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New Saber Form


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I'll pass, thanks


There's a reason people who fight with blades don't use backhanded grips often, except in movies, and that reason is they're more impractical and weaker than the alternative. I don't imagine a character like a Sentinel or a Marauder, who supposedly is an expert in saber combat, would use an inferior grip just because it looks cool.

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I'll pass, thanks


There's a reason people who fight with blades don't use backhanded grips often, except in movies, and that reason is they're more impractical and weaker than the alternative. I don't imagine a character like a Sentinel or a Marauder, who supposedly is an expert in saber combat, would use an inferior grip just because it looks cool.


Guess you never trained with Sai or Butterfly swords?


When using Sai/Butterfly, the blade faces backward running parallel to the forearm to provide protection when defending just like a shield. Also, it allows for more force generate when using your whole body to strike an object compared to swing a Sai/Butterfly using just your shoulder and arm. Elbow strikes takes on a new meaning with a backward facing Sai/Butterfly blade.


Anyone that has trained using dual weapons can go from blade facing backward to forward and forward to backward very quickly without missing a beat, even while moving.

Edited by Ramtar
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You mean these (I apologize for potato quality)? I'll admit though, I'm pretty ignorant of Butterfly swords (I had to look them up).


Regarding Sai, they're used in a completely different style than swords, or even long knives. They were primarily a defensive weapon used for wresting control of swords away from Samurai (in addition to their role as a farming tool). That defensive mindset is not in line with the Sentinel/Marauder class, and the primary advantages of them are negated with lightsabers in that with a sai, if you take a blow to one in a defensive manner, the lightsaber blade comes back at you and slices through your arm. If you attack in that manner, the same thing also happens. Lightsabers also, being more or less smooth hilts, don't have the crossbar guard that makes grip flipping (for lack of a better term) so easy.


And further, from a character design point, the sai (or equivalent) just flat doesn't fit. The Sai was a defensive weapon; giving them to Sentinels/Marauders is a complete 180 from the class design. It doesn't fit.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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You mean these (I apologize for potato quality)? I'll admit though, I'm pretty ignorant of Butterfly swords (I had to look them up).


Regarding Sai, they're used in a completely different style than swords, or even long knives. They were primarily a defensive weapon used for wresting control of swords away from Samurai (in addition to their role as a farming tool). That defensive mindset is not in line with the Sentinel/Marauder class, and the primary advantages of them are negated with lightsabers in that with a sai, if you take a blow to one in a defensive manner, the lightsaber blade comes back at you and slices through your arm. If you attack in that manner, the same thing also happens. Lightsabers also, being more or less smooth hilts, don't have the crossbar guard that makes grip flipping (for lack of a better term) so easy.


And further, from a character design point, the sai (or equivalent) just flat doesn't fit. The Sai was a defensive weapon; giving them to Sentinels/Marauders is a complete 180 from the class design. It doesn't fit.


Luke wouldn't have lost his hand if his lightsaber hilt would have cross guards. As, for your lightsaber blade coming back? That's why training is important. Animation of a 2 bladed block or cross attack are missing from this MMO. To be honest, I would incorporate my lightsabers with the armor protecting my elbows.


Sorry, but a Sai is as much offensive as defensive. Striking something with a hilt of a Sai and than with the blade takes seconds when you trained on how to spin the weapon.

Edited by Ramtar
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Luke wouldn't have lost his hand if his lightsaber hilt would have cross guards. As, for your lightsaber blade coming back? That's why training is important. Animation of a 2 bladed block or cross attack are missing from this MMO. To be honest, I would incorporate my lightsabers with the armor protecting my elbows.


Sorry, but a Sai is as much offensive as defensive. Striking something with a hilt of a Sai and than with the blade takes seconds when you trained on how to spin the weapon.


The sai is a defense first weapon. Any instruction you get (or at least that I got) stressed defending against an opponent's attack by using the prongs of your weapon and the momentum of your opponent's against them and delivering a quick counterattack with your other hand. That's a defensively oriented weapon and fighting style if I've ever seen it. Yes, you can deal real damage with it, but then that's true of every weapon. Hell, medieval shields could be (and were) used in an offensive manner on many occasions - that doesn't make them not a primarily defensive weapon.


Beyond that, you're ignoring the fact that the prongs are necessary to the weapon's fighting style and it's movements. You anchor your hand at the intersection of the prongs, handle, and shaft and use the leverage gained with the prongs to execute grip changes and control the weapon, not a true backhanded grip, which anyone who has spent even 20 minutes looking at an instructional book on the weapon - much less had any actual instruction on how to use it - would know. There is no "training" in learning to not let the shaft of the weapon hit your forearm, it's a part of the standard hold, attacks, and blocks. There are no prongs on a lightsaber, and its blade will cut through your flesh.


There is a reason that very few fighting styles use a reverse grip, and why most (all?) of them involve knives and/or daggers. You simply cannot generate enough force with a reverse grip to adequately block or deliver full force attacks with it, the physiology of the human hand doesn't allow it.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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hehe beat me too it.


Yeah for some some strange reason this seems to be widely accepted all of a sudden because of the new SW movie and the cross guard on the Sith's saber. Let's just dispel this right now instead of re-writing history. Even if Luke did have a cross guard it wouldn't have made any difference.

nullifying any benefit a cross guard would have given. Please stop with the nonsense.
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hehe beat me too it.


Yeah for some some strange reason this seems to be widely accepted all of a sudden because of the new SW movie and the cross guard on the Sith's saber. Let's just dispel this right now instead of re-writing history. Even if Luke did have a cross guard it wouldn't have made any difference.

nullifying any benefit a cross guard would have given. Please stop with the nonsense.


Yes, please.

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