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Q'n solo against only other solo Q'ers in normal wz.


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Team based PvP is solo content?


Just wow. I guess it's the M and the E you are concerned about. A bunch of bads/moons queuing together be damned huh?


Well - I'll give you a clue ... the button says "Queue Solo" ... If you sleep on it perhaps you'll get it ...:D

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Yup, but now randomly distributed between teams ... Problem solved.


Nope. There will still be lopsided matches because you haven't fixed the real problem that has eluded you and others in this thread.


There is no noobtube to level the playing field. As soon as one team has no healer, the match should be over pretty much before it begins. People quit. You get a backfill with 1600EXP, so now you playing against 7v8 effectively. All of that shot is directly related to why teams get rolled. Removing potential players don't fix any of that..

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Well - I'll give you a clue ... the button says "Queue Solo" ... If you sleep on it perhaps you'll get it ...:D


And that's why you fail.


It's not solo content. It's taking a place in line by yourself to play a team game.... TEAM, TEAM, TEAM.

Versus someone taking a place in line with others to play the same Team game... TEAM, TEAM, TEAM



You can't play PvP by yourself, i.e. unlike levelling which IS solo content. You can't solo OPS, which is why it group content.

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Nope. There will still be lopsided matches because you haven't fixed the real problem that has eluded you and others in this thread.


There is no noobtube to level the playing field. As soon as one team has no healer, the match should be over pretty much before it begins. People quit. You get a backfill with 1600EXP, so now you playing against 7v8 effectively. All of that shot is directly related to why teams get rolled. Removing potential players don't fix any of that..


Many servers have unbalanced rep-imp win ratios, and some people who play a lot tend to gang up on the winning side causing an experience and gear imbalance. Cross-faction will fix that problem and in the long run the rest will even out when the RNG is not broken by premades.

Edited by Bobbafatter
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And that's why you fail.


It's not solo content. It's taking a place in line by yourself to play a team game.... TEAM, TEAM, TEAM.

Versus someone taking a place in line with others to play the same Team game... TEAM, TEAM, TEAM



You can't play PvP by yourself, i.e. unlike levelling which IS solo content. You can't solo OPS, which is why it group content.


I fail ... ???? rofl .... had a bit of bad luck thinking, had you ?


Of course it's solo content when you join solo. The broken matchmaking makes it not so enjoyable at times but it's still solo content even if you group up to do it. The matchmaking system doesn't necessarily have to stay broken just because it happens to be at the moment.

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I fail ... ???? rofl .... had a bit of bad luck thinking, had you ?


Of course it's solo content when you join solo. The broken matchmaking makes it not so enjoyable at times but it's still solo content even if you group up to do it. The matchmaking system doesn't necessarily have to stay broken just because it happens to be at the moment.


So is GROUP Finder "solo content" as well? Hahaha dude you crack me up.....


Anyway. RNG should never be a part of the equation in PVP, ever. You can't gauge individual skill on randomness. There needs to be a noobtube in this game by way if a handicap. That way you don't even really need cross faction. We need to balance for skill disparages, not grouping.


Watch this video and try to apply it to SWTOR PvP and my idea. Maybe it will start to sink in then.


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So is GROUP Finder "solo content" as well? Hahaha dude you crack me up.....


Anyway. RNG should never be a part of the equation in PVP, ever. You can't gauge individual skill on randomness. There needs to be a noobtube in this game by way if a handicap. That way you don't even really need cross faction. We need to balance for skill disparages, not grouping.


Watch this video and try to apply it to SWTOR PvP and my idea. Maybe it will start to sink in then.



The video was not a complete waste of time, there was actually some nice illustrations even if the rest of the content was irrelevant. Losers will find ways of exploiting the balancing system you propose, and as I already said before it's not likely to happen.


You can't exploit the RNG, and in the long run there will be even matches with my proposal. You can't argue with that.

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The video was not a complete waste of time, there was actually some nice illustrations even if the rest of the content was irrelevant. Losers will find ways of exploiting the balancing system you propose, and as I already said before it's not likely to happen.


You can't exploit the RNG, and in the long run there will be even matches with my proposal. You can't argue with that.


Point way over your head. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Considering group finder is now "solo content".


So are you now claiming premades are exploiting the system? Tell me how RNG works if they are only 16/8 people in que, and only one of them is a 2000 rated healer? I could go on, but again cross faction don't fix **** meng.


If you really like TEAM BASED PvP why are you trying to kill it further?

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Point way over your head. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Considering group finder is now "solo content".


So are you now claiming premades are exploiting the system? Tell me how RNG works if they are only 16/8 people in que, and only one of them is a 2000 rated healer? I could go on, but again cross faction don't fix **** meng.


If you really like TEAM BASED PvP why are you trying to kill it further?


Come on, you can't really be this thick right ? This is truly hilarious ... :D


First clue: Central limit theorem

Second clue: The 2000 rated healer will alternate between sides in consecutive games


The solution you propose may not necessarily screw things up worse than they are, that's beside the point. The point is that there is an easier one just in front of you, that is mathematically proven to work. You need randomness to even out any skill/gear disparities over time.You need cross-faction to create an unbiased game over time.

