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Planned downtime seems unfair


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What do you mean nothing? Didn't you here about the change in req rewards?!?!


Kidding aside, I have hopes that that change will eventually draw a bigger player base in, but I bet it is going to be long queue times for the next couple of months while folks explore SoR.

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Well, what is known is that the Conquest Event "Clash in Hyperspace" has been deleted. This is not a good sign ...




It's not deleted (according to that link), it's just not scheduled. Like Relics of the Gree, which apparently exists, but has never happened and is apparently not scheduled for the next two months either.


I wish both those events would happen more (or at all, in Relics' case). Also, I wish Death Mark wouldn't be so dreck, because we're getting it every BBA week and that's once a month, more than any other event.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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It's not deleted (according to that link), it's just not scheduled. Like Relics of the Gree, which apparently exists, but has never happened and is apparently not scheduled for the next two months either.


I wish both those events would happen more (or at all, in Relics' case). Also, I wish Death Mark wouldn't be so dreck, because we're getting it every BBA week and that's once a month, more than any other event.


You believe the event will again. Let's see ....


Anyway, nothing is to be expected therefore March for GSF, otherwise they would assist it with a Conquest.

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This week, Total Galactic War has some GSF bonuses and while my guild conquors Tatooine, I've been able to score some nice points that way.


I wouldn't panic -- there is enough interest to keep it limping along but it could certainly use some love -- they just cannot spare the resources at the moment, I guess. The requisition change will be helpful I think as the biggest complaint is new players being woefully uncompetative without grinding out tons of matches just to get a little better, all the while their match history goes into the toilet.


None of that truly concerns me all that much. I just recently came around to GSF and aside from a few ships I've worked hard on, I get beat all to hell by experienced players all the time but for many, the process is far too slow.

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The requisition change will be helpful I think as the biggest complaint is new players being woefully uncompetative without grinding out tons of matches just to get a little better, all the while their match history goes into the toilet.


That might be the biggest complaint, but I believe that even if everyone had every ship and upgrade unlocked, people would still get crushed by experienced players, which would deter them from further playing. It's not the ship but the pilot behind the ship that matters.


Problem is that I don't think people want to put in the time to learn if it entails their complete and utter destruction, as they want their instant gratification (which also explains why new players don't go for objectives but would rather dog fight in the middle of nowhere).


GSF has a fairly steep learning curve. Unfortunately, new players may not give GSF enough of a chance to realize that though the learning curve is steep, it's relatively short - all it really takes to get half-way decent is to read some ship build posts here, and maybe watch some of Drakolich's videos on youtube. I think that should help a lot. Worked for me, at least.


TL,DR: More people should imitate Drakolich to get better. If they get better, chances are they will stick around and continue to play GSF, thus shortening queue times.


TL,DR;TL,DR: Drakolich is love, Drakolich is life.

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