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I would gladly give back medshot for the slower effect of hammershot heals.


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Well you are the one here that healers should suffer for you because you are too lazy to click your own portrait..


Are you blind or illiterate? I already told you I ONLY HEAL on my merc nor have I ever had a problem with self targeting :rolleyes:

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Yet you argue in favor of a bad solution bw gave us to a marginal problem that most of the people didn't have in the first place?


No I argue against whiners who complain about changes for no reason other than it doesn't serve them personally. Like for instance "most of the people didn't have"... This is completely made up "fact" that should be "I didn't have". You have no idea how the stats pan out. Furthermore many dps mercs never used the heal version of rapid shot because they were forced to cylinder switch before 3.0. What BW did was get in front of the issue, not solve a marginal one.


I'm okay with things being uncomfortable for the short term, if it improves the gaming experience for others long term. You haven't given one good counter for any of my points other than, "well you can do this or you can do that" yet not one of them actually solves the issue more completely than what BW has put forward.

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No I argue against whiners who complain about changes for no reason other than it doesn't serve them personally. Like for instance "most of the people didn't have"... This is completely made up "fact" that should be "I didn't have". You have no idea how the stats pan out. Furthermore many dps mercs never used the heal version of rapid shot because they were forced to cylinder switch before 3.0. What BW did was get in front of the issue, not solve a marginal one.


I'm okay with things being uncomfortable for the short term, if it improves the gaming experience for others long term. You haven't given one good counter for any of my points other than, "well you can do this or you can do that" yet not one of them actually solves the issue more completely than what BW has put forward.


Generally having to switch cylinders/stances to gain a heal ability means that originally they did not intend for those advanced classes to have that heal. If they have now changed their mind and want to offer a heal to those two dps disciplines they should have given them a unique heal granted when they choose one of the dps disciplines and not f'd with the healer discipline. This change has done nothing good for healers. In fact I noticed recently there's a delay on the heal effect of medshot that makes it just as slow as hammershot was.

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Generally having to switch cylinders/stances to gain a heal ability means that originally they did not intend for those advanced classes to have that heal. If they have now changed their mind and want to offer a heal to those two dps disciplines they should have given them a unique heal granted when they choose one of the dps disciplines and not f'd with the healer discipline. This change has done nothing good for healers. In fact I noticed recently there's a delay on the heal effect of medshot that makes it just as slow as hammershot was.


Your first sentence is a complete non sequitur, so I'm not sure you understand the issue at hand.

So they should take up a slot in a dps discipline for a heal?

And how exactly is bodyguard f'd up? Let's have a little perspective here. Merc healing is the best spot it's been a long, long time.

Kolto shot isn't much slower if at all, it applies the heal at the about the same time the 3rd tick would have hit with rapid shot. Is it weaker in comparison to rapid shots 2.0? Yep! Kolto Shell 3.0 is also weaker, and utility has been removed from Kolto Missile 3.0. But we got so much goodness to balance these loses I don't see how you have room to complain about what is now a filler move for heat management.

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Your first sentence is a complete non sequitur, so I'm not sure you understand the issue at hand.

So they should take up a slot in a dps discipline for a heal?

And how exactly is bodyguard f'd up? Let's have a little perspective here. Merc healing is the best spot it's been a long, long time.

Kolto shot isn't much slower if at all, it applies the heal at the about the same time the 3rd tick would have hit with rapid shot. Is it weaker in comparison to rapid shots 2.0? Yep! Kolto Shell 3.0 is also weaker, and utility has been removed from Kolto Missile 3.0. But we got so much goodness to balance these loses I don't see how you have room to complain about what is now a filler move for heat management.


How do you figure that the dps only heal needs to be part of the discipline tree? It's easy for them to simply grant it as that discipline only or tie it as an additional into the tree without replacing anything. Get your head out of the clouds here. The fact is the changes to hammershot made healing a lot more clunky and reduced efficiency of play. We're not talking the over all effectiveness of the heals themselves we're talking flow of keystrokes and management of the already bursting at the seams hotbars. The fact of the matter is once again healing got put on the back burner while the dps and tanks got the focus here and it's making quality of life for healers more and more craptastic each round of changes. We're being forced into a more clunky less stream-lined functionality to convenience dps who simply replaced one heal that they couldn't spam with one they can.

