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Which tree for DPS Marauder ?


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well are you looking for pvp or pve? They all are good in some way , rage too


Rage outperforms the other two trees in lower levels but then the higher u go they all start becoming equal , not sure when for carnage , but for Annihalition its at 20 when u get deadly saber.


They all have their ups and Down


I prefer Anni - its not as bursty but is the best dps spec over the other 2 for long fights. In pvp its probably the best spec for the 1 on 1 situations and is the best Survival spec of ours. You pretty much cannot die against anyone if they come at you alone or even 2 on 1. And due to the damage being elemental from the dots(ignores all armor) , you will also top the damage chart in pvp (at least top 3 if you play it right). Again its not bursty as the other two.




is aimed at pvp , but works well for levlling aswel

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In case it wasn't crystal clear, all three trees of Marauder are pure DPS. Just depends on your playstyle. For instance, a bleed-heavy Annhiliation spec will probably be quite good for longer boss fights in raids, etc. whereas Carnage is a bit more heavy-hitting / spiky.


Just play what seems to interest you the most.

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In case it wasn't crystal clear, all three trees of Marauder are pure DPS. Just depends on your playstyle. For instance, a bleed-heavy Annhiliation spec will probably be quite good for longer boss fights in raids, etc. whereas Carnage is a bit more heavy-hitting / spiky.


Just play what seems to interest you the most.



Well Rage is a CC tree as it was said ;)

Will try with burst/spike dmg for now.

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Hello. I need a help with my marauder build. I am pretty much confused, which path is for pure DPS ? Annihilation or Carnage ? Also can you put your build up here ?



Ive tried all 3, Carnage is VERY lacking until level 40. Annhilation is the best leveling route with deadly saber/sweeping strikes taking down aoe packs. I wouldn't recomment leveling as rage as marauder.

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Personally I think Anni is an insane DPS Spec for PVP. Level 41 and I rip it up like no tomorrow, only part that sucks is when they see who is taking everyone down, 50 billion CC comes your way. So just be sneaky and be powerful. Aside from that, if you're really ripping it up, go put on some music (High energy) and let go of reality and cause blood to fall from the sky!
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