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May we please get the comm conversion rates?


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Ummm... to be fair...


X >= 1 && X < 1... includes every ratio there could possibly be ;)


Apart from 1 : 1 itself as above and below does not include the 1 : 1 , but we are looking too deeply into it now guys :)





Edited by BadOrb
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How can you still be confirming conversion rates only just over a week before it hits, you guys have had months upon months to figure it out and now we are going to be lucky to get a day or 2 heads up.

Whenever there's a big content patch or expansion, it seems like there are some players who think that these updates are finished months in advance and just sit on a shelf for BW to flip 'on' at some arbitrary date.


There's a reason the release date is what it is: that's the date they're working their butts off to get things done by, and a lot of the fine-tuning won't be done until very close to that date.


The precise conversion rate of comms seems like exactly the sort of fine-tuning that would be handled towards the end of the development cycle.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Apart from 1 : 1 itself as above and below does not include the 1 : 1 , but we are looking too deeply into it now guys :)






he had greater than or equal to 1 and less than 1. so yes that includes all numbers less than one, one, and all numbers greater than one.

if you can find me a number that is NOT in that range, please let me know, I'm sure we can make a few mathematicians rethink their place in the universe.

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he had greater than or equal to 1 and less than 1. so yes that includes all numbers less than one, one, and all numbers greater than one.

if you can find me a number that is NOT in that range, please let me know, I'm sure we can make a few mathematicians rethink their place in the universe.


It doesn't matter what the forum poster said , I was talking about Eric's quote. You know the one that clearly states above and below 1 : 1 , did he say inclusive of ? No. As I said we are looking too deeply into it. To be fair it isn't mine either but I can at least work out that he probably mean't inclusive of. Clutching at straws are us.





Edited by BadOrb
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Hey folks,


We are still working on confirming the conversion rates, I will get them to you next week! You will have them before Shadow of Revan launches.






Thank you for responding...


That being said, "time to plan for it" is really almost past... For the future, this sort of info would be nice to have a month out, not a week out. :)


But thanks for replying anyway, I understand that you personally don't make these decisions, so no shooting the messenger. :)

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This is all pretty good advice azudelphi!

  1. The Basic Comm cap will remain 1,000.
  2. The rate will vary both above and below a straight 1:1.
  3. Just like Makeb, there will be an overflow allowance above the 1,000 cap.



I have one or two toons that are close to capping all 5 comm types right now... The overflow with Makeb had a limit and some comms were lost.


Please, can you not have the overflow capped? Removing rewards that were earned is not fun. I get that I can't earn more until I spend them all, and that at lvl 55 my options to spend them might not be end game gear, but at least don't delete my rewards.


Thanks for the updates...

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How can you still be confirming conversion rates only just over a week before it hits, you guys have had months upon months to figure it out and now we are going to be lucky to get a day or 2 heads up.


While Eric didn't personally do this, your point is fair and accurate...


At this point, final testing and Q/A is all that should be happening, the expansion should be finished feature wise at this point, and frankly should have been finished for weeks now.


I've been in software development for a long time, I would never, ever, ever launch anything that wasn't feature complete and well into testing with this little lead time.


Every single change has the chance to break something else, even something like comm conversion rates.


Nov 1st would have been the very, very latest drop dead "everything has to be done and in and firm" date, or the expansion would be late. Oct 1st would have been nicer. This sort of development is why this game is so riddled with bugs and problems, Q/A is horrible and everything is rushed at the last minute.


4.0 should already be in development (it might be), and 3.1 should be just about locked down for features at this point.

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Whenever there's a big content patch or expansion, it seems like there are some players who think that these updates are finished months in advance and just sit on a shelf for BW to flip 'on' at some arbitrary date.


There's a reason the release date is what it is: that's the date they're working their butts off to get things done by, and a lot of the fine-tuning won't be done until very close to that date.


The precise conversion rate of comms seems like exactly the sort of fine-tuning that would be handled towards the end of the development cycle.