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How do you figure that the dps only heal needs to be part of the discipline tree? It's easy for them to simply grant it as that discipline only or tie it as an additional into the tree without replacing anything. Get your head out of the clouds here. The fact is the changes to hammershot made healing a lot more clunky and reduced efficiency of play. We're not talking the over all effectiveness of the heals themselves we're talking flow of keystrokes and management of the already bursting at the seams hotbars. The fact of the matter is once again healing got put on the back burner while the dps and tanks got the focus here and it's making quality of life for healers more and more craptastic each round of changes. We're being forced into a more clunky less stream-lined functionality to convenience dps who simply replaced one heal that they couldn't spam with one they can.


You're the one with their head in the clouds, with you fanciable "solutions". You clearly haven't taken a long look at the discipline system. Each discipline awards an ability, passive, or utility point at a given level, so if something was added to a discipline it would have to replace something, or change the other 7 to match. Which seems the more reasonable solution is clear to me. Also an identical heal for 2 specs, but not a 3rd seems like good design?


It's not clunky, you just need to adjust to the change kolto shots works exactly the same as rapid shots as a heal. The difference between your version of clunky mechanic and the real one is that the dps would actually have to waste actions to make it work. This "bursting at the seems hotbar" is an issue you yourself created. I don't know about you, but I have 92 hot key slots to use and i waste 25 of them on mounts, pets, and legacy abilities. Yeah I spent a good week moving things, dropping things, picking them back up, and re-learning muscle memory, but it's not an impossible task. It's not like healers can't benefit from being able to kolto shoting themselves while targeting an enemy.


When you typed "fact of the matter" and then went into a 100% opinion it was pretty funny. I'm not sure how merc is on the back burner when it's probably the most viable spec of the three merc's have. Tanks shouldn't even be a part of this discussion which makes me think your getting off topic again, especially since a buff to tanking makes healing easier. Also I'm not sure why people have to always make it a us vs them issue with everything. Is it just to feed into some victim complex? Healers complain about melee ps favoritism, melee dps complain about ranged dps favoritism, PVE'ers complain about PVP favoritism, and PVP'ers compalin about PVE favoritism. When will people realize they are inventing these conflicts? Sorry, went into an aside myself there :D


Again, not clunky you're just need to adjust your rotation. It's not the same as 2.0, ability priority has changed quite a bit.


I guarantee if you keep playing your merc healer, a month from now the clunkiness will no longer exist and then everyone wins.

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Most people already use this technique and then some. I myself have all the number keys shifted as well as several letter keys + shift. That in itself is too much... and now we have this ridiculous change.


Then I can only say that you must have 2 many key binds. Its easy to do. You have that ONE ability that maybe just maybe, once in a blue moon you may need to use or an ability that u use regular and has no need to be on a hotkey (mount/vehicle, recalls, stims, things that get cast prepull etc). I think the biggest offenders are abilities that only get used in Flashpoint/Ops or solo. Example when soloing I never need to use my BIG heals. There are however big hitting attacks I only use while soloing. So when I enter a FP I removed the big hitting attacks I will likely never use (still use some of course, but rarely feel the need for all) and the big heals slide into that spot. If you don't prioritize though you put it all on keybinds, look at that bar and go "zomg look at all of these hotkeys."

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You're the one with their head in the clouds, with you fanciable "solutions". You clearly haven't taken a long look at the discipline system. Each discipline awards an ability, passive, or utility point at a given level, so if something was added to a discipline it would have to replace something, or change the other 7 to match. Which seems the more reasonable solution is clear to me. Also an identical heal for 2 specs, but not a 3rd seems like good design?


It's not clunky, you just need to adjust to the change kolto shots works exactly the same as rapid shots as a heal. The difference between your version of clunky mechanic and the real one is that the dps would actually have to waste actions to make it work. This "bursting at the seems hotbar" is an issue you yourself created. I don't know about you, but I have 92 hot key slots to use and i waste 25 of them on mounts, pets, and legacy abilities. Yeah I spent a good week moving things, dropping things, picking them back up, and re-learning muscle memory, but it's not an impossible task. It's not like healers can't benefit from being able to kolto shoting themselves while targeting an enemy.


