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Help with race choices for new characters


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Hi, I'm Magik and I'm an altoholic.


So I'm making the last couple of characters of the AC's I don't have (Merc, Mara and Guardian) but I'm somewhat stuck on which race to make them. Here's what I currently have:


Zabrak (E) Assassin

*Zabrak (E) Sorcerer

Sith Juggernaut (tank)

Chiss Juggernaut (DPS; made this one to get DS Jaesa)

Chiss Powertech

Rattataki Operative

Cyborg Sniper

Human Sentinel

Miraluka Sage

Mirialan Shadow

Human Gunslinger

*Human Scoundrel

Cyborg Commando

Zabrak (E) Vanguard


*These are my only females and are the daughters of the one above them. I'm male myself and not much of an RP'er, so I tend to relate much easier to male PC's.


So the races I haven't made are Zabrak ® which are incredibly boring visually, and Twi'lek which I also find kinda bland. I might go for a Twi'lek Guardian, but when messing around with the character creator it seemed to be severely lacking in customization for Twi'leks (size of lekku and skin colors to name a few). Already have too many Humans/Cyborgs, don't know what else could fit a Guardian (which I feel should be BT 3 btw).


The Merc I think I've decided to make as a female Miraluka just to have something really unique (in comparison to the rest, anyway). I'm pretty bored with the male BH voice, and if she's female she won't get swayed to do unnecessary LS stuff just because Mako pulls out the puppy dog eyes :p


And the Mara I have no idea about, since I feel like there's nothing that fits that I haven't already made (he will be male though). Already have 3 Zabraks, and another sith sounds boring because it's so common. Probably should've made the Chiss Jugg a Mara instead and I wouldn't have this dilemma (and could've saved me a slot unlock too).


Not sure what I'm looking for in the replies, but any input/feedback/personal opinions/advice in regards to choosing the race and appearance of these new characters will be appreciated. Maybe share some of your own thought processes when making new characters?


PS. Others having similar quandaries, feel free to post them here since I made a general title for this.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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Eh, I know the feeling, I too have a lot of Alts... :p


I however went a bit on the balanced side to work towards it. Sorry for length, but I want ot be exhaustive. :o

This is what I have, in case you may find it helpful.

- Male Human Guardian

- Male Sith Pureblood Sentinel

- Male Miraluka Shadow

- Female Chiss Sage

- Male Twi'lek Commando

- Male Imperial Zabrak Scoundrel

- Male Cyborg Juggernaut

- Male Mirialan Marauder

- Female Republic Zabrak Juggernaut

- Male Sith Pureblood Sorcerer

- Female Cyborg Assassin

- Male Cathar Powertech

- Male Rattataki Mercenary

- Male Chiss Sniper

- Female Sith Pureblood Operative.

All of them are 55 except the Sentinel (43), the Sage (21), the Scoundrel (53), and the Marauder (53).


Now, I tend to be a completionist, so if I don't have the race or class already used, I tend to roll a character for that. You may be slightly different. However, I noticed that lately, even though I'm a Male myself, relating to female chars is not impossible, if you can envision their behaviour in the situation the game places you into. :)

My Female Zabrak Jugg is the latest 55 I had, to make an example, and I made her a staunch Empire loyalist, who however doesn't say "No" when there's some fighting to do. Mind you, I played her by trying to figure how she would have acted, rather than focusing on LS/DS or Affection.


I'd say that having a chance to unlock all races is a good idea. You mentioned you would like to roll a Merc, a Marauder and a Guardian. My personal considerations are below, treat them as you see fit. ;)


All in all, with that in mind, I'd pick them this way:

- Male Twi'lek Marauder. Spices things up a lot, and customization for that on Imp Side are less of a problem, in my experience. Plus, the spice of seeing the Vette Romance as a Twi'lek tends to be fitting.

- Female Republic Zabrak Merc. May seem plain, but on Imp Side, the difference is easy to see. I rarely, if ever, saw a Rep Side Zabrak on Imp Side, which adds to the feeling of uniqueness.

