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Revan and Episode VII


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Just hear me out on my thoughts guys.


The new Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens trailer was amazing. Just every scene grabbed your attention and it did just what a teaser is supposed to. Not show too many bits but show all the things we wanted. Especially the falcon! :D But I have a theory about who that Sith was.


In the trailer, the voice is saying things about "awakened" and "the dark side....and the light". While this mysterious figure is moving through the forest, we only see him from the back. However it looks like Revan robes a little. The slender, skinny look and the gloves he has on if you look carefully and the hood. Revan was of both the dark side and the light and mastered both sides in his time and rumored that he can never truly die and uses the force to sustain himself.


Anyway, from what I think that may be Revan. The reason I'm speculating is that would make a lot of sense. The Force Awakens could be Revan's awakening, he's been absent upon Yavin IV deep within a tomb for thousands of years, waiting for his time to come back and "mend" the galaxy in the way he sees it, and when he says "the dark side..and the light" and it looks a lot like Revan from the back and that Saber looks just like raw hatred and anger because Revan fell to the dark side again. It just makes sense.


Disney and Lucasarts, while they have said "anything not within movies or clone wars is not canon" when they were asked about Star Wars: The Old Republic they really weren't answering the questions about it being canon or not. Just sort of like "we'll keep it going and see where it goes". They could let some things slide if it was a good story and make sense and they weren't very clear with it either.


Also, keep in mind this is pure speculation on my part and just something fun to talk about the possible scenarios :) No need to take it to heart or treat it if it were real. It could be a possibility. It would be pretty cool though.


To add to that, I honestly think that the best thing they could do is have the mask be a little like Revan to pay homage to the fans of that era without him actually being Revan and being the main focus point of the story so you would get all that glorious nostalgia back every time you looked at him. Something like that. But we'll see. This is just for fun anyways!

Edited by Sarfux
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Nah, the concept art show a different story. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post spoilers here though. :confused:

Regardless, the only thing we will see of Revan is a similarity in the main antagonists combat mask. Revan being a major villain in Episode VII would be the worst thing that ever happened since WW2 (coming from a Revan fan).

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I think the main villain in the film could be a sith pure blood or another alien. It's andy serkis doing th voice over in the teaser, Iv heard rumours he will have a pretty big part in the new film and he usually plays cgi characters I.e. King Kong, gollum, ceaser (planet of the apes) so that leads me to believe the main sith villain will be cgi. I think maybe a pure blood because of the home world of the sith was renamed and I read somewhere that it will feature in the force awakens. That and the title force awakens, maybe it is referring to the new Jedi that will come about from this movie and maybe the dark side of the force instead of dieing out with sidious chanelled it self through an old sith that some how was preserved for years? I can't wait to see what unfolds after watching that teaser, every time I see that falcon scene my hairs stand on end 😀
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I know guys! :) I think it will be the New Order which Luke is forming and really cool stuff about Sith and all. We'll have to wait for me and see but it's exciting talking about it. Thanks for chiming in. Speculation is fun sometimes.
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I know guys! :) I think it will be the New Order which Luke is forming and really cool stuff about Sith and all. We'll have to wait for me and see but it's exciting talking about it. Thanks for chiming in. Speculation is fun sometimes.


I'm not sure if in the movie luke formed a new order. In the spoilers he's exiled himself because he can't control his powers.

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I know it would be a fan boy's wet dream but unlikely that he's coming back after 3000 years. I personally killed his *** in the Foundry and this time, I intend to make sure that bastard stays dead.


Now, it could be someone who has an affinity for the force, is 'called' to the dark side, and is 'led' to hidden teachings of Revan (much like Darth Bane was) It could well be a disciple of Revan of some sort. He is a compelling character in the Star Wars universe and while all material outside the films and CW/Rebels is not canon, The current braintrust running the show is fully capable of cherry picking material that appeals.


I doubt, however, that they will. As much as some people want to have Revan's babies, he's an unknown to the vast majority of the Star Wars universe....just gamers....but, that might be an even better reason to use him as a long dead influence by artifacts he's left behind.

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Something about the cloaked figure's skinny build and the way it moves reminded me of Leia as Boushh from ROTJ.... a female Sith perhaps? Is the cinematic SW universe ready for an epic she-villain? Because I know I am!



