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Cannot complete Enemy Within quest.


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The Answer is do "Nothing" , attack Revan with one shot, then do Nothing until 70% Life, take the orbs etc, then do Nothing until 32% Life, then take the orbs etc, and then you can kill him.


Nothing to do is the correct Answer :-))


Youre almost right.


The bug is dots, his bubble doesn't cleanse them. Do not Dot and you should be ok. The problem is, Shae and Marr both throw dots, Shae often and Marr sometimes, if either of their dots are present it still bugs.


So no dots and a bit of luck will get you through it, if you can't find a decent group of 4 to steamroll it.

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I have the added problem that I cannot team up with other players. All my attempts to be grouped for the fight have failed. We both end up in separate instances.


This actually happened to our Gunslinger after we finished his, he got a red phase no matter what even though the rest of us worked fine.


I think it was something to do with him picking up the weekly? :confused:

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It worked during PTS.


On a related note, when he gets to 65% let him kill you and then wait for him to kill all your allies. Then spawn on the med probe and start it again. Get to 35%, let him kill you and all your allies again.


Third time, he'll skip the mechanic entirely and you can complete the fight.


This doesn't work, not for me at least, he goes back to full health.

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So much this. This fight should have been the most polished thing of this expansion.


It's the conclusion for crying out loud, you cannot mess this up. And yet they did. Just unbelievable.


I really don't like to sound like a Bioware hater, but they seem to be getting a knack for "ruining" endings.



They even had a space ghost in this ending, too, with his explanation for existing leaving me as bewildered as the Mass Effect 3 space ghost did.


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This had better not carry over through the weekend, between the meat tree and now this I have quit in frustration the last two nights. I have other toons I would like to play through this with.


Query: Or what? You'll quit?


Informative: Your threatening manner will not make things change any faster or slower. It will be fixed when the fix is ready. They don't sit around with their fingers up their butts like some insurance or phone/internet companies do until you threaten them. They are working on it. But not on your time table.

Edited by HKtheindomitable
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How DARE you guys release a completely broken expansion. Seriously, this is beyond disappointing & unacceptable. The climax fight to which the entire expansion is based upon, & it is fu**ing BROKEN! I was literally so excited. The story was amazing, the hype & build up was phenomenal, & the solo option puts everything there to set up for a great fight.


& I can't do it. This is pure tragedy. Was it not like this is PTS? How dare you people release defective content. This is absolutely unacceptable & unprofessional. I've seen indie game developers take better care of their creations.


Fix it.

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How DARE you guys release a completely broken expansion. Seriously, this is beyond disappointing & unacceptable. The climax fight to which the entire expansion is based upon, & it is fu**ing BROKEN! I was literally so excited. The story was amazing, the hype & build up was phenomenal, & the solo option puts everything there to set up for a great fight.


& I can't do it. This is pure tragedy. Was it not like this is PTS? How dare you people release defective content. This is absolutely unacceptable & unprofessional. I've seen indie game developers take better care of their creations.


Fix it.

Disclaimer: The following is not with the assumption that you Dewy actually believe what you posted.


Response: To any meatbag that thinks this, let me educate you on how things work.


Educational Statement: “They shouldn’t release the game/expansion/content until it’s done!”


There is no “done” in games like this. Nor is there bug-free. You release when the game/expansion/content is playable, or you do not release at all. For one thing, many bugs, especially balance issues or server issues, simply do not show up until there’s 200 thousand people playing for an extended period — and you cannot have an extended open beta/PTS for that many people, the cost is simply too much. In most cases, games/expansions/content are kept in development until the order comes down: Ship something, or look for new jobs. That’s the fact, and there’s really no hope of it changing any time soon.


Educational Query: Does knowing this make it so that a player isn't frustrated or annoyed when they show up?


Educational Answer: No. It doesn't. But it does make it easier to deal with and helps one to have clear thought, even for the meatbags that have difficulty with that.


Conclusion: That's the way things are, so you better get used to it. So stop threatening to quit the game and make snide remarks about the company.


Admission: And I know I said I wouldn't do the mission until it gets fixed. That was a load of poodoo. Especially after I found out how to complete it.

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Ok first off just a suggestion for people who are resetting the mission, If it bugs and you are locked out of the gate try resetting the PHASE not the MISSION this will start at the beginning of the fight and not force you to do all of the lead up to it.


Next I still have not completed this after about 6 attempts. Most times The ORBS don't show at all, the closest I came to finishing it was when the ORBS appeared at the First CC wave, but did not appear after he CC'd everyone the second time, I got Revan down to about 10% health on that attempt but he killed me with that force choke thing he does.


On one attempt I got a completely different set of issues where it said "Satele Shan incapacitated Meditation lost" But the heals kept coming and she kept fighting, Reven did not use his big CC everyone ability until about 20% health there where no ORBS and he came right for me, But the heals kept coming from both healers so I did ok for a short while on my own but then boom insta-death, not sure how low his health got before I went down on that one but it was also pretty close, And I went from about about 65% health to dead in one quick shot to give you an idea of how quick it was.


