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Thanks for the bad infor Eric.


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This is just wrong. At 55, you can currently buy 172 gear for Basic Comms. Once you reach level 60, you can buy 186 gear for Basic Comms.


There is a difference between gear and mods. In 2.0 you could buy epic 140 mods. In 3.0 you can buy rare 172 mods. Guess what? Is still crap compared to the gear I could buy before 3.0. I could get 180 and 172 (epic) gear.

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162, really? That would be odd considering you can buy 172 mods directly right now....I would think the gear should be at least 172 with mods.


Gear is 162 Black Market crap. Mods are 172 rare, which is still worse than what you could buy before 3.0. Sad thing is can't even believe Dev post anymore. You get the same bad information as you do from players.

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After reading this thread, Eric's info seems correct, just leaving out that 172 mods can be bought with comms. "Incomplete info" would be a better subject than "bad info" imo.


It is bad information since he used "and" which applies that all are true. Using or would have made what he said correct.

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It is bad information since he used "and" which applies that all are true. Using or would have made what he said correct.


No, what he said was correct, you're just hung up on a word because you wanted what he said to mean something else. The word "still" earlier in the sentence, there was clear implication that the existing system was going to remain in place, which it seems to be, indicating no change. Because there are multiple objects in the sentence (the multiple different types of gear), it's reasonable (and perhaps appropriate, I haven't taken an "English for the pedantic" class in a while) to use "and" in this case. Had he indicated there would be a change in how the gear was acquired by saying something like "With the release of Shadow of Revan, the following gear sets will now be available from...." then you'd have a point.


Go drink a Mountain Dew, eat some Doritos, and get over it.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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