I never said that it was finished months ago, though 90% of it should have been finished months ago when it was announced it should have only had some bug testing left, i said they have been working on this expansion for months upon months and you would think something as basic as a conversation rate should have been ironed out roughly the time it was announced, we will be lucky to have a few days notice before SoR hits.

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I am not entirely sure why people care this much.


Will you stop playing the game until 3.0 hits, assuming you find the conversion not to your liking?


They've confirmed there will be a ratio of sorts, just like there was one for 2.0.

They've confirmed there will be an overflow.


Aren't those enough for now?


Again, truly don't understand why you find it that fundamental. Nitpick much?

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I am not entirely sure why people care this much.


Will you stop playing the game until 3.0 hits, assuming you find the conversion not to your liking?


They've confirmed there will be a ratio of sorts, just like there was one for 2.0.

They've confirmed there will be an overflow.


Aren't those enough for now?


Again, truly don't understand why you find it that fundamental. Nitpick much?


To get comms, it takes time, there is a cap and sure there is an overflow, but there is still the ability to go over the overflow cap, which wastes those comms, which in turn wasted out times, if we know the conversation rate we can work out how many we will have or if we will go over the overflow cap, that way we can spend them on stuff before 3.0 Hits, preventing a lot of us from having our time and effort wasted.

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To get comms, it takes time, there is a cap and sure there is an overflow, but there is still the ability to go over the overflow cap, which wastes those comms, which in turn wasted out times, if we know the conversation rate we can work out how many we will have or if we will go over the overflow cap, that way we can spend them on stuff before 3.0 Hits, preventing a lot of us from having our time and effort wasted.


It is possible to "transfer" Basic comms around, between characters.

Assuming you have plenty, you won't loose any one might gather.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Again without the conversation rate we cannot "Transfer" them around to prevent them from being wasted.



You "transfer" them around, just in case.


If a character has 980 Basic, 120 Elite and 100 Ultimate, why not transfer the excess Basic in advance, to a character that has -- for example -- 150 Basic comms?

Again, it just comes across as nitpicking IMHO.


They've already confirmed that Elite and Ultimate will be converted into Basic; The latter should be your sole concern. Just plan in advance and you're good.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It is possible to "transfer" Basic comms around, between characters.

Assuming you have plenty, you won't loose any one might gather.


Is that via legacy gear ? Then yes we will and would have sooner gotten gear below the overflow cap to help with missions before 3.0 hits. As to your other question then yes I have stopped playing HM FP's for the time being as what's the point ? If I am over the over flow ( which it looks like I am on many characters ) then why earn more ? When they will be worth 180 or 186 gear in a few days. Quite simple really. I am still playing tactical's to earn a few elite comms on my low geared characters though.





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Is that via legacy gear ? Then yes we will and would have sooner gotten gear below the overflow cap to help with missions before 3.0 hits. As to your other question then yes I have stopped playing HM FP's for the time being as what's the point ? If I am over the over flow ( which it looks like I am on many characters ) then why earn more ? When they will be worth 180 or 186 gear in a few days. Quite simple really. I am still playing tactical's to earn a few elite comms on my low geared characters though.






Not at all. ;)


You literally "transfer" Basic comms around. No money sinks or anything.

I just prefer to be discreet about it, seeing there's no word from Bioware if it is considered an exploit or not.


I mean, it's been around since Legacy Storage / Strongholds were introduced.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Not at all. ;)


You literally "transfer" Basic comms around. No money sinks or anything.

I just prefer to be discreet about it, seeing there's no word from Bioware if it is considered an exploit or not.


I mean, it's been around since Legacy Storage / Strongholds were introduced.


Right well I though it was a pvp gear only thing , I didn't know , I will take a look.





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2. Plan for a 1:1 conversion ratio on all comms. If not 1:1, assume that the more difficult the comms are to get, the more they are worth.