Edited by GRIDBUG
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For the love of everything please don't let it be the-most-overrated-character-of-all-time. It's bad enough he keeps coming back in video games. the last thing we need is for him to show up in movies too.


Hopefully he just dies in SoR and never ever comes back.


Y'know..I can think of a few more far more overrated than Revan i.e. Kyle Katarn for example, or the Solo twins, and as much as I love her even Mara Jade or Ahsoka Tano. Oh..here's a better one for overrated lol. Thrawn.

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Y'know..I can think of a few more far more overrated than Revan i.e. Kyle Katarn for example, or the Solo twins, and as much as I love her even Mara Jade or Ahsoka Tano. Oh..here's a better one for overrated lol. Thrawn.


Overrated means people think they're better than they are. How many people bring up Kyle Katarn? In many top Jedi/Sith lists he doesn't even make people's top 10. How about Mara Jade? She makes NO ONE's top ten. Same with Ashoka. Thrawn is noted as a military genius but aside from that.. The only one you really have any merit on is Jacen Solo and even then people have accurately represented him. No one has claimed anything ridiculous like him being stronger than Luke.


There's people who honestly think Revan is more powerful than Luke and Sidious! Revan has an entire fanbase that practically worships the ground his character walks on.

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I could say I'm surprised but then again, this is from the same person who refuses to accept that TOR is Legends. It just fits I guess.


Regardless, it's obviously not Revan. :rolleyes:


Stop harassing me and stop trolling the boards. Obviously you wanted to see what I had to say because you clicked on the thread and you knew what it was about. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have came into my thread to derail it, as you do with others threads as well. I think you get off on the fact you like to challenge people and feel big and strong when you are on an online forum and intimidate others in a way where you make so many useless posts to where you feel as though you are the best ever on these forums because of that.


People can say their opinions and thoughts just as you do.


Please, stop harassing me and don't come in my threads. This is the last time I will say something to you about it. I trust you can honor respectful behavior. Thanks Wicked! Enjoy yourself :)

Edited by Sarfux
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No. That isnt Revan.


He is played by Adam Driver and from what the strong rumours suggest he is the son of Han and Leia.


IIRC the main villain of the trilogy is either Darth Plagueis or the first sith Darth Ruin. It depends if JJ Abrama changed the script around enough from the 2nd draft.

Edited by Girdeux
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No. That isnt Revan.


He is played by Adam Driver and from what the strong rumours suggest he is the son of Han and Leia.


IIRC the main villain of the trilogy is either Darth Plagueis or the first sith Darth Ruin. It depends if JJ Abrama changed the script around enough from the 2nd draft.


Yah probably but it's just all fun speculation. ;) I just can't wait to see it. And Adam Driver seems like a good actor.

Edited by Sarfux
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No. That isnt Revan.


He is played by Adam Driver and from what the strong rumours suggest he is the son of Han and Leia.


IIRC the main villain of the trilogy is either Darth Plagueis or the first sith Darth Ruin. It depends if JJ Abrama changed the script around enough from the 2nd draft.


Wait, what? How can it be Plagueis? He's been killed before the battle of Naboo by Sidious. And Darth Ruin (Phanius) is long dead for about 1000 years, and since he's considered "Legends" at this point, I don't see how that's even possible to include.

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In the trailer, the voice is saying things about "awakened" and "the dark side....and the light". While this mysterious figure is moving through the forest, we only see him from the back. However it looks like Revan robes a little. The slender, skinny look and the gloves he has on if you look carefully and the hood. Revan was of both the dark side and the light and mastered both sides in his time and rumored that he can never truly die and uses the force to sustain himself.


Anyway, from what I think that may be Revan. The reason I'm speculating is that would make a lot of sense. The Force Awakens could be Revan's awakening, he's been absent upon Yavin IV deep within a tomb for thousands of years, waiting for his time to come back and "mend" the galaxy in the way he sees it, and when he says "the dark side..and the light" and it looks a lot like Revan from the back and that Saber looks just like raw hatred and anger because Revan fell to the dark side again. It just makes sense.

Nice wish, but the reality is Lawrence Kasdan (wrote Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) and JJ Abrams are writing the screenplay for Episode 7. They don't have any exposure to Old Republic lore, I doubt they included our era in their research.