When you typed "fact of the matter" and then went into a 100% opinion it was pretty funny. I'm not sure how merc is on the back burner when it's probably the most viable spec of the three merc's have. Tanks shouldn't even be a part of this discussion which makes me think your getting off topic again, especially since a buff to tanking makes healing easier. Also I'm not sure why people have to always make it a us vs them issue with everything. Is it just to feed into some victim complex? Healers complain about melee ps favoritism, melee dps complain about ranged dps favoritism, PVE'ers complain about PVP favoritism, and PVP'ers compalin about PVE favoritism. When will people realize they are inventing these conflicts? Sorry, went into an aside myself there :D


Again, not clunky you're just need to adjust your rotation. It's not the same as 2.0, ability priority has changed quite a bit.


I guarantee if you keep playing your merc healer, a month from now the clunkiness will no longer exist and then everyone wins.


They don't require the discipline tree itself to add an ability based off of your choice of discipline trees, it's not so black and white. You can easily add two abilities in one slot or not even based on a slot. The tree itself merely gives you a description of the progression based off your level just like when you hover over an ability it describes the ability. I never mentioned utility choices either simply based off the tree you choose.


As I mentioned if dps are getting a heal just give dps the heal and let healers keep the hammershot combo, the wasted steps you're talking about are completely dependant on the old system you're complaining about where you weren't supposed to have said heal in the first place. You wouldn't need to switch to support to heal yourself in the first place like you wanted and healers would still have the stream-lined hammershot combo. I'll remind you lost med probes when they gained medshot so it really didn't effect them as much as healers.


People can get used to the change all they want but the fact is that it's not as efficient or as stream-lined as the old hammershot combo. I've time and time again cited the reasons why and how it has made things more clunky and how even with "getting used to it" it's still clunky and not as well off as the old system and you have yet to actually provide a basis for why it isn't clunky. I've already adjusted to the new rotation and changes, I've spent time moving and adjusting my hotbars and it's still clunky and inefficient compared to before. "Get used to it" is not a valid reason or excuse for knocking healer efficiency and flow back in order to give dps a self heal.

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Then I can only say that you must have 2 many key binds. Its easy to do. You have that ONE ability that maybe just maybe, once in a blue moon you may need to use or an ability that u use regular and has no need to be on a hotkey (mount/vehicle, recalls, stims, things that get cast prepull etc). I think the biggest offenders are abilities that only get used in Flashpoint/Ops or solo. Example when soloing I never need to use my BIG heals. There are however big hitting attacks I only use while soloing. So when I enter a FP I removed the big hitting attacks I will likely never use (still use some of course, but rarely feel the need for all) and the big heals slide into that spot. If you don't prioritize though you put it all on keybinds, look at that bar and go "zomg look at all of these hotkeys."


I don't put things like toys or mounts on hotkeys, I only put them on the most used abilities, perhaps I just deversify to meet situations more and don't like having to constantly swap out abilities as I jump between, solo pve, pvp, flashpoints, and ops. If a player has to swap out abilities constantly for these then there is something wrong and there's a bloat issue.

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Not really. How many games can you be a healer and dps in virtually at the same time? With the flexibility provided by being able to queue as 2 roles at once with 1 build you can't expect to be able to do things with only a handful of buttons, it makes no logical sense. One additional button, which is all it is, is not a make or break with your theory. In essence, if you are correct, it was already broken.


Before we can even ask what would be a reasonable solution to the problem you and a few others see though...what may I ask is a reasonable button count? 3? 4? 5? 10?

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They don't require the discipline tree itself to add an ability based off of your choice of discipline trees, it's not so black and white. You can easily add two abilities in one slot or not even based on a slot. The tree itself merely gives you a description of the progression based off your level just like when you hover over an ability it describes the ability. I never mentioned utility choices either simply based off the tree you choose.

yeah... No, you're wrong. There is a set number of abilities, passives, and utility that hit on the same levels for every discipline of every AC. It is that black and white. I know you never mentioned utilities I was just explaining the system since you clearly don't understand it completely.