There's is zero chance that planetary and classic comms will be converted 1:1 or higher into the new Basic comms. Those will definitely be less than 1:1.

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There's is zero chance that planetary and classic comms will be converted 1:1 or higher into the new Basic comms. Those will definitely be less than 1:1.


Don't be so sure about the planetary ones , they have been earned and they can't lower their value. Unless of course they lower the cost of gear at the vendors , in which case you would be correct.





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Eric, I (and I am sure many others) am also interested in what weekly missions (ie Ops weeklies) will be reset and if any will be deleted.


I have no special insight, but here's what I think is most likely:

1. All missions that reward any comms that will be removed from game with 3.0 will be entirely reset (along with XP that will be lost).

2. All missions that reward any comms that will change in value with 3.0 will be entirely reset (along with XP that will be lost).

3. All missions that reward only comms that remain in game and same value with 3.0 may not be reset.

3A. All Makeb dailies/weeklies that return only Basic comms will remain in-game and likely to be rewarded.

3B. All Czerka dailies/weeklies that return only Basic comms will remain in-game and likely to be rewarded.

3C. All GSI dailies/weeklies that award only Basic comms will remain in-game and likely to be rewarded.

3D. All WZ unranked and ranked dailies/weeklies that award unranked and ranked PVP comms will remain in-game and likely to be rewarded ([*] note that the "value" of PVP gear increases, the relative value of unranked = entry PVP while ranked = ranked PVP remains the constant here as opposed to hard gear rating)

3E. All GSF dailes/weeklies will remain in-game and likely to be rewarded.


This would give upwards of 20+ mission completions, including about 5-6 in-queue log completions, that would be able to be reasonably stacked and return after 3.0 the same awards as pre-3.0. Note, you're game QoL will be in the gutter until you redeem the stacks below 3 in award queue, but that's what I see as most reasonable.


I'd stay away from stacking anything that awards elites/ultimates because you're likely to simply lose it to reset.


This all presupposes that _some_ stacking may be possible, which, admittedly is not a foregone conclusion.


My $0.02.

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"Transfer" Basic comms? I figured out on my on a while ago (pretty soon after it became possible) how to do it with planet comms, and recently I've been seeing comments that it works for warzone comms (wouldn't know about that myself, dabbled in warzones for a bit once and haven't touched them since sometime before 4v4 arenas were added), but when I looked at something for Basic comms it didn't look like it would work for that... Maybe I'll have to check on that again.


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"Transfer" Basic comms? I figured out on my on a while ago (pretty soon after it became possible) how to do it with planet comms, and recently I've been seeing comments that it works for warzone comms (wouldn't know about that myself, dabbled in warzones for a bit once and haven't touched them since sometime before 4v4 arenas were added), but when I looked at something for Basic comms it didn't look like it would work for that... Maybe I'll have to check on that again.


You have to find something that can be refunded and can be put into legacy storage.

Still, we were told that no coms are lost. Is there even a need for an overflow-cap and tricks to avoid it?


Let's see, how would I exchange the coms...

With everything on the cap we can have 2800 coms right now.


Planetary coms ought to be converted 1:1 for those that still are leveling without the 12x rush, have gathered 100 planetary coms and plan to spend them at the next odd level. +100 basics


Classic coms are pretty pointless right now: when you have gathered enough of them to buy a piece of gear, you've already outleveled it. Of course, some f2p that still have the level 50 cap may have a use for them, but they still won't get over level 50 in 3.0 and can just as well spend the coms right now. +500 basics


Everyone seems to assume that Basics are converted 1:1, but that would increase their value considerably: right now, they become obsolete very quickly and are only used to buy isotope 5, so no big loss here +500 basics.


Gaining Elites took some effort, they still are of some value if you haven't geared all your companions yet, and have a lower cap than basics, so I guess those will be converted 1:1 +400 basics.


Ultimates buy right now, what basics will buy in 3.0. So they should be converted 1:1, but since exchange rates will be both above and below 1:1, I guess those will convert 1:1.5 +450 basics.