I may try again tonight and see if I get lucky and it works properly Of if i get the rare bug that helps instead of hurting or if I find a whole new set of problems. either way If anything changes I'll post any useful info I run across.


Oh and for what it's worth Not that it makes things much less frustrating for the player, but if you look at early access as a week long closed beta which for MMO's is really what it is, it makes things at least a little understandable although not any more fun or less broken for the player.

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I had a weird experience just now. I was watching the DOT debuffs on Revan as we neared the 66% mark. He was close to the stairs at the entrance, he went right past the 66% mark and never drew anyone in. Just continued fighting. I continued taunting him as much as I could as someone said to taunt him when he pulls, but that does nothing. As one of the other posters said, if he has DOTs on him when he goes into his shield, it doesn't cleanse the dots, and he just comes right after you, and orbs do not spawn. I'm not sure why he didn't do the mass pull when I hit 66%, but, it happened. ALMOST got lucky.
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I managed to beat him, but only because his broken mechanics get more broken somehow:

1. He did his stun everyone (without orbs spawning) at 66% health. I died, and he reset to full. Med probe.

2. He did his stun everyone thing at 33% health. I died, and he reset to full. Med probe.

3. No stun, he just keeps attacking with his main attacks, allowing me to defeat him.


I tried suggestions of tanking him behind pillars but this didn't help on life 1 and 2, he just jumped back to the middle anyway. Absolutely no idea what I did 'right', but I'm glad its over. Good luck to everyone who has yet to beat it.

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Quick question is there any confirmation that the bug is caused by DOTs or is that just a theory? Because I'm trying to beat him with a Watchmen Sent and pretty much all i do is burns and DOTs, which could be a problem. Not to mention the DOTs that the NPCs have.


I've now had all sort of crazy variations of the bug and still NO IDEA what causes what and why sometimes I have no issues till the very end and other times It bugs super early, and I'm very much north of 10 attempts at this point.





I finally beat it it, I'm not sure which method worked but what I did was combine both methods posted and I probably just got lucky as well.... But I Died once at the early CC, used med probe, The next time the First CC worked as supposed to but the second was bugged, I died use the med probe, Third time went just as the second no bug on wave 1 bug on wave 2, Died a 3rd time used a med probe cause i wasn't ready to give up just yet. On the 4th try I used NO DOTs and he never pulled the CC so i was able to just go at him until he went down. I don't know if it was the DOTs method Or the other workaround that got me through it or if i just flat out got lucky, but for what ever reason it finally worked.


Will not be trying it on any other character until its patched.

Edited by Djspyder
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They had a few days now to figure it out and even if they did not, they could at least give an update.

Most people did not even have the time to play, a lot will be quite pissed on the weekend (and because it's weekend, having a lot of time to be).

Can't really understand one bit how such a bug got through....the meat on the tree bug could be because of overcrowded instances (which is a thing they could hvae foreseen also), but an OPS?

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Thanks for the reports!


We are looking into this Mission now.




I am surprised it got past you, i have tried and failed this mission so many times, its just put me off of playing my jedi guardian, i have shelved it for now and rolling a sith juggernaut for a nice change, being an evil bugger will cheer me up.


How did it get past your internal Q&A team?

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I've now done it aswell and did the same as above posters described, die at 66% and 33% and then use Med Probe, thou what I found out that when you pull him he sometimes disappears and appears again and that somehow resets him, so what I did was to make sure to go up to him and hit with a melee attack which made him not disappear and then when I died at the 66% mark to the whirl thingie, next try he wouldn't do it only until 33% which you then have to do the same again which mean on 3rd pull you should have a kill.
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I ran in to this same problem yesterday when questing but figured out away around it. Since the quest is bugged I will post how I did it. I think it works 100% but i have only done it twice so far. Both times worked.


To know how to do it you need to know the mechanics. At 70% and 30% he is pushing all NPC to the pillars. You cant do anything when this happens and its bugged you die quickly.


If you go out and the door to the room is closed leave the instance and reset the phase. Do Not, I repeat do not reset the quest, if you so you will have to start over with the dailies and have to wait one day to do it again. (Happened to a guildy i was questing with, felt so bad for him) Resetting the phase will reopen the door.


Now to work around this this is what you need to do:


Go in and get him down to 70%. All NPC's will go to pillars. Just Die. After you die you an use medical probe but dont. Wait till he kills off all the NPC at the poles. Once he kills them all he resets back to the center and all the NPC come back as if to start again. But the fight doesnt reset completely. Now use your the medical probe. Heal up and attack again. He will now be able to be DPS him past 70% all the way down to 30% where he will put everyone at the poles and kill you again. Wait till he kills everyone and resets him and the NPC's. Use medical probe again. attack again, this time he wont do that move at either 70% or 30% and you can DPS him all the way down to 0.


Takes forever but works.


I don't know if this would be an exploit or not since the quest is bugged. I like to think of it as creative approach to the problem. The dev;s can feel free to delete this if they feel it neccessary.


I hope you know, when there are workarounds that actually work, it takes away the need for them to actively work on fixing it.....just thought you should know.