As I mentioned if dps are getting a heal just give dps the heal and let healers keep the hammershot combo, the wasted steps you're talking about are completely dependant on the old system you're complaining about where you weren't supposed to have said heal in the first place. You wouldn't need to switch to support to heal yourself in the first place like you wanted and healers would still have the stream-lined hammershot combo. I'll remind you lost med probes when they gained medshot so it really didn't effect them as much as healers.

Of course I'm talking about the old system this thread is titled "give back." Also I'm not complaining, merely stating the difference between an actual mechanic issue and a mere inconvenience. Switching cylinder is secondary to targeting switches and inability to use target modifier properly. Also not sure why you assume I'm a dps merc. I never have and don't plan to ever change that.

People can get used to the change all they want but the fact is that it's not as efficient or as stream-lined as the old hammershot combo. I've time and time again cited the reasons why and how it has made things more clunky and how even with "getting used to it" it's still clunky and not as well off as the old system and you have yet to actually provide a basis for why it isn't clunky. I've already adjusted to the new rotation and changes, I've spent time moving and adjusting my hotbars and it's still clunky and inefficient compared to before. "Get used to it" is not a valid reason or excuse for knocking healer efficiency and flow back in order to give dps a self heal.

I disagree with your first sentence, being able to use target modifiers has made switching targets on the fly much easier for me. I've read any of your other posts, but I doubt they go beyond keybindings, hot bar room, and muscle memory issues. These are all personal problems. You also mentioned healing is less effective and that's just flat out wrong, you probably don't realize all the new bells and whistles bodyguard has now.

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yeah... No, you're wrong. There is a set number of abilities, passives, and utility that hit on the same levels for every discipline of every AC. It is that black and white. I know you never mentioned utilities I was just explaining the system since you clearly don't understand it completely.


Of course I'm talking about the old system this thread is titled "give back." Also I'm not complaining, merely stating the difference between an actual mechanic issue and a mere inconvenience. Switching cylinder is secondary to targeting switches and inability to use target modifier properly. Also not sure why you assume I'm a dps merc. I never have and don't plan to ever change that.


I disagree with your first sentence, being able to use target modifiers has made switching targets on the fly much easier for me. I've read any of your other posts, but I doubt they go beyond keybindings, hot bar room, and muscle memory issues. These are all personal problems. You also mentioned healing is less effective and that's just flat out wrong, you probably don't realize all the new bells and whistles bodyguard has now.


First off... the devs are not bound by the talent progression, they can add and take whatever they want you seem to feel that god has placed upon them commandments and will damn them to hell if they deviate even the slightest. Moving on...


Forced clunkyness and excessive hotbar load is a very legitimate problem one of which is not personal but general. I've mentioned many issues with the changes of which you chose to simply write off as being my own problem that I refuse to deal with when it's not. As a healer since 3.0 I find my overall gameplay to be less effective, clunky, not so enjoyable and it's not because I've had to learn a new rotation, but for all the reasons I've mentioned time and time again.


Lastly I never assumed you were a dps merc unlike how you assumed I was a merc when the thread itself is discussing hammershot which is the commando ability. I simply used the word "you" as in the context of if you were to be dps. It's how I talk and you can get used to it or move on. =)

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First off... the devs are not bound by the talent progression, they can add and take whatever they want you seem to feel that god has placed upon them commandments and will damn them to hell if they deviate even the slightest. Moving on...

No I don't think that. I know they can technically do almost anything they want, but their are factors that restrict them. Namely balancing it out w/ the other specs and classes. They can't throw in an extra ability to 2 specs of an AC specifically, without change things across all classes. It's not a question of CAN they do it, it's a question of how reasonable or likely it is to be done.

Forced clunkyness and excessive hotbar load is a very legitimate problem one of which is not personal but general. I've mentioned many issues with the changes of which you chose to simply write off as being my own problem that I refuse to deal with when it's not. As a healer since 3.0 I find my overall gameplay to be less effective, clunky, not so enjoyable and it's not because I've had to learn a new rotation, but for all the reasons I've mentioned time and time again.