- Male Miraluka Guardian. As much as it may seem ordinary, Miraluka tends to be favoured for Consular, in my experience. I have seen very few Miraluka Knight, if ever.

However, depending on how you plan to get along with Comps, there's another option. Sith Pureblood has quite a nice angle, seeing at how you basically will have much to share with both Kira and Scourge. I found it quite interesting to see my Pureblood Sentinel talk to the Jedi Council, with his Padawan at his side together with the former Emperor's Wrath.


That said, the most important thing is that you should enjoy it, most of all. Try a few possibilities and see what you're more comfortable with. That's the best suggestion I can give, really. :cool:

Just let us know what you come up with, I'm curious now! :D

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I know how you feel on this one, bit of an altaholic myself. This is my list:-


Imp Side

2 Mercs - Human 1 M 1 F

1 PT - Human M

2 Jugs - 1 Imp Zab M, 1 Cathar F

2 Maras - 1 Cyborg F, 1 Twi M

2 Sorc - 1 Sith F, 1 Twi F

1 Sin - Sith M

2 Snipers - 1 Rat M, 1 Human F

1 Op - Chiss M


Pub Side

1 Van - Cyborg M

1 Commando - Human F

1 Guardian - Miraluka M

1 Sentinel - Sith F

1 Shadow - Rat F

1 Sage - Sith M

2 Slingers - 1 Cath M, 1 Human F

1 Scound - Mirialan M


All of them are 55's (the last 8 thanks to the x12) apart from the F Merc and the Rat Snipe, the reasoning being I wanted to cover pretty much every angle as far as races, genders, LS and DS story arcs and romances - it wasn't until I'd gotten the last char spots filled and gotten them to mid 30's that I realised I'd missed out F Miraluka, F Chiss and F Mirialan :mad:

Had a tough time deciding which to change though as to me, by lvl 30 I've settled into the char, got the head-canon and the over-all look of the char done:rolleyes:


When you create more (cos the desire to do it will grab you eventually....) I highly recommend spreadsheets to keep track of everything if you haven't already - level, gear grade, content completed, comms (although see how 3.0 treats this one), even keeping track of companion gear.

Edited by Forgettableone
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The whole family tree thing is useless, if they plan to do anything with it beyond a waste of space, they haven't announced it yet, but ultimately, race choice is not important, i mean there are some coolness factors involved, depending on your favourite races, i mean if there was the option for Togruta or something, i would roll one instantly, but i really liked Ashoka from the Clone Wars series.
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You don't yet have a cathar, perhaps a male cathar merc. I don't have any cathars myself, perhaps when I actually get more than 3 hours a week to play :D


True, but I never liked Cathar enough to shell out 600 CCs (or the credit equivalence) for it. Cat people just aren't that exciting to me <shrug>


Now, I tend to be a completionist, so if I don't have the race or class already used, I tend to roll a character for that. You may be slightly different.


I'm sort of a half-assed completionist. I try to be one, but often I just can't bother with jumping through the required hoops. I do like your suggestion for a Pureblood Guardian though, that seems much more interesting than a Twi'lek (which I just don't see myself making one of; they're a dime a dozen and they're the exotic dancers of the galaxy :p ).


My Chiss Jugg (which I made just to get DS Jaesa, and chose Jugg over Mara because I was enjoying the other Jugg and being somewhat bored with my Sent at the time) is only lvl 15, so I do believe I will remake him into a Mara. If only there was a "Reset to factory defaults" for characters lol.


The whole family tree thing is useless, if they plan to do anything with it beyond a waste of space, they haven't announced it yet, but ultimately, race choice is not important, i mean there are some coolness factors involved, depending on your favourite races, i mean if there was the option for Togruta or something, i would roll one instantly, but i really liked Ashoka from the Clone Wars series.


True, it's wasted potential, but at this point it's just what you make of it. I enjoy putting my characters into the tree, even though I'd like some more complexity in how to connect everyone. Regardless, race choice is only as important as how much it affects your enjoyment of a character.


I doubt I'll make a Togruta if it becomes available, simply because I'd have to pay extra and it's not much more than a painted Twi'lek in my eyes. But to each their own, of course.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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