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Force Camo Aggro Drop


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I was looking a old parses on my Marauder Anni spec and in Ops fights Force Camo would drop threat by 1-4mil now I am only looking at 30-50k in threat drop. I don't remember seeing anything in the notes that was going to happen. We will have to see if this new patch fixes it. Edited by Amish_Assassin
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  • 1 month later...
I just noticed this recently as well when our Marauder would get targeted by Bulo for having second highest threat and camo did nothing.


Does anyone know if this was intended?


Did he went to first threat in your group before using camo anytime during the fight? Force Camo threat drop only works on enemies having targeted the Mara for having highest threat at anytime during the fight.

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  • 1 month later...
Did he went to first threat in your group before using camo anytime during the fight? Force Camo threat drop only works on enemies having targeted the Mara for having highest threat at anytime during the fight.


I honestly couldn't say. But that's a terrible restriction on a threat drop if I've ever heard one.

(sorry for the very late reply)

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