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More then 500 bonus presence?


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So just to start off, this is without datacrons. From my understanding, you get 100 bonus presence for human, and then 10 for each companion you do all conversations with, making a total of 500. Though, for some reason, these last few companions have been giving 20 presence for completing their quests. I am not complaining, but am just curious to where the extra presence is coming from. I am currently sitting at 510 bonus presence, and have 4 more companions to complete, which at this rate would be 590 bonus presence.... a good deal more then I thought I would get. Anyone know where this extra is coming from?
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So just to start off, this is without datacrons. From my understanding, you get 100 bonus presence for human, and then 10 for each companion you do all conversations with, making a total of 500. Though, for some reason, these last few companions have been giving 20 presence for completing their quests. I am not complaining, but am just curious to where the extra presence is coming from. I am currently sitting at 510 bonus presence, and have 4 more companions to complete, which at this rate would be 590 bonus presence.... a good deal more then I thought I would get. Anyone know where this extra is coming from?

You get a little bit as a baseline stat. On a brand new level 1 alt with no datacrons and just the legacy passives, I have always exactly 608 presence. So it seems the minimum is 108, and it goes up a bit for every level. At level 55, if I recall correctly, my total (again, with no datacrons), is right around 920.

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...and I think presence has diminishing returns, right? Hence the need for it to be in that range to have the same or only slightly better effect.


I may be wrong about that though.

It's a flat bonus. It gives 5x the value of presence in companion health, 0.20 x Presence in bonus damage, and 0.14 in bonus healing. At low levels your companions will be monsters because they'll have 3k+ health and 150+ bonus damage. Even into the 40s Presence will contribute as much or more to companion power as their main stat does. At max level it's still there, but not really that big a deal. The bonus healing and damage are nice to have, but outweighed by the companion's main stat contribution at 55.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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It's a flat bonus. It gives 5x the value of presence in companion health, 0.20 x Presence in bonus damage, and 0.14 in bonus healing. At low levels your companions will be monsters because they'll have 3k+ health and 150+ bonus damage. Even into the 40s Presence will contribute as much or more to companion power as their main stat does. At max level it's still there, but not really that big a deal. The bonus healing and damage are nice to have, but outweighed by the companion's main stat contribution at 55.


Ah, i see. Thanks for the clarification.

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I get that there is a base line presence, and that has now pushed me over 900. The thing is the bonus presence is currently at 550. Some companions would give 20 presence when I went through all of their conversations (I would even check before and after finishing their conversations) even though the legacy companion tab specificly sais 10 presence
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my level 50 op now has a bonus of 624, my 23 bounty hunter has 560 bonus


My main who Ive had for 2 years is at 610 bonus with a 360 base for a total of 970 but he has all of the datacrons.


What I think of as my main alt that Ive had roughly the same amount of time is at 570 bonus and 360 base, with no datacrons.


Looking over several of my 55's the base seems to be set at 360 at that level, but looking across all of my toons the bonus fluctuates based off their level.


Like the op Ive been confused about this for a while and assumed it was some kind of glitch or bug with the companion +10's. I didn't notice any extra until I had done all of the pub side and began working on the imp side, then I saw some giving +20 instead of 10.


For my main, his 970 is to high, since as far as I know the most bonus you should have without any presence gear or augs is 360 base + 400 total for all companions done across pub and imp side + 100 for a lvl 50 human + 50 total for getting all the presence datacrons= 910


I guess the 12x story xp pre order bonus might have a slight bonus to presence too seeing how my op with a 624 bonus is higher then my sage who is my main and did all the datacrons. Or maybe lower levels have always got a higher bonus and it changes as you level, I never really paid attention to my lowbies presence before.

Edited by Xillean
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So just to start off, this is without datacrons. From my understanding, you get 100 bonus presence for human, and then 10 for each companion you do all conversations with, making a total of 500. Though, for some reason, these last few companions have been giving 20 presence for completing their quests.


oh.... I noticed this yesterday as well. My operative has been 55 for a few months, all her companions were at 10k affection but Vector and Lokin didn't have their "stories" finished. So I went through all of them, one after the other, and I did have the distinct impression I got 20 from each after I finished.


Currrently, she's at 764 Presence


Base = 360

Human bonus = 100

25 companions unlocked = 250

Fleet Datacron = 10

Taris Datacron = 4


That's 724. Where are those "extra" 40 points coming from ? What am I missing ?


No, she doesn't use Presence augments :p

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