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Is Lana Beniko.....


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.....the Emperor? She bears a resemblance to the Sith Emperor in the comics and has a vast understanding of the force as a whole. She arrived and has become powerful in a short amount of time and has no title. I have reason to believe that she is in fact the emperor. Discuss.
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.....the Emperor? She bears a resemblance to the Sith Emperor in the comics and has a vast understanding of the force as a whole. She arrived and has become powerful in a short amount of time and has no title. I have reason to believe that she is in fact the emperor. Discuss.


I laughed with this one far more than I should. :D


Still, IMHO at any rate, the short answer is "no."



She's Kephess





You're clearly overusing that one, Essence. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Well to add further proof to my theory, the Emperor called me "Wrath" when I met him once before. Lana Beniko strangely does the same when I converse with her. She is not willing to engage in overly romantic activity which leads me to believe she is not interested in anything more than using me. This combined with her obvious skin tone deficiency is further proof that she is the Emperor. I will be writing up a report on her methods in combat later to further prove my point.
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Well to add further proof to my theory, the Emperor called me "Wrath" when I met him once before. Lana Beniko strangely does the same when I converse with her. She is not willing to engage in overly romantic activity which leads me to believe she is not interested in anything more than using me. This combined with her obvious skin tone deficiency is further proof that she is the Emperor. I will be writing up a report on her methods in combat later to further prove my point.


You are addressed as "Wrath", "My Lord Wrath", "Mighty Wrath", "Wrath of the Emperor's rotting corpse", etc etc.


I doubt every single person in the game that addresses you as Wrath is in fact the Emperor.


In other words, I can't tell if you're serious or just... LoL. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Thanks for the quick replies guys, its been good to get some feedback and opinions in here. Based on all of the info and feedback you guys have provided I am fairly convinced that Lana Beniko is in fact the Emperor. Almost all of you verify it with your own experiences and even added some more evidence. I will be writing a further review on what ramifications this will have on the Darth Council in a later post.
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Thanks for the quick replies guys, its been good to get some feedback and opinions in here. Based on all of the info and feedback you guys have provided I am fairly convinced that Lana Beniko is in fact the Emperor. Almost all of you verify it with your own experiences and even added some more evidence. I will be writing a further review on what ramifications this will have on the Darth Council in a later post.


We are... laughing? :confused:

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Good grief! It looks like someone is trying to beat Wicked's thread about '' Theories of the Emperor ''.

My good friend, i do not think you understand the meaning behind '' evidence ''. Your argument is only theory that is backed by:

A) A severe misunderstanding of your own argumentation in relation to the evidence already in the game ( here referencing your point about being addressed as ' Wrath '. For your information, a lot of people address the Sith Warrior as such after Chapter 3, from a low Imperial Officer to Darth Marr himself. I do not recall all of them being the Emperor...

B) A denial, refusing to acknowledge the fact that Kephess will come back.


Based on all of the info and feedback you guys have provided I am fairly convinced that Lana Beniko is in fact the Emperor. Almost all of you verify it with your own experiences and even added some more evidence.

This quote by you only confirms my assumptions : you are ignoring the people that commented on your thread. Everyone was either trolling with Kephess jokes or debunked your own theory of Beniko being the Emperor.


But yet again, who i am to say anything. I will simply let you wait and witness the truth once Shadow of Revan hits. And you know what, to further prove my point, i will come back and necro this very thread a few weeks after the expansion has launched and everyone has passed through the story at least once.


Then when it is done....when your theory is ashes.....then you'll have my permission to cry. :jawa_cool:

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nah shes not the Emperor, but I bet she is either 1) a decedent of Revan or 2) one of the Emperors children..... im willing to bet she has some connection to Revan though.


If she's the latter, my Agent will make sure His Imperialness has some sexy-looking grandchildren.

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