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R.I.P Operative healers.


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All I know is, I have a Commando (main) and a Scoundrel (probably 3rd) at 55. I mainspec DPS as both but heal quite a bit for groupfinder HM FPs. My Commando is pretty well geared, 4-piece set bonus, 168/180 mods. My Scoundrel has no healspec set bonus and is working with mostly 168s with the occasional 162.


When I get a group containing 1 or 2 bads who mess up aggro, stand in stupid, and don't peel adds, I find that I need to heal a lot more.

With my geared Commando, it's tricky and complex, requiring me to balance burst-heals with ammo management, time my Supercharge properly, and make efficient use of my cooldowns.

With my ungeared Scoundrel, it's a faceroll. It's only difficult if I get adds chasing me, due to lower armor, worse DCDs, and impaired off-DPS.

This guy finds ungeared Scoundrel heals way easier than geared Commando heals. That's all that needs to be said.



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It does sound like a pretty heavy nerf. I also main an op healer.


Perspective is important. It looks worse, because Op Healers have been on the heavy side of the balance curve for a long time now.


And Yes I play one, and I will adjust just fine. I'm certainly not going to curl up in a ball on the floor like the OP has done here.... before even playing post-adjustment. :rolleyes:

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This guy finds ungeared Scoundrel heals way easier than geared Commando heals. That's all that needs to be said.




Try healing HM/NiM DP and tell me that Scoundrels and Operatives are easy...

Edited by Viridiana
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Oh and I very much like the fact they're finally nerfing us. Playing an operative healer usually meant god-mode and undying guarding of nodes, unless you went up against 1-2 really good players that REALLY knew what they were doing. The changes will make Op healing interesting again.


Edit: Oops, never mind just saw there's a dev blog.

Edit, No 2: ....aaaand there's nothing important in there... seriously? People are already overreacting before the devs actually talk about the changes?


^^ Agree. :)

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So I have read the notes. I see the changes. Obviously I play an Op healer as my main. So how much metrics and data do you need to collect before you adjust our class again?


In other words you really nerfed our heals across the board. You want your content to be more challenging. Ok so what about the fun factor? What if its really not fun anymore to play this class? I am going to shelf my beloved Corbindalas for a while and just play my dps and wait to see what is the new flavor of healer. In this case it appears to be Mercs. Mercs definitely needed a boost and I m glad they got it.


Many changes here again point to you screwing over my PVE game play for the sake of PVP, and frankly that sucks!


/rant off.



I take it you're a number crunching, hardcore PvE'er? News flash: the Developers have said since launch they did not design this game to cater to your niche...

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I take it you're a number crunching, hardcore PvE'er? News flash: the Developers have said since launch they did not design this game to cater to your niche...


If you want to get technical the devs also claimed they would never adjust the classes for PVP at the expense of PVE.

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All I know is, I have a Commando (main) and a Scoundrel (probably 3rd) at 55. I mainspec DPS as both but heal quite a bit for groupfinder HM FPs. My Commando is pretty well geared, 4-piece set bonus, 168/180 mods. My Scoundrel has no healspec set bonus and is working with mostly 168s with the occasional 162.


When I get a group containing 1 or 2 bads who mess up aggro, stand in stupid, and don't peel adds, I find that I need to heal a lot more.

With my geared Commando, it's tricky and complex, requiring me to balance burst-heals with ammo management, time my Supercharge properly, and make efficient use of my cooldowns.

With my ungeared Scoundrel, it's a faceroll. It's only difficult if I get adds chasing me, due to lower armor, worse DCDs, and impaired off-DPS.

This guy finds ungeared Scoundrel heals way easier than geared Commando heals. That's all that needs to be said.




so they should nerf classes based on your experience in level 50 hm fp's? when we first entered dp/df, we were in 162's mainly, or lower. we had a lot lower hp levels and mitigation was lower. they were the challenge that they were supposed to be. as we got better gear, healing became easier. we killed adds faster, we had more buffer between alright and omg heals nao!!! now we are running 180s/186 and those same sm ops are easy. well they should be. people have had a year to learn mechanics, they take less damage and have more hp. next week those same ops will be harder. we will kill slower and the enemies will hit harder. might not be a great time to decide to rewrite how combat works.

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no, its not. A healer should be able to keep themselves alive against 2 average dps. in pvp. it isnt as if he will be doing any damage. if you nerf him down to only 50% of that, he wont be worth bringing.

as far as pve...I have never seen a sorc or merc passed over for an op healer. loading up with op healers doesnt suddenly make a raid team invulnerable. there isnt much effective difference between types of healers. between the dps nerfs and heal nerfs, there will be less groups able to complete hm ops, frustration is a great way to keep your customer base happy...

you are a serial contrarian i swear


its like you've never even played this game before and just get off being wrong...anyway, tired of your trolling so /ignored

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