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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lvl 59 Guardian, loving life


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I just wanted to say thank you to bioware, and to put this out there for all the negative response to this update. Before 3.0 I was a vigilance guardian, now I'm a focus guardian and it's amazing!!! It's exactly the toon I've wanted from day 1. Anyway, I feel the dps guardian is back and I'm extremely happy. I'm hitting harder than ever and the rotation is great. Anyway if anyone else is feeling the new guardian, leave a positive post for BW. Oh and I've been around since 1.0 so not since launch but long enough to know what's up.
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I just wanted to say thank you to bioware, and to put this out there for all the negative response to this update. Before 3.0 I was a vigilance guardian, now I'm a focus guardian and it's amazing!!! It's exactly the toon I've wanted from day 1. Anyway, I feel the dps guardian is back and I'm extremely happy. I'm hitting harder than ever and the rotation is great. Anyway if anyone else is feeling the new guardian, leave a positive post for BW. Oh and I've been around since 1.0 so not since launch but long enough to know what's up.


I agree to this, Juggernaut DPS is actually viable now.

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I agree to this, Juggernaut DPS is actually viable now.


Glad to hear you're having fun, but you can't possibly know anything about dps viability yet? Any class is viable while levelling, and I kinda doubt you're doing HM/NIM ops yet...

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Glad to hear you're having fun, but you can't possibly know anything about dps viability yet? Any class is viable while levelling, and I kinda doubt you're doing HM/NIM ops yet...


Powertech level 60, yes, there are OPs already going. The OP Group finder is instant queing for those level 60. DPS is phenominal. Especially wtiht he new tactical OPs.


Tomorrow I will have my Juggernaut at level 60, already level 58

Edited by benovide
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Powertech level 60, yes, there are OPs already going. The OP Group finder is instant queing for those level 60. DPS is phenominal. Especially wtiht he new tactical OPs.


Tomorrow I will have my Juggernaut at level 60, already level 58


Tactical ops, really?


I still don't believe endgame viability is clear yet.


/edit: fp |= ops you muppet. Edited incase sarcasm wasn't detected.

Edited by jardars
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I just wanted to say thank you to bioware, and to put this out there for all the negative response to this update. Before 3.0 I was a vigilance guardian, now I'm a focus guardian and it's amazing!!! It's exactly the toon I've wanted from day 1. Anyway, I feel the dps guardian is back and I'm extremely happy. I'm hitting harder than ever and the rotation is great. Anyway if anyone else is feeling the new guardian, leave a positive post for BW. Oh and I've been around since 1.0 so not since launch but long enough to know what's up.


It's that much better than vigilance?

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I'm not saying it's better than vigilance, the DOT is not really my play style but I didn't enjoy focus until now. I'm just mentioning that I've been having fun with the new build. I've tried the new vigilance DOT spread and it is pretty cool, I just like the new focus build. I do not pvp really so idk about that end, I'm sure vigilance is better there
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At a glance it appears to me that vigilance is the superior discipline. The over all ease of your rotation is incredibly simple in it's current state and if you use the right utilities you're going to be a damage dealing unstoppable beast. Focus is definitely good and I need to reserve my judgment until I hit level 60 and am fully geared. It seems to me that focus has switched to a single target force damage based discipline that is capable of doing huge amounts of damage in a very short period of time. However the space between those huge bursts of damage bursts is longer than vigilance that will be able to lay down a constant sustained barage of solid damage. I feel like this is the closest that the two skill trees have ever been to being equal but I feel like vigilance wins out. We shall see when I reach 60.
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Currently doing the run from 55 to 60 as Vengeance (Vigilance). I agree...so far it feels much like my old vengeance but with some nice extra options in the utilities field (speed increase on Endrue pain ftw!). but with the changes they made to Focus/Rage, i was actually interested for the first time in really trying the spec. I only play PvE, and i never really enjoyed the Rage/focus tree, but it looks far more flexible now then it was before.


the new age of Juggernauts/Guardians has come. for the first time since early launch, I feel that all 3 of our specs have significant balance and playability. Only downside is were going to get a huge burst of FotM players now, especially those who are in exodus from the Sent/Mara field. oh well...they will always come and go. been playing a jugg since early release, doubt ill change that now.

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