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Come on, you can't really be this thick right ? This is truly hilarious ... :D


First clue: Central limit theorem

Second clue: The 2000 rated healer will alternate between sides in consecutive games


The solution you propose may not necessarily screw things up, that's beside the point. The point is that there is an easier one just in front of you, that is mathematically proven to work.


So you change the scenario to suit your needs?


1 match. How does cross faction balance that?


Wannabe math wiz. LOL that the rim also has many prerequisites that SWTOR PvP don't meet ( Sufficient player pool being one of them, (and you are the same one saying exclude teams.... LOL)And don't bring that RNG crap again cause as ELO proves, players never operate in a normalized state for "RNG" to work and has can't affect anything between the keyboard and the chair.

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So you change the scenario to suit your needs?


1 match. How does cross faction balance that?


Wannabe math wiz. LOL that the rim also has many prerequisites that SWTOR PvP don't meet ( Sufficient player pool being one of them, (and you are the same one saying exclude teams.... LOL)And don't bring that RNG crap again cause as ELO proves, players never operate in a normalized state for "RNG" to work and has can't affect anything between the keyboard and the chair.


Who is now changing the scenario ? Are you now implying that people only play one WZ ever ??? Come on, the matchmaking does'nt suck that bad ... :D


Whoa, you should really have spent a bit more time in that of statistics class, or maybe your lapse of reason is just sign of the dangers of googling ? You are right that there are additional conditions, but the one you point is not one of them. The most important condition is that the distributions of the observation remain stationary, which roughly translates into a requirement that the server population can be said to be slowly varying.


In the long run everyone gets the same amount of balanced games, even if every match by itself is not necessarily balanced. RNG works wonderfully as long as people have few tools to screw it up. Premading in the solo queue is one of the tools that should go away. You don't need maths to explain it, but I though I would just rub it in you face for fun ...

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Who is now changing the scenario ? Are you now implying that people only play one WZ ever ??? Come on, the matchmaking does'nt suck that bad ... :D


Whoa, you should really have spent a bit more time in that of statistics class, or maybe your lapse of reason is just sign of the dangers of googling ? You are right that there are additional conditions, but the one you point is not one of them. The most important condition is that the distributions of the observation remain stationary, which roughly translates into a requirement that the server population can be said to be slowly varying.


In the long run everyone gets the same amount of balanced games, even if every match by itself is not necessarily balanced. RNG works wonderfully as long as people have few tools to screw it up. Premading in the solo queue is one of the tools that should go away. You don't need maths to explain it, but I though I would just rub it in you face for fun ...


When did I change the conditions?


Anyway, maybe you should review your own point about the central theorem because the more variables you add, the less likely that normal distribution will happen and in some cases will never happen (for those in the cheap seats, what this means is that by its very nature, PvP can never depend on "RNG" panning out because there are WAY to many variables, that change by the second). The only time RNG pans out is if conditions are relatively the same. Every. Single. Time. This is never the case with PvP (See complaints about YOLO).


Also, your "RNG Savior" still doesn't answer the bell when talking about why players should be subjected to bad matches at all, and doesn't stop bad players from getting gibbed (which leads to all the butthurt in the first place). <-----This is the point of the video. If good players were not forced to use other means (premades) to not to have to carry bads, if bad players have a real tool(handicapping) to flatten out the learning curve, if all players had a tool(handicapping) to account for most of the variables (no healer team versus balanced team), RNG wouldn't matter, at all, and PvP would infinitely be better.


I am still wondering though, do you really consider "PvP Group Finder" (AKA: Queue Solo) solo content?:rak_02::D

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When did I change the conditions?

You brought the topic up and got slapped for it.


Anyway, maybe you should review your own point about the central theorem because the more variables you add, the less likely that normal distribution will happen and in some cases will never happen.


Nope, exactly the opposite is true. The more observations in each sample (i.e. the number of players in a match) and the more samples you draw (i.e. the number of games) the smoother the resulting distribution will be. Here is a better video: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability/statistics-inferential/sampling_distribution/v/central-limit-theorem


The guy really explains it well - watch it, you might learn something.


(for those in the cheap seats, what this means is that by its very nature, PvP can never depend on "RNG" panning out because there are WAY to many variables, that change by the second). The only time RNG pans out is if conditions are relatively the same. Every. Single. Time. This is never the case with PvP (See complaints about YOLO).

Given that you miserably failed to grasp the very fundamental of the central limit theorem, I don't really think you are in a position to judge about its robustness. We who actually got a clue knows that it is impressively robust. As I said before the main condition is that the distribution of players in the queue remain stationary, however also the CLT is quite robust to that as well. The problems with the YOLO queue are mostly due to people screwing with the RNG in combination with too few people queing. That would be much harder to do with cross-faction, and there is basically no incentive to do it when it's not ranked.


Also, your "RNG Savior" still doesn't answer the bell when talking about why players should be subjected to bad matches at all, and doesn't stop bad players from getting gibbed (which leads to all the butthurt in the first place). <- ---This is the point of the video. If good players were not forced to use other means (premades) to not to have to carry bads, if bad players have a real tool(handicapping) to flatten out the learning curve, if all players had a tool(handicapping) to account for most of the variables (no healer team versus balanced team), RNG wouldn't matter, at all, and PvP would infinitely be better.


