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Inquisitor Story: Does it get better? (Spoilers)


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I would like to do something important for starters. All ive done so far feels so irrelevant and unrewarding. I just go to some planet and find a boring piece of stone I dont care about at all and then do the same thing over and over. There is no feasable endgoal. With the bounty hunter for example I was working towards becoming the champion of the great hunt. It was a feasable goal and it felt rewarding to accomplish it. Here Im just doing an incredibly repetetive task that feels utterly irrelevant. All for maybe being able to do some ritual that I dont even know will work. Just to maybe get more powerful in some way. Id like to do something like masterminding some sort of campaign against the republic, kind of like what Palpatine did, of course not of the same scale, but the Inquisitor is supposed to be inspired by Palpatine after all. Dont get me wrong I dont need to be the allpowerful guy that destroys/saves the universe like the jedi knight. I just want to feel like what I do is important, if not to me then at least to my character and I just dont get this feeling with the inquisitor.
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The inquisitor is a prototype selfish mage story, a master of the force who in his quest for power (and dealing with the consequences) barely even notices that the war restarts. Think Raistlin, not Palpatine. Palpatine achieved his goals with patience and cunning, not the force, the inquisitor delves deeply into the force to achieve a very personal goal.

To survive.


You already got some foreboding of what will happen when you finish Alderaan / Chapter 1, after that you'll no longer play errand boy for your master but have a very personal motivation to continue. You continue because you have to, if you want to bring ruin to the galaxy for the glory of the empire, play warrior.

Edited by Mubrak
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I love the Inquisitor story because of how personal it feels. It requires a bit of player agency -- in the first act, at least -- in that you need to keep in mind that you're still, in effect, a slave. Getting free from Zash's leash was a powerful motivator for me.

And yes, you will become powerful. I think it's fair to say that by the end of the story, you are the most influential of all classes.

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IMO the whole thing is all over the place, messy and has a bunch of plot holes. Doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable, but I feel that especially the presentation of the player in the story aswell as the villains (which were not done justice) was sub par. To top the whole thing off, main villain always faces the same destiny. Edited by Darkelefantos
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