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Developers provide guidance on DPS target levels in 3.0 [with transcript]


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During Thursday's Advanced Class LiveStream, David Damaree provided specific PvE DPS target levels that the Developers are aiming for with the 3.0 balance pass. Below is the transcript.





David: Lightning is also considered a “burst” Discipline; basically they deal burst damage rather than sustained damage. So their actual damage output is suppose to be lower than Madness, but right now--I think it is lower than Madness right now--but they’re still not down to our target yet. We’re constantly working on…


Eric: Yeah, one of the questions that someone asked along those lines is, “is everything that they’re seeing completely set in stone or are things still changing?”


David: So no; definitely not completely set in stone yet.


Eric: I don’t think there is such a thing as “set in stone” when it comes to the Class balancing but...


David: For instance, today we just added the slow in on Lightning Bolt today. So it’s very much—everything is still in development.


[Omitted unrelated discussions]




Eric: Someone had asked because—there were concerns about Deception’s sustained DPS in PvE situations, because they are very—obviously Deception is known for being burst monsters. Someone just asked generally how their—PvE DPS is holding up—“sustained rotationally.”


David: So—it’s pretty good considering you’re “burst.” I—I don’t know the last numbers—Rob’s tweaked it last, but—I had them down to about 4,100 in 198s, maybe around 4,150, or something. I think [Deception Assassins] are higher than that after Rob’s touches. [Deception] might be going 4,200, or something, and our target is 4,125 for the spec in 198 gear. Players pull a lot more out than that because they optimize their gear and other various things. And [Deception Assassins] will do good damage—[Deception Assassins] will be doing better damage than [they were] on Live. So if you’re worried, like, “on Live I never felt like I could raid with [my Deception Assassin],” well, I think you’ll probably feel like you can in some fights, for sure now, because [the spec is] doing pretty good as far as sustained damage is concerned.



Therefore, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding expected PvE DPS levels in 3.0:

  • 4,125 DPS is the Developer's current target level for Deception Assassin's sustained DPS in non-optimized 198 gear.
  • 4,125 DPS is likely close to the target level for all other "burst" specs in the game, in non-optimized 198 gear, to maintain general Class balance.
  • The Developers intend for Madness Sorcerers to have a higher sustained DPS output than Lightning Sorcerers, the burst spec.
  • The Developers DPS target level for "sustained" specs is higher than 4,125 DPS for players in non-optimized 198 gear.
  • These DPS target levels are lower than what the Developers expect players to actually be able to achieve as, "players pull a lot more out than that because they optimize their gear and other various things.”

Edited by Levram
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I hope they do something to bring *my* fun back to Deception. I just grew so tired of the spec. Its hard to put my finger on why ... but take Carnage for example ... it just feels more ... physical? The animations, the sounds, the way everything 'falls in place' during a Gore window. Deception is just so ... RNG? I am sure the hard-hitting Assassins can say it better than me. But I'd love to 'come home' to my Assassin.
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