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I managed to beat him, but only because his broken mechanics get more broken somehow:

1. He did his stun everyone (without orbs spawning) at 66% health. I died, and he reset to full. Med probe.

2. He did his stun everyone thing at 33% health. I died, and he reset to full. Med probe.

3. No stun, he just keeps attacking with his main attacks, allowing me to defeat him.


I tried suggestions of tanking him behind pillars but this didn't help on life 1 and 2, he just jumped back to the middle anyway. Absolutely no idea what I did 'right', but I'm glad its over. Good luck to everyone who has yet to beat it.


It worked, if one can survive long enough until the others are pinned to the pillars. Second time I died before they were all stunned and it restted the whole thing...


Ok, I am through, but still leaves a bitter taste....

Both planets together are not as big as Makeb and the number of quests is also quite limited...

Story was nice though,

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I am surprised it got past you, i have tried and failed this mission so many times, its just put me off of playing my jedi guardian, i have shelved it for now and rolling a sith juggernaut for a nice change, being an evil bugger will cheer me up.


How did it get past your internal Q&A team?


It didn't get past them, because this bug didn't exist. You can't predict every single thing that will happen when an update goes live. This did not exist on test. You can't fix what's not broken

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Well I guess I'll add my bug as well. I have been playing and paying for this game since launch(I know everyone says that) and this is the first time I am really upset with the game.. This was such a huge moment in the story line that has been building FOREVER! To not be able to complete the quest because of faulty mechanics is unacceptable. This is a gigantic failure is an otherwise perfect expansion pack. I was all ready to shout and cheer for this expansion. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed the expansion up to this point and if it hadn't had happened on the most important fight (the SHOWDOWN with Revan) I would not have said a word... really really let-down


Yes. This.

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I ran in to this same problem yesterday when questing but figured out away around it. Since the quest is bugged I will post how I did it. I think it works 100% but i have only done it twice so far. Both times worked.


To know how to do it you need to know the mechanics. At 70% and 30% he is pushing all NPC to the pillars. You cant do anything when this happens and its bugged you die quickly.


If you go out and the door to the room is closed leave the instance and reset the phase. Do Not, I repeat do not reset the quest, if you so you will have to start over with the dailies and have to wait one day to do it again. (Happened to a guildy i was questing with, felt so bad for him) Resetting the phase will reopen the door.


Now to work around this this is what you need to do:


Go in and get him down to 70%. All NPC's will go to pillars. Just Die. After you die you an use medical probe but dont. Wait till he kills off all the NPC at the poles. Once he kills them all he resets back to the center and all the NPC come back as if to start again. But the fight doesnt reset completely. Now use your the medical probe. Heal up and attack again. He will now be able to be DPS him past 70% all the way down to 30% where he will put everyone at the poles and kill you again. Wait till he kills everyone and resets him and the NPC's. Use medical probe again. attack again, this time he wont do that move at either 70% or 30% and you can DPS him all the way down to 0.


Takes forever but works.


I don't know if this would be an exploit or not since the quest is bugged. I like to think of it as creative approach to the problem. The dev;s can feel free to delete this if they feel it neccessary.


^^^This worked, tyvm for the info.

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  • 1 year later...

There's no solution after all this time? No one at BW came back and corrected this or at least made aware in this thread that it is possible to complete somehow?

I am stuck after killing the 4 commanders and doing 2/6 missions and I cannot go further.

So nice to return after 3 years and play through the expacs I missed only to find a major logjam at the end of SoR.

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There's no solution after all this time? No one at BW came back and corrected this or at least made aware in this thread that it is possible to complete somehow?

I am stuck after killing the 4 commanders and doing 2/6 missions and I cannot go further.

So nice to return after 3 years and play through the expacs I missed only to find a major logjam at the end of SoR.


Informative: Your issue is not the same as what this thread is about. The issue in this thread has been fixed for well over a year now. Nobody has had the issue since the end of the winter holiday, hence the last post being from December of 2014.


Statement: Don't necro threads, regardless of whether or not it's the same issue. Make a new one indicating your issue, and give details. Don't rage about it. Be calm and await responses (which can take a day or two).

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There's no solution after all this time? No one at BW came back and corrected this or at least made aware in this thread that it is possible to complete somehow?

I am stuck after killing the 4 commanders and doing 2/6 missions and I cannot go further.

So nice to return after 3 years and play through the expacs I missed only to find a major logjam at the end of SoR.


As mentioned, this was fixed well over a year ago.


If you're stuck, say where you're stuck / what you're stuck on. Don't be like those fools in general chat on a planet that say "Help." Or "Can I get help?" Then refuse to say what they need help with.


There's probably a simple explanation to your issue - something you missed, maybe. I just ran a character through Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan and RIse of the Emperor last weekend. Didn't have any problems at all.


You're at 2/6. Which 2 have you done? Did you pick up the ones from the Coalition Staging Area? Did you take the one on the ground by the Massasi Village? There's a data pad on the North and South sides. Did you talk to the Sergeant at the cave on the south side of the Temple Grounds?


We can't read your mind.

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