If it's not a personal problem, then why doesn't everyone have the issue? Also "general problem" is a meaningless term that can be defined anyway you want. If it wasn't personal then every single player would experience it plus there would be nothing they could personally do to eliminate it. Neither of these are true for your issues.

Lastly I never assumed you were a dps merc unlike how you assumed I was a merc when the thread itself is discussing hammershot which is the commando ability. I simply used the word "you" as in the context of if you were to be dps. It's how I talk and you can get used to it or move on. =)

I never said you played a merc, I used the merc terms for moves cuz I don't know the commando ones. Even if I did, it would be semantics since the classes are mirrors. On the other hand you're trying to create a us vs them dynamic by painting me as the dps merc so you can say I have vested interest in not changing it back. See the difference?

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No I don't think that. I know they can technically do almost anything they want, but their are factors that restrict them. Namely balancing it out w/ the other specs and classes. They can't throw in an extra ability to 2 specs of an AC specifically, without change things across all classes. It's not a question of CAN they do it, it's a question of how reasonable or likely it is to be done.


If it's not a personal problem, then why doesn't everyone have the issue? Also "general problem" is a meaningless term that can be defined anyway you want. If it wasn't personal then every single player would experience it plus there would be nothing they could personally do to eliminate it. Neither of these are true for your issues.


I never said you played a merc, I used the merc terms for moves cuz I don't know the commando ones. Even if I did, it would be semantics since the classes are mirrors. On the other hand you're trying to create a us vs them dynamic by painting me as the dps merc so you can say I have vested interest in not changing it back. See the difference?


1: If healers have hamershot heals, and dps have the medshot heal how is that not 1 for 1?


2: Several people have stated that they share the sentiment and problems I have mentioned.


3: Yeah now you're just trying to warp what I've said. I never said it was Healer players against DPS players I'm saying that the devs tend to end up favoring dps/tanks in nearly every update in terms of changes. Begone troll. ;D


Edit: Wether this favor of changes is intentional or not is irrelevant.

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1: If healers have hamershot heals, and dps have the medshot heal how is that not 1 for 1?

Yes thats quite fair, now have you considered how that heal gets to dps only without adding a new move into the discipline or creating a passive that's useless for 1/3 specs?

2: Several people have stated that they share the sentiment and problems I have mentioned.

Several people have stated they share my sentiment and have no problems.

3: Yeah now you're just trying to warp what I've said. I never said it was Healer players against DPS players I'm saying that the devs tend to end up favoring dps/tanks in nearly every update in terms of changes. Begone troll. ;D


Edit: Wether this favor of changes is intentional or not is irrelevant.

if it's irrelevant than why did you bring it up at all? By saying the devs favor one group over another you are pitting them against each other despite your intent. I didn't warp what you said, I showed you how what you said is perceived. Why don't people know what a "troll" is?

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Yes thats quite fair, now have you considered how that heal gets to dps only without adding a new move into the discipline or creating a passive that's useless for 1/3 specs?


Several people have stated they share my sentiment and have no problems.


if it's irrelevant than why did you bring it up at all? By saying the devs favor one group over another you are pitting them against each other despite your intent. I didn't warp what you said, I showed you how what you said is perceived. Why don't people know what a "troll" is?


They don't have to put it in the tree progression it's simply granted on choosing the discipline how difficult is that to understand? :)


If you go through the threads and break it out between those who have clearly stated one way or another it's breaking about even which means yes it's a general problem that's affecting the players.


I said the wether devs favoring dps/tanks in the updates was intentional or not was irrelevant, the fact that it is happening is not irrelevant because it shows an imbalance in the way things are progressing. As for what a troll is, there are many types and you are filling one. Those of us healers who dislike the change are voicing our opinions of the situation and our explanations where as you have simply come in and trolled through the thread repeatedly saying that it's for dps and that it's not a big deal we should all just get over it, or that we don't know how to manage abilities or our hotkeys, etc etc. In essence you are just spamming "L2P" at people and that is trolling. The changes may not bother you and several others but they are very much the opposite for just as many of us.

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They don't have to put it in the tree progression it's simply granted on choosing the discipline how difficult is that to understand? :)

apparently it's incredibly difficult for you to understand that they can't add a move because there are a set number of abilities, passives, and... you know what I'm not repeating this again. Clearly it's not working.

