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Which ship to get


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I love GSF and stockpiled the Fleet requisition points over time. (after getting crew members unlocked as per Stasie's Galactic Starfighter guide.


I love the Blackbolt and the Rycer but they do lack bit on the edge. (both upgraded and working on T4-5 modules now)

eg Blackbolt is needing some punch even if I have it with Lasers and the DF bug has hamper it a lot.

While the Rycer is a damn good ship but not fast enough.


So I would like the thoughts of some who have more experience than me.


Is it a better option to open the Razorwire & Mangler before anything else, for more team support options, or go for the Sting which seems like a nice ship, fast, agile packing more punch then the Blackbolt, and afterwards open the others?


I do not want to spend 5K on ships that I might not like, waiting more time to open better options of the style of ships I like to play.


(FYI I have 15k worth of ship requisition chips to cash so all ships going to get that boost to start with).


Thank you.

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The mangler and razorwire are very different playstyles then the two ships you have grown accustom with. If you would rather keep doing the dogfighting styles get the sting, but if you are looking for something different to bring more diversity to your ship line up then go for the mangler and razorwire.


Hope that helps if you're looking for more info then that let me know I can go into more detail. :)

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You could also get the Imperium if you wanted more team support options while retaining some dogfight functionality you've grown used to flying the Rycer. I gather the best system ability (Repair Probes) is currently bugged at the T5 upgrade level so that might be a reason to wait until after the bugs are patched to unlock it.
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In the current meta, I am enjoying Quell greatly. Now that I have more locks this boat plays nicely. Mangler and Razorwire both sit on my bar in case I need to counter certain groups out there.


Which is on the back of my mind to go down that route.

Many times the team needs a Bomber or a Gunship, however I do not know if I would perform on their role well.


And while I know boom & zoom on satellite turrets is tough with the Blackbolt, it is feasible, when DF is working again of course...


However, I do not want to splash the 5K fleet requisition and find that I have two ships that are sitting on my hangar. :(

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If you are a new player, I have found that the Legion/Warcarrier is particularly easy to contribute with. A large portion of your damage comes from your drones and mines which require no aiming ability AND you can get a repair drone to heal your hull damage as well as the hull damage of others. While your drones/mines are doing the heavy lifting, you can work on learning how to aim with your primary weapons confident in the fact that your lack of accuracy isn't killing the team.


The Legion/Warcarrier is less effective in a PuG TDM match, but even there it can be a valuable addition to a team. After all, any team-member you manage to save through heals or area denial is one fewer kill the enemy team is able to get.

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While Drako's summary is great, I will add this: if you are factoring in the fleet req cost, then the story does change.


Both the 2500 fleet req ships are on the main list, the Razorwire and the Mangler. That means you could buy BOTH of them instead of the Sting or the Warcarrier.


I believe that this is the actual correct choice, if fleet req is the limiting reagent. Not only are these ships very strong, but if fleet req matters, it is HALF.



That being said, I strongly suggest you unlock at least:

Razorwire, Legion, Mangler, Jurgoran, Sting, Imperium.



The other ships are fun as well, but most of the unique GSF experience and niche strengths are locked up in the list above.





Also on map types:

If you unlock the Razorwire and play it on Domination and the Mangler and play it on TDM, you'll be having a pretty cool time with some different playstyles. If you unlock the Legion, you sort of have to decide (at first, at least) whether to use it to defend small areas or threaten large ones- an interdiction drone on a satellite is a huge threat, but it is much less interesting in TDM, while a railgun drone will help a lot more in TDM than Domination, etc. In general, having a ship or two that are better at domination on your bar, and another couple for TDM is just a good strategy, and while you can, for instance, just play a Sting on either and do great, a Razorwire can be hard to play in TDM, etc.

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If you are a new player, I have found that the Legion/Warcarrier is particularly easy to contribute with. A large portion of your damage comes from your drones and mines which require no aiming ability AND you can get a repair drone to heal your hull damage as well as the hull damage of others. While your drones/mines are doing the heavy lifting, you can work on learning how to aim with your primary weapons confident in the fact that your lack of accuracy isn't killing the team.


The Legion/Warcarrier is less effective in a PuG TDM match, but even there it can be a valuable addition to a team. After all, any team-member you manage to save through heals or area denial is one fewer kill the enemy team is able to get.


Actually I do not have issues with dogfights :D While still learning, I am happy with my current skill and what I can do :) can only improve with time but I am on pretty good ground atm.



@Verain true.

I will unlock both the Bomber & Gunship. Release the 15K ship requisition I have to all the current ships, which means both Rycer & Blackbolt going to be almost fully upgraded to T5, and the new ships going to have a good starting point to build up. :)


Thank you

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Release the 15K ship requisition I have to all the current ships, which means both Rycer & Blackbolt going to be almost fully upgraded to T5, and the new ships going to have a good starting point to build up. :)


Thank you


Unless you have a lot more playtime in these ships than I was led to believe, I think you are drastically underestimating how much req is required to fully upgrade a Rycer or Blackbolt. Just ONE T5 ability will cost 15k req and it is probably foolhardy in most cases to max out a Primary/Secondary/System ability to T5 as one of your first req expenditures unless you have a very specific playstyle in mind. To give you a sense of the full cost, to fully unlock one T5 chain will cost ~33.5k (more if you didn't start with it).


Before you sink a bunch of req into higher tier abilities I strongly advise that you consult Stasie's build guide and make sure that you are spending the req on components that will actually help you be effective. There is also a post on the front page of the forum where folks made ship builds assuming they only had 25k req. There were at least a few who made builds for the T1 scout and T1 gunship: those might be good things to consult as well.

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As a note, taking a ship from 0 to mastered costs about 150k on every single ship. The only reason it isn't an exact number is that you may spend some req unlocking a different component than the default.


Completing a ship- mastering every component- is much more expensive, and varies wildly with the ship, as some have more options than others.

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