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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Latency Issues


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Hey folks,


If you are still seeing latency, please right-click your Player Portrait and reset your instance. Once you've done that, let us know if you're still having latency issues in Flashpoints. Thanks!




The issue isn't just with flashpoints, Tait. Instances of Rishi with 80+ people are a hellhole of lag.

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Yeah, laggs during new expansion is ok... but because of their poor decision with Solo mode flashpoints I even can't reach new planet. I can enter the game I have nice ping but I can't go to the new planets and that is very disappointing. Look there isn't much players who plays SWTOR now, just look at WoW new expansion problems people were having problems to log in. In SWTOR there isn't any log in problems so not much players is playing right now but most of them can't get to the new planets because of Solo mode not working. Poor planning... they must predicted such problem. Really they don't have that much population to have such instance laggs it's only their fault.
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Hey folks,


If you are still seeing latency, please right-click your Player Portrait and reset your instance. Once you've done that, let us know if you're still having latency issues in Flashpoints. Thanks!




Since the game puts me in black screen of hell, directly after loading Rishi, there is no player portrait to click on. There simply is black nothingness.

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The issue isn't just with flashpoints, Tait. Instances of Rishi with 80+ people are a hellhole of lag.


Hey Nothematic! We are aware that it's not just with Flashpoints, but wanted to get this out ASAP. We're still looking at the Rishi latency and I will post when I learn anything else. :tran_smile:

Edited by TaitWatson
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No change still extremely laggy even after reset instances and no change in Tython and still don't have the ability to disable the tracking arrays. I even gone as far as exit the game completely and re logging back in I can say that game play is painful today I am chalking this one on the same level as Warlords of Draenor's launch day. Edited by Australiagal
wanted to edit
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Hey folks,


If you are still seeing latency, please right-click your Player Portrait and reset your instance. Once you've done that, let us know if you're still having latency issues in Flashpoints. Thanks!




Yeah, done it like 10 time past 2 hours :) Logg in Flashpoint no NPC, going back reset instance logg in Flashpoint no NPC, going back... for 2 hours :) didn't helped.

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Hey folks,


If you are still seeing latency, please right-click your Player Portrait and reset your instance. Once you've done that, let us know if you're still having latency issues in Flashpoints. Thanks!




The fact that you have the ability to hotfix while the servers are online is encouraging. I know you couldn't do that at launch.

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I had some severe issues as well, but I decided as they said the reset phase thing might work, I tried logging out and then back in on rishi and it has improved 100% to the point where there is no lag at all now.
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Yeah, laggs during new expansion is ok... but because of their poor decision with Solo mode flashpoints I even can't reach new planet. I can enter the game I have nice ping but I can't go to the new planets and that is very disappointing. Look there isn't much players who plays SWTOR now, just look at WoW new expansion problems people were having problems to log in. In SWTOR there isn't any log in problems so not much players is playing right now but most of them can't get to the new planets because of Solo mode not working. Poor planning... they must predicted such problem. Really they don't have that much population to have such instance laggs it's only their fault.


It may not be population though. That's usually they layman's reasoning, but in technologies like the ones they're using, there's a ton of things that can go wrong that create a spiraling effect that have nothing to do with population. Not defending their position, just pointing out that the issue is not usually the easiest one...those are often planned for. it's the oddball things that cause problems.


Like logfiles filling up on virtual servers due to certain messages that shouldn't be there, but are for some reason, and causing the Database to max it's capacity and start to drop traffic. That was an example from my own personal experience mind you, no correlation to this situation, but just points out that often the cause of these issues are not simple things that players can think up with 15 seconds of brain activity.

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Hey folks,


If you are still seeing latency, please right-click your Player Portrait and reset your instance. Once you've done that, let us know if you're still having latency issues in Flashpoints. Thanks!




I really should read forums more often. Just spent 1,5 hours completing Assault on Tython.

Second boss was... weird one in solo mode.

Edited by Halinalle
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Hey folks,


If you are still seeing latency, please right-click your Player Portrait and reset your instance. Once you've done that, let us know if you're still having latency issues in Flashpoints. Thanks!




That may work for Flashpoints, but I'm still having an issue with even getting to Rishi. When I accept the quest to view the cut-scene for Chapter 5, it shows my ship flying in close, then just shows an endless loop of space. No characters, no cut-scene, nothing.

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Just did Assault in Tython. Took a bit over half an hour. Things are working considerably better than before and I was actually able to practice my new rotation (took this opportunity to respec from sharpshooter to dirty fighting). There were a few spikes of extreme lag though.
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Try loading Yavin then. I just had to leave because the lag is that bad, you can't even kill standard mobs.


10 second delays with attacks make it impossible to interect sufficiently. And to the guy on page 1 saying it "cannot be predicted"... You're saying BW wouldn't have known they'd have potentially alot of logins, thus needing to sort things out their end more? /slap


This day and age, this stuff will happen, but to this degree? No.

Edited by Tylantia
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