If you go through the threads and break it out between those who have clearly stated one way or another it's breaking about even which means yes it's a general problem that's affecting the players.

yeah... that's some pretty scientific research there. I'm sure this small crossection is completely representative of the entire player base :rolleyes:


What exactly is the difference between a personal problem and a general one? Population? Are you saying multiple people can't have the same personal problem?

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Personally, as a DPSer, I much prefer Medshot as it is now because I no longer have to spend a cycle switching cells to combat support (which kills my energy since I don't get the improved recharge rate from gunnery) before I can use it (on myself or anyone else). That's a HUGE increase in utility for me over how it was before (where I just didn't use it at all).



Well that's great if you are a DPS. But this change should have been kept in mind for the healer, not someone who will thrown in support if they see there is an issue. As I agree with others who feel this is an issue that were comfortable with the old way, now its just another situation where I have to place yet another option into keybinding, when I already of issues of overcrowding. Targeting the subject for healing/ self/ or shooting the bad guy was not difficult. The change has created the difficulty where now my heals and targeting do become an issue with accidental targeting. People make statements like, 'set in their ways'. I find it funny how the human race says, if it ain't broken, don't change it'. Yet that's exactly what they do. Or if it needs to be fixed, it just gets jacked up some more. I have personally seen a few people abandon the Merc Healer because of this new option. I myself have quit playing the game because this was the last of the toons that I enjoyed playing. Removing hammershot heals took the enjoyment of the game.

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First off... the devs are not bound by the talent progression, they can add and take whatever they want you seem to feel that god has placed upon them commandments and will damn them to hell if they deviate even the slightest. Moving on...


Moving on...because this makes no sense...unless you add..."the devs could make the talent progression completely different for one specific class because I want something."


But you keep dodging the one question that your original argument is based on. You had a problem with the number of key binds because "not all of us have expensive gaming mice" or some such. So where is the cut off? What would be a reasonable number. You can't make something even resemble a logical argument after an opening statement like that without defining it.

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apparently it's incredibly difficult for you to understand that they can't add a move because there are a set number of abilities, passives, and... you know what I'm not repeating this again. Clearly it's not working.


yeah... that's some pretty scientific research there. I'm sure this small crossection is completely representative of the entire player base :rolleyes:


What exactly is the difference between a personal problem and a general one? Population? Are you saying multiple people can't have the same personal problem?


What is this a poke'mon game to you? You must replace ability A to have ability B, or you must replace passive C to have passive D in the game period because you only get 4? The tree is simply progression it is not required that BW use it specificially to grant any abilities that an advanced class's discipline would have at the start. They can add it in just as easily as some abilities are granted based on the advanced class choice.


It's the only glimpse you're going to get of the breakdown, looking at forums and what people are saying unless you can convince bioware to put out a three option pole of (yes, no, I don't have an opinion either way.)

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Moving on...because this makes no sense...unless you add..."the devs could make the talent progression completely different for one specific class because I want something."


But you keep dodging the one question that your original argument is based on. You had a problem with the number of key binds because "not all of us have expensive gaming mice" or some such. So where is the cut off? What would be a reasonable number. You can't make something even resemble a logical argument after an opening statement like that without defining it.


The fact that Combat medics have 37 active abilities (no I don't have all of them bound and I'm not including buffs/cells/sprint/huttball pass etc) and stims/medpacks for pvp & pve is simply an additional reason that this change is problematic and a hindrance not a sole reason but I'm pretty sure that number of abilities could be cut down significantly to respond only to your question.


They could easily combine some of the abilities into 1. For example Recharge Cells and Reserve Powercell could be combined by making Reserve Powercell replace Recharge cells as an improved ability. Instead of one recharging cells and the other making the next ability free of energy consumption they could be made into one ability by granting an "improved ability" replacer as they've done in the past. They both already share the same cooldown time of 1m 55s and serve a similar purpose.


