakata gear it was the same feeling. We had to be careful what we pulled, we had to use a CC here and there, etc. And as everyone was getting gear it became much easier to the point where you could even lose someone and not bother with getting a replacement.


I'm currently having a similar experiejnce with my Sage (ex-Healer, now damage, might return to Healer at one point, but OI'm not sure about that) in the Black Hole, fresh with no modifications over 100 rating. I've got to be careful where to go, because I pull so easily mobs now ... Hat repair cost of 11.000 Credits in the Republic Black Hole H4 because of that yesterday ...

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i think one thing that people are forgetting as far as healing (and tanking, for that matter) goes is that a lot of us who used to be absurdly overgeared for content simply aren't anymore. We're doing the new content at level and at the gear level recommended for it...rather than people in full dreadforged running through 55 HM's on autopilot, we actually have to pay attention now.


Add to that that the new HM's are actually harder, and require more coordination than the previous ones, I think these changes overall are good.


Plus, most of us are relearning our rotations with the new abilities and energy management that 3.0 brought us.


Also, I found that some people don't know the mechanics yet because they never paid attention to the mechanics in the tactical versions.....people could just stomp through them and use the healing stations if needed. So you have some people who waltz into the HM version thinking they already know it because they have done the tactical version, yet they don't even know some of the basis mechanics because they never had to pay attention to them in the tactical version.

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To me it seems that my beloved commando medic is performing much, much better than before. I finally don't feel useless anymore when I play her. My attacks are also much better, it's like she is a hybrid now without having done anything for it. The new ammo management is great. I'm happy.
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