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3.0 Discipline Trees, might need more customization


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Looking at the TwitchTV livestreams, obviously I'm late in watching them and I have the expansion preorder and will be playing. But I must say this, from what I'm seeing I'm seeing Bioware doing the same as Blizzard did in WoW, "ok let's take the highly customize-able Skill Trees and make it where everyone gets everything and just give them a small handful of things that makes them unique in the class. Why? Cause people QQ about speccing taking a lot of time and paying to respec cause of a miss-click" This time Bioware might do a better job at this as we have more things to choose from instead of the 1 of 3 skills that Blizzard did at each tier. However as a player who enjoys Hybrid builds and going against the normal "Stroke my EPEEN with my DPS meter" style builds that elitist harp on and kick you out if you flat don't have that specific build. I like that the new skills are going to be nice and some of the new Utilities sound very good. Some of the things might still be like you're being pushed massively into a "this is your rotation and that's it" styles of play, and I will find out when the 3.0 hits. I do understand why you don't like Hybrid builds as it is a lot of "what if" questioning on testing to make sure things aren't getting broken and overpowered, and let me say here that I'm not worried about this change, I'm just worried about the number of customizations that a discipline has to allow a player to feel like he is getting a build that isn't so cookie cutter that EVERYONE has it.


Just putting this suggestion out there to maybe up the customization points from the 7 to like maybe 12-14, enough to make you feel like you can change things around every few levels by getting 1 more new change that isn't an expected given at that level to all of that discipline. Again my opinion might change after playing 3.0 but I just have this foreboding feeling, a disturbance in the Force, that a possible repeating of bad choices by another game in trying to simplifying the game to streamline it for casuals ending up making it worse for others. I also know this suggestion will most likely get trolled, and I will stave off the trolls in saying I'm most likely not going to be checking this post later as I just wanted to throw this out for the world to think on. I hope I enjoy the 3.0 expansion as much as I have enjoyed the game thus far.

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I hope you know that the mentality of the elitist crowd, the types that decide whats in and whats out, whats viable and whats not and anyone that says otherwise tends to get flamed into oblivion will decide what the best spec is, it doesn't matter if there are a 100 talents to choose or just 10, the elitists will decide which ones are viable for endgame raiding.


I personally like what they did for wow and this new system has promise, i just want the talents to be as perfectly balanced as realistically possible to avoid any elitists just deciding 'this works, choose this or never get into raids' type of thing.

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I hope you know that the mentality of the elitist crowd, the types that decide whats in and whats out, whats viable and whats not and anyone that says otherwise tends to get flamed into oblivion will decide what the best spec is, it doesn't matter if there are a 100 talents to choose or just 10, the elitists will decide which ones are viable for endgame raiding.


OR! Or. Or you can read the skill trees through, see what each talent does and come to the same exact conclusion as "the elitists" as to what are the best specs. Anyone with 5 minutes can pick the same talents as a nightmare raider.

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OR! Or. Or you can read the skill trees through, see what each talent does and come to the same exact conclusion as "the elitists" as to what are the best specs. Anyone with 5 minutes can pick the same talents as a nightmare raider.


Pretty much this. Anyone trying to say hybrids were viable are only lying to themselves. Like all the time I get called a hacker in PvP despite I specced full tank because I utilize my cooldowns and tank abilities in PvP, while this piddly little pissant hybrids are barely holding a candle, damage wise, let alone defensively to me.


It isn't that elitests are the ones dictating things, it's that hybrids aren't good build specs and only led to exploits.

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Pretty much this. Anyone trying to say hybrids were viable are only lying to themselves. Like all the time I get called a hacker in PvP despite I specced full tank because I utilize my cooldowns and tank abilities in PvP, while this piddly little pissant hybrids are barely holding a candle, damage wise, let alone defensively to me.


It isn't that elitests are the ones dictating things, it's that hybrids aren't good build specs and only led to exploits.


Oh, i assure you, they do run the show...especially in the whole pug department, not so much guild runs, but sometimes even in guild runs.....80% of the time its always 'spec this way or don't group for hard modes.' and if i am happy with my spec, i get vote-kicked out of the group.


The problem with mmos is that those elitist types are too focused on the big numbers and should focus more on the fun of playing the game.

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Very few consider dying over and over because several of your groupmates are severely underperforming in already challenging content "fun of the game". Even outside of end game ops, I've seen enough "tanks" running around with a DPS stance (especially Shien Form) because "it works better for me" leading to wipes in what should have been easy boss fights that I have more sympathy for the people whose enjoyment comes from success, and I don't even do ops besides story mode (well, yet).
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I definitely feel this move to discipline has made things too cookie-cutter like. It has taken flexibility away, and forces one into pre-defined roles... healer, DPS, tank. I used to play mixed-spec, which is ideal for solo leveling. This new system is geared more for end game. It also feels too much like WOW. So.. if things are going to be wow-like, at least give us Dual Spec? and the option to switch specs at will out of combat?
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