Now don't get your hopes up but the writer for the unnamed (2016) star wars standalone spinoff, Gary Whitta, is a fan of KOTOR. If any of the new writers pay homage to Old Republic era, it will be him. He expressed his thanks to Bioware's founders on twitter


KOTOR is still one of my all-time favorite games. Up to 3am every night until I finished it. Thanks @RayMuzyka @DoktorZee & all at @BioWare!


I took another look at the robed figure at the end and I think it is a woman. You can sorta tell in that split second of the scene when he/she/it turns sideways just a little bit.

Nope. It's Adam Driver alright.

Here's a video of him running, got the same frame and movements as the trailer. (especially when he descends the subway stairs)

(language warning if you watch past the jogging) Edited by Falensawino
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Man, I just wanted to see Revan in movie or in more game, and after in that month the Shadow of Revan was announced, now this Episode 7 looks like it is Revan also so lmao lol that is awesome!! Well I do not think it is Revan actually, it has red lightsaber and since Revan is both light and dark side not just dark side he would be wielding Purple lightsaber. And all this black robes are smilar though lol
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Something about the cloaked figure's skinny build and the way it moves reminded me of Leia as Boushh from ROTJ.... a female Sith perhaps? Is the cinematic SW universe ready for an epic she-villain? Because I know I am!



Gwendoline Christie it was my first tought to be honest.


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From the Game of thrones. she is right handed in the show. Also from her having a sword as a prop in the show could of had her ask to make her saber look like a real sword. first thing i thought.

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Something about the cloaked figure's skinny build and the way it moves reminded me of Leia as Boushh from ROTJ.... a female Sith perhaps? Is the cinematic SW universe ready for an epic she-villain? Because I know I am!




Yes, yes, yes! All my yes for an epic female Sith kicking some serious Jedi/Republic behind :cool:

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Unfortunately I'm pretty sure it will not be Revan, though looking at the lore - there's absolutely no problem in bringing him into the New Republic era.


I do believe, however that old Sith armors (the acolyte armor is pretty similar to Revan's mask) serve as an inspiration here. Whoever this character is, he/she will probably be fascinated with the Sith as something from the pages of history... with the victory of Rebels, after decades of Sith domination - Dark Side, and Sith ideology are most probably banned, or at least persecuted, so I would assume that whoever is fascinated by that Dark past will try to style him/herself based on the ancient, or fairly modern Sith... so why not use Revan (or someone alike) as a role model? Why not try to follow Vader's steps... at least styling-wise.


Something tells me that there will be more than just one villain. As well as I get the feeling that we will get a strong female villain. First of all because that would potentially widen the fanbase, secondly because there are simply not enough strong female characters in the SW movies.


I do admit however, that I'm not impressed by the teaser. I don't get the whole "black stormtrooper" discussion, because - first of all we see the guy in the armor, but don't know if he's a trooper or not; secondly 50-60 years have passed since the Clone Wars, and Storm Troopers ARE NOT Clone Troopers; and thirdly I see no reason why the Empire would be picky about the skin color of their soldiers... they were racists towards aliens (or at least that's the feeling we get through lore, and the appearance the Empire has in the movies), but I don't think their racism touched humans. But that's just my reasoning. So I really don't get this part of the discussion that goes around the teaser, and I find it quite annoying tbh.


But the way this guy appears in the teaser is simply... comical. It looks like straight from a parody. Reminds me of a "Space Balls" trooper played by Tim Russ, saying to Rick Moranis playing "Vader" (was it Lord Helmet? ;) ) "we ain't found s**t".


And then we have this strange lightsaber with idiotic "handguards". It just doesn't look like a lightsaber blade to me, but rather like an electrostaff.


But still - I'm excited. The teaser (combined with the release of Shadow of Revan) brought me back to TOR, and incited the flame of old love for Star Wars. I feel once again enchanted by the "galaxy far, far away", and can't wait to sit down to the computer and play my character, find his reasons, motivations, emotions, and life in The Old Republic.


Wow... I wrote a lot, but the bottom line is: nope, I don't think it's Revan... but I would love to see him there :D.

Edited by dogmaticus
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