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PvP Weekly


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Did they remove the sub-lvl cap pvp weekly? I know before 3.0 toons 10-54 had a daily and a weekly, and at 55 we had "many" dailies and the unranked and ranked weeklies etc. Did they make a change or am I bugged or is the game bugged. Asked in game, but got not one reply...even when asking in a match. I assumed sub-60 would be like it was pre-55 last week.


I apologize if this was mentioned/discussed, but I must have missed it.

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95 views later and no replies...so I must be bugged as it will not let any of my lvl 55 toons take the PvP weekly {even ones that had not been in PvP since 2.0}. I did hop on a lvl 43 PvP toon {that was on ice waiting for 3.0 since 12x does not work in PvP} and they could take both the daily and the weekly.


So is it just lvl 55 toons or is it just me? If no one else had this issue I would appreciate some feedback. If it is just me, then I have no idea of the cause since I was not holding any old PvP missions etc {weekly was cleared last week on day one and turned in on any that did it}. Not the end of the world since they are all sitting on capped comms, but would not mind at least doing it for the xp at least...and maybe a few spare wz medpacks with the extra comms etc.


Any other 55 had this issue when going to take it today? Do they need to lvl to 56 or some other silly mechanic first or what? No biggy just driving me nuts...or I am blind and missed the memo lol.

Edited by Urantia
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I did just hop on yet another 55...but this time I did not train or do anything {a fresh log of the toon since the patch} and went right to the terminal and it let her take the weekly. So what gives?...seems if I train, pick my passives, and head to my ship take the prelude mission and train my crew skills {or one of these factors at least} like I was on the others it was not offering the weekly which is odd.


Anyhow something I tried on a hunch and was able to take weekly, but still no clue what is screwing the other toons,...eh whatever. Explains why I got no replies...something I am doing {in whatever order} is bugging myself...lame. Should not happen, but whatever.

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At level 55, I still had access to weekly, but I believe once I complete it, it won't be available until level 60 again.

Same for daily, until level 60, it is not going to return ranked commendations.


It worked the same way when RofHC came out, you needed to get level55 first to be able to pick up Daily and Weekly.

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I was able to get the weekly on a 55 character. I had to abandon the partially completed 15 match weekly in order to accept the 5 match weekly, which makes sense because the 15 match weekly now requires level 60...so it was not going to allow me to make progress on a level 60 weekly until I am at level 60.
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I have 6 toons at lvl 55.

Yesterday I tried to get weekly The war front with 3 toons...no way

Then I logged in another toon and....got Weekly The War Front! (lvl 55 do 5 matches...)

I tried the last 2 toons...no way

So I was able to get the weekly warzone 1/6 I dunno why

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i also was unable to pick up the weekly last night, got my daily done (of course the gray'd out No Man's Land was still sitting there). I'm sure they're aware, or will be made aware and it's only Wednesday, plenty of time to bang it out this week. Probably send a ticket in tonight if it's still not showing up. Certainly won't keep me from queue'ing.
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  • 4 weeks later...
This happened with the last expansion. If you had the level cap weekly (the old 50 one) still active or completed and not turned in when the expansion hit once you completed it you couldn't get the sub level cap weekly. If you didn't have it active once the expansion hit you could get the sub level cap weekly no problem.
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Only characters of mine that can get weekly in the 30-59 bracket are the ones that were not level 55 at the time 3.0 went live....Every character that was 55 already when 3.0 went live cannot get the weekly.


I hope at 60 I get weekly again.


I had simply assumed that the weekly was removed at level 55. Not one of my characters had access to it again until they hit level 60.


But I should point out that the characters in question are all older toons. They have been around since release. The toons started after 2.0 aren't in that bracket yet so I don't know about them.

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