What you are proposing would just kill the incentive of playing well. And for you information, teaming up to steamroll PuGs is not playing well.


PuG vs PuG matches are seldom really bad, you can always have some fun. Premade vs premade are also seldom really bad. The bad matches are typically those where premades are matched against PuG, and that is what should go away. I have occasionally done premades as well but it's usually boring as hell so joining a premade is not a solution either.


And by the way this garbage really gave me a good laugh: "If good players were not forced to use other means (premades) to not to have to carry bads, ..., PvP would infinitely be better." . Can I quote you on that in my sig please ... :D

I am still wondering though, do you really consider "PvP Group Finder" (AKA: Queue Solo) solo content?


You are really clutching at straws now I see. For you information, it's called a WZ Queue ... And of course "Queue solo" means it's solo, or rather should be, solo content. That some people feel that they need to group

up for the solo content does not make it group content. :D

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The lengths that people go to just to defend those easy wins.



And yet are still too scared to queue 4v4 ranked.



or maybe solo players are too scared of playing premades because they got a stunlock keyboard ability when the game dropped. BW PLEASE FIX PLAYERS BEING BETTER THAN I OR MY TEAMMATES ARE?





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You brought the topic up and got slapped for it.




Nope, exactly the opposite is true. The more observations in each sample (i.e. the number of players in a match) and the more samples you draw (i.e. the number of games) the smoother the resulting distribution will be. Here is a better video: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability/statistics-inferential/sampling_distribution/v/central-limit-theorem


The guy really explains it well - watch it, you might learn something.


Again, can you PvP if you are the only one online? No? Then it's not solo content, but it is amusing you think it is...


Given that you miserably failed to grasp the very fundamental of the central limit theorem, I don't really think you are in a position to judge about its robustness. We who actually got a clue knows that it is impressively robust. As I said before the main condition is that the distribution of players in the queue remain stationary, however also the CLT is quite robust to that as well. The problems with the YOLO queue are mostly due to people screwing with the RNG in combination with too few people queing. That would be much harder to do with cross-faction, and there is basically no incentive to do it when it's not ranked.




What you are proposing would just kill the incentive of playing well. And for you information, teaming up to steamroll PuGs is not playing well.


PuG vs PuG matches are seldom really bad, you can always have some fun. Premade vs premade are also seldom really bad. The bad matches are typically those where premades are matched against PuG, and that is what should go away. I have occasionally done premades as well but it's usually boring as hell so joining a premade is not a solution either.


And by the way this garbage really gave me a good laugh: "If good players were not forced to use other means (premades) to not to have to carry bads, ..., PvP would infinitely be better." . Can I quote you on that in my sig please ... :D



You are really clutching at straws now I see. For you information, it's called a WZ Queue ... And of course "Queue solo" means it's solo, or rather should be, solo content. That some people feel that they need to group

up for the solo content does not make it group content. :D


No it's called

Queue Solo: Get in line, by yourself, to take on group content.

(PVE) group finder: Get in line, by yourself, to take on group content.




Do you not understand your assumptions have no basis? Again, you can't apply CLT because there are not a finite amount of variables when you hit the queue button. It works great for dice rolling , but not PvP queuing.


Even if premades screw with the RNG, your law still dictates a normal distribution for the entire population anyway right? People on the left side of the curve aren't having a good experience more times than not. These are the players that need help. Handicapping *attempts* to eliminate portions of the left side of the curve.


Math does you no good if you can't apply it to real world problems and with that.. Ithink I am done here..

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No it's called

Queue Solo: Get in line, by yourself, to take on group content.

(PVE) group finder: Get in line, by yourself, to take on group content.

Nope, "queue solo" is meant for solo players, thus its solo content. It's not really that hard ....


Do you not understand your assumptions have no basis? Again, you can't apply CLT because there are not a finite amount of variables when you hit the queue button. It works great for dice rolling , but not PvP queuing.

Even if premades screw with the RNG, your law still dictates a normal distribution for the entire population anyway right? People on the left side of the curve aren't having a good experience more times than not. These are the players that need help. Handicapping *attempts* to eliminate portions of the left side of the curve.

They have all the basis of the world and your hilarious attempts to deny the obvious reminds me of that thought experiment where they claim that if you have enough monkeys randomly mashing buttons on a keyboard one of them would eventually come up with the entire works of Shakespeare. Unfortunately you random attempts does not succeed this time either. The whole point of CLT is that you not have to assume a certain distribution of the individual observations. In the long run the amount of balanced games evens out for the different players as long as you remove the bias of gear/skill disparities through cross function. So, again you fail miserably ...


Math does you no good if you can't apply it to real world problems and with that.. Ithink I am done here..


Please continue, I was really enjoying your attempts at statistics. You display a really exceptional ability not to learn from instruction that I have rarely seen before ...


So there is an almost trivial solution to the problem of unbalanced WZs - now it's time to implement it ...

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