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The Imperial Commando's


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I know I've seen NPC's of these imp types, but do they really exist? Is there a such thing as the((Old Republic era/ A.K.A this era.)) Imperial Commando? If so, I've not found any information on them both on Wookiepedia, or well...google...


Can anyone confirm if there are or aren't?

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I know I've seen NPC's of these imp types, but do they really exist? Is there a such thing as the((Old Republic era/ A.K.A this era.)) Imperial Commando? If so, I've not found any information on them both on Wookiepedia, or well...google...


Can anyone confirm if there are or aren't?


They are a thing, but you never really interact with anyone who is a commando or part of their command structure. They just show up as enemies/allies a couple of times and that is it. I think the most plot relevant they ever were was in the trooper storyline, where one of the bosses of your story mode was a commando team said to have clashed with Havoc Squad multiple times. Even then, they got no speaking lines, they just got an introduction from a defected Republic special forces dude telling you what ******es they were and how screwed you are. 3 guesses to how the encounter goes for them.


Honestly, they felt kind of superfluous since it is made pretty clear that Imperial Intelligence has a bunch of combat specialist operatives who do basically the exact same thing Republic special forces 'commandos' do.

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Honestly, they felt kind of superfluous since it is made pretty clear that Imperial Intelligence has a bunch of combat specialist operatives who do basically the exact same thing Republic special forces 'commandos' do.



except they're not military and thus have differing priorities etc from the military, you see this problem in the agent corellia storyline.

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