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Which Mods for DPS?


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Yes, yes very TL;DR but all the words are necessary I swear...


I'm levelling on Balmorra and I was going buy a bunch of Mod 7's from the commendations vendor when I noticed the stats on the Commando and Reflex ones.


Commando - Has mode End then Aim

Reflex - Has more Aim than End



Now if you're a Tank spec'd BH, you'll surely want more Endurance so I thought maybe only Tank Troopers and BH's should take the Commando ones and DPS should go Reflex.


However the vendor only sells Commandos at the best level, some Reflex 7's are missing. Also I get both Reflex and Commando mods from quest rewards so that was no indication to which one is for me...



So which one am I meant to be using for DPS Merc BH? Also are Mercs meant to be using different mods to Powertechs? does the Mod system work that far down? :/



On the other side of the game I have the same problem with my Jedi Knight Guardian. I play him as DPS and can't tell whether I'm meant to be using Guardian or Might mods (more End or more Strength?)


Someone in the general chat said pick Guardian Mods because 'you'll need the extra End later'. But he didn't say why. Is this true for the Endurance stat on DPS BH's, that we should take End over Aim and if so why?



Can someone clear this up for me?

Edited by AelixVII
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Not sure about end-game content, but as far as the vendors missing Reflex past Reflex 7, this is why we have the profession Cybertech (creating mods, ship upgrades, droid gear, etc). If you are not a Cybertech, you can always get someone who is to make the stuff for you if you supply mats and tip. Or a guildie who is Cybertech.
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If you are gonna take up Cybertech be sure to pick up Scavenging and Underworld Trading too. You can sub UT for Slicing at the loss of the blue and purple metals needed for the better mods, but you can always pick up UT again after you have paid for all speeder bike training and stuff with Slicing. That's what I'm doing, workin well enough so far.
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Thanks, I started levelling with Armormech, Scavaging and UW Trading so all I need to do is drop Armormech, didn't get that far with it anyway so it's not really too much of a loss.


Nice tip about Slicing too, I'll be sure to look into doing that.

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So much misinformation in this thread.


If you want to make your own reflex barrels, good luck doing it with cybertech... ARMSTECH makes barrels, not cybertech. And if you take up armstech, you will want scavaging and investigation along with it.

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