So our 2800 mixed coms would be converted to 1950 basic coms.

Edited by Mubrak
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You have to find something that can be refunded and can be put into legacy storage.

Still, we were told that no coms are lost. Is there even a need for an overflow-cap and tricks to avoid it?


Let's see, how would I exchange the coms...

With everything on the cap we can have 2800 coms right now.


Planetary coms ought to be converted 1:1 for those that still are leveling without the 12x rush, have gathered 100 planetary coms and plan to spend them at the next odd level. +100 basics


Classic coms are pretty pointless right now: when you have gathered enough of them to buy a piece of gear, you've already outleveled it. Of course, some f2p that still have the level 50 cap may have a use for them, but they still won't get over level 50 in 3.0 and can just as well spend the coms right now. +500 basics


Everyone seems to assume that Basics are converted 1:1, but that would increase their value considerably: right now, they become obsolete very quickly and are only used to buy isotope 5, so no big loss here +500 basics.


Gaining Elites took some effort, they still are of some value if you haven't geared all your companions yet, and have a lower cap than basics, so I guess those will be converted 1:1 +400 basics.


Ultimates buy right now, what basics will buy in 3.0. So they should be converted 1:1, but since exchange rates will be both above and below 1:1, I guess those will convert 1:1.5 +450 basics.


So our 2800 mixed coms would be converted to 1950 basic coms.


my opinion is not exactly the same, but close.


I don't see classics or planetaries as being converted. they will still have the same use as they currently do...with the only exception perhaps of classic purchasing a tier or two higher then they currently do (i.e. the classics will buy lvl 55 162's or so. perfect for 55, but not enough for 60). planetaries won't convert, as people will still be leveling on the planets after expansion, and considering you can get planetaries by running lvl 12 heroics at lvl 55...yeah, they won't let you get ilvl 180 gear for that.


basics could transfer actually at a lower ratio then 1:1. considering the ilvl of the gear you'll be getting will be jumping from 156 up to 180 for basics, holding onto them will be far more profitable then using them now, even at a lower ratio. So I expect either >1:1 or at a maximum 1:1 for these.


Elites and ultimate will be greater then 1:1 IMO. again, mostly due to them being harder to get then basics. For Elites, yes, they may be "easy" comparatively to get now, but they still are accumulated at a slower rate then basics, so i see them having a slightly higher ratio. at worst, they'll be 1:1 like you said. ultimates will obviously be higher, but not sure by how much. you can only have 150 at one time...so they won't break the bank even if you get a 2:1 ratio, or higher.

Edited by Elyx
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my opinion is not exactly the same, but close.


I don't see classics or planetaries as being converted. they will still have the same use as they currently do...with the only exception perhaps of classic purchasing a tier or two higher then they currently do (i.e. the classics will buy lvl 55 162's or so. perfect for 55, but not enough for 60). planetaries won't convert, as people will still be leveling on the planets after expansion, and considering you can get planetaries by running lvl 12 heroics at lvl 55...yeah, they won't let you get ilvl 180 gear for that.


basics could transfer actually at a lower ratio then 1:1. considering the ilvl of the gear you'll be getting will be jumping from 156 up to 180 for basics, holding onto them will be far more profitable then using them now, even at a lower ratio. So I expect either >1:1 or at a maximum 1:1 for these.


Elites and ultimate will be greater then 1:1 IMO. again, mostly due to them being harder to get then basics. For Elites, yes, they may be "easy" comparatively to get now, but they still are accumulated at a slower rate then basics, so i see them having a slightly higher ratio. at worst, they'll be 1:1 like you said. ultimates will obviously be higher, but not sure by how much. you can only have 150 at one time...so they won't break the bank even if you get a 2:1 ratio, or higher.


Perhaps you didnt see Erics post, in regards to planet and classic comms?

Hey folks,


The Commendation types "Classic" and "Planetary" are being removed from the game.



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