Oh and here's a great one, they could bring back the old hammershot too, that would cut down on one unnecessary ability too! :p

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What is this a poke'mon game to you? You must replace ability A to have ability B, or you must replace passive C to have passive D in the game period because you only get 4? The tree is simply progression it is not required that BW use it specificially to grant any abilities that an advanced class's discipline would have at the start. They can add it in just as easily as some abilities are granted based on the advanced class choice.

No, and I wish you would stop trying to condescend because not only are they not very witty (pokemon, really? I can't even...) you're only making yourself look worse, since this point has flown over your head multiple times...

So option 1: Replace a DPS ability or passive with a heal ability: Terrible idea for a dps spec, a waste of 1 of 17 slots, and completely flies in the face of the idea behind disciplines in the first place.

Option 2: A baseline passive that not all 3 specs can use is terrible game design and would only bring ire from the left out spec(s).

Option 3: This is what makes me think you just don't get it. They don't give any individual AC abilities other than the ones shared by all AC or added by the "tree" (for lack of a better word).

It's the only glimpse you're going to get of the breakdown, looking at forums and what people are saying unless you can convince bioware to put out a three option pole of (yes, no, I don't have an opinion either way.)

Yeah, there're much better options... deductive reasoning, not jumping to conclusions, and retaining a healthy sense of skepticism. I mean you do know in general there are less healing mercs than dps mercs, right? How many dps mercs you think want it reverted? That right there should already tell you you're in the minority.


I don't need a poll to tell me if something would effect gamers personally or not, and the number of effected is irrelevant. Apparently you agree the # is unimportant too since you didn't address the question I posed directly. But effecting some, does not equate to most or even a considerable minority, nor does it mean this group wouldn't diminish greatly over time. Considering the very nature of the issues at hand, time and experience will alleviate most if not all of them. I've experienced the issues, was able to make the necessary adjustments, and have only gains in my heal efficiency, so it bares to reason others can as well... eventually. Refusing to except the change, only prolonging the suffering. A month or two from now only a handful of healers will still be complaining about this.


They could easily combine some of the abilities into 1. For example Recharge Cells and Reserve Powercell could be combined by making Reserve Powercell replace Recharge cells as an improved ability. Instead of one recharging cells and the other making the next ability free of energy consumption they could be made into one ability by granting an "improved ability" replacer as they've done in the past. They both already share the same cooldown time of 1m 55s and serve a similar purpose.


If you think those abilities have similar uses you're using one of them incorrectly. Reserve is to prevent you from being in danger of overheating, Recharge is for after you've overheated. If you're using them interchangeably you're not managing your heat properly. Combining them would be a nerf to the AC, mostly healing.

Edited by TezMoney
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The fact that Combat medics have 37 active abilities (no I don't have all of them bound and I'm not including buffs/cells/sprint/huttball pass etc) and stims/medpacks for pvp & pve


Really the rest of the blather isn't worth addressing because you still didn't answer the question. The question was NOT "how many buttons do you potentially have?"...rather..."how many buttons do you think is enough (or too many)?"


I mean hell in your own post you acknowledge that you don't use all of those buttons. Many of them are abilities rendered obsolete as you level, others are ones you would only be popping out of combat etc. As such as keybinds they are irrelevant. So could ya just answer the question? Or is it because from a practical point of view you know its not a big deal, you are just complaining because you don't like change.

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Really the rest of the blather isn't worth addressing because you still didn't answer the question. The question was NOT "how many buttons do you potentially have?"...rather..."how many buttons do you think is enough (or too many)?"


I mean hell in your own post you acknowledge that you don't use all of those buttons. Many of them are abilities rendered obsolete as you level, others are ones you would only be popping out of combat etc. As such as keybinds they are irrelevant. So could ya just answer the question? Or is it because from a practical point of view you know its not a big deal, you are just complaining because you don't like change.


Because apparently my point is invalid if I don't pick an exact number? Personally I can think of a way to knock off 4 abilities without losing much. The game needs ability trimming but doing so tends to require that all classes be looked at for balancing as abilities get trimmed, replaced, and added accordingly so to go in and say specifically what there should be for just one class isn't sensible. I will say however that anything in excess of 30 abilities in general tends to be pushing it, but really going into this any further is going off topic. The topic of this thread is about hammershot combo being better for game flow and the class in general than the the current situation with medshot.

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