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Merc DPS rotation ?


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I just recently reached lvl 55 and love the playstyle of the merc aswell as the armor and the dual blasters. I currently use a roatation using unload, explosive dart, heatseeker, tracer missile and rail gun. Does anyone know a good rotation for max DPS Arsenal/Pyro? Also im wondering if DPS merc is a viable spec for ranked PVP.

Any help is grearly appreciated :D

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Thx for the link...kind of dissappointing that my class is not viable for ranked pvp :(


Oh, it's completely viable, but you have to play Group Ranked which is the easiest way to play Ranked.


My rotation is this


Power Surge > TMx2 > TMx1 > HSM > RS > UL > Repeat back from TM's


but, i would also start remembering the new rotation for Arsenal


Priming Shot > TM > Power Surge > TM > TM > HSM > RS > BB > Repeat


Why? well, that's the new 3.0 Rotation, we do lose our Double Power Surge, and Power Shields (the 5 Stack defence buff) but we gain Priming Shot, which allows you to insta cast 1 TM on a 18s CD, and Blazing Bolts which is a higher damaging Unload. And Pyro, dont bother learning until a proper 3.0 rotation comes out, because the spec is getting re-vamped a bit and so may be confusing to play with the 2.10 rotation converting to a 3.0 rotation.

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Power Surge > TMx2 > TMx1 > HSM > RS > UL > Repeat back from TM's


What the hell? No just frikken no.


1) Using Power Surge on tracer doesn't gain anything unless you are kiting, you are better served saving it for a instant concussion missile or instant heal.

2) you shouldn't being using tracer missile three times in a row if you have other things off cooldown.



If I wanted to burst someone it would be Tracer > Explosive Dart > Tracer > HSM > Railshot > Unload. If you are going for maximum sustained you prioritize unload instead.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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What the hell? No just frikken no.


1) Using Power Surge on tracer doesn't gain anything unless you are kiting, you are better served saving it for a instant concussion missile or instant heal.

2) you shouldn't being using tracer missile three times in a row if you have other things off cooldown.



If I wanted to burst someone it would be Tracer > Explosive Dart > Tracer > HSM > Rail Shot > Unload. If you are going for maximum sustained you prioritize unload instead.


What the literal hell are you talking about? you want my rotation for maximum burst + RS Damage, and with my rotation you don't have the other things off CD before all 3 TM's are casted anyway (except Unload/Blazing Bolts) Explosive Dart deals such inconsequential damage that it's only good for the specs that use it which will be Powertechs (Tanks for massive threat [because for some reason Explosive Dart is really good threat], and Advanced Prototype for a ranged method of keeping up Retract Blade) you need 3 Tracer Missiles to get 5 Stacks of Tracer Lock (which is stupid, because other classes only need 2 Filler attacks to get the max of any stacking buff [Example: Infiltration Shadows/Deception Sin's])


So, shoo with your stupid ideas corruping this new person in our order of Missile Firing ******es.

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>Says his build is built for maximum burst

>Doesn't use Edart



An interesting property of Explosive dart is that it has a three second delay on detonation. Three seconds is exactly two GCDs. This means that doing dart > tracer > HSM will cause the dart, the tracer, and the heatseeker to hit the target at the same time. The only time you don't use Explosive Dart is if there are mezzed targets around.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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>Says his build is built for maximum burst

>Doesn't use Edart



An interesting property of Explosive dart is that it has a three second delay on detonation. Three seconds is exactly two GCDs. This means that doing dart > tracer > HSM will cause the dart, the tracer, and the heatseeker to hit the target at the same time. The only time you don't use Explosive Dart is if there are mezzed targets around.


E-Dart does like 3k damage, and is only buffed in NO specs for 2.10 and 1 spec in 3.0 which is a PT spec... So, obviously we arent meant to use it.

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Burst. As in, lining up as much damage as you possibly can, at once. In order to make it more difficult to heal through.


Tracer and Heatseeker both have flight times, IE, they do not hit immediately on cast. If you dart someone, then slap them with tracer, heatseeker. All three abilities, despite being cast at different and succeeding times, go off roughly at the same time. Although its more like the dart and tracer hit together and the heatseeker and rail shot hit together immediately after.


This is known as burst. ITs also why, for example, a good pyro powertech will wait to railshot right as their thermal detonator is going off instead of while the timer is till ticking.


TL;DR you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

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E-Dart does like 3k damage, and is only buffed in NO specs for 2.10 and 1 spec in 3.0 which is a PT spec... So, obviously we arent meant to use it.


Heatseeker + Tracer + Dart will always deal more burst damage than Tracer + Heatseeker. Not only that, but explosive dart and heatseeker both have 15 second cooldowns so they always line up rotationally.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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