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Please change Minor and Major XP Boosts to Artifact quality


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Searching for these things is such a pain on the GTN because all of the cartel XP boosts show up when searching (the first 1 hour Minor XP boost currently shows up on page 29 of the GTN). To make searching for these easier, would it be better if the quality on them were just changed to Artifact? That way they could be filtered much easier.
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Searching for these things is such a pain on the GTN because all of the cartel XP boosts show up when searching (the first 1 hour Minor XP boost currently shows up on page 29 of the GTN). To make searching for these easier, would it be better if the quality on them were just changed to Artifact? That way they could be filtered much easier.

Erm, no? Learn to use the tools you have for this purpose... There's not enough colors in the spectrum to make it lazy proof.


if you are looking for major or minor boost, then search for them using the search filter to type as many characters as are unique to the type of boost you're looking for. I'll admit, it's a novel idea, but hey, you might even find it useful

Edited by LeJarC
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Erm, no? Learn to use the tools you have for this purpose... There's not enough colors in the spectrum to make it lazy proof.


if you are looking for major or minor boost, then search for them using the search filter to type as many characters as are unique to the type of boost you're looking for. I'll admit, it's a novel idea, but hey, you might even find it useful


You type before you think right?


There are many types of experience boosts like for warzones, exploring etc. ALL types will come up when you search for a minor xp boost. The general one doesn't have a specific name so is the only one that actually cannot be filtered from the other types.

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Erm, no? Learn to use the tools you have for this purpose... There's not enough colors in the spectrum to make it lazy proof.


if you are looking for major or minor boost, then search for them using the search filter to type as many characters as are unique to the type of boost you're looking for. I'll admit, it's a novel idea, but hey, you might even find it useful

I guess you didn't actually read my post but felt the need to reply anyway.


Go to the GTN and search for Minor Experience Boost. I am looking for the general 25% to all experience. Tell me what comes up. Oh, since you probably won't bother, here is what will come up:


Minor Flashpoint Experience Boost

Minor Class Mission Experience Boost

Minor Exploration Experience Boost

Minor Space Mission Experience Boost

Minor Starfighter Experience Boost

Minor Warzone Experience Boost


Please tell me what characters are unique to "Minor Experience Boost" that aren't included in anything in the list above.

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Erm, no? Learn to use the tools you have for this purpose... There's not enough colors in the spectrum to make it lazy proof.


if you are looking for major or minor boost, then search for them using the search filter to type as many characters as are unique to the type of boost you're looking for. I'll admit, it's a novel idea, but hey, you might even find it useful


Yea, LeJarC, like others have mentioned, you end up getting all major and minor XP boosts of all types when you do a search. There is no way to exclude results, so every class, exploration, warzone, etc XP boost shows up.


The problem is that all of them contain the same words. The uniqueness only comes in excluding words, which the current GTN is incapable of to my knowledge.

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Only problem I see with this is that F2P'ers wouldn't be able to use them without Artifact Authorization.

Didn't think of that but, isn't that just a gear restriction? Does it also restrict consumables? If F2P'er can't use it, maybe then just rename them to "Minor General Experience Boost" and "Major General Experience Boost"?

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Only problem I see with this is that F2P'ers wouldn't be able to use them without Artifact Authorization.


Ah, that is a good point.


How about making all lower ones premium and the regular major and minor boosts prototype quality. F2P is only restricted from using artifacts, correct?

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Well, then I must have a different GTN than you, because whenever I search for them they are the very first in the list... I've absolutely no need to page through oodles of other type of boosts.


Sorry I just don't see this. What are you typing to get the general xp boosts to the top of the list? They are always buried deep down the list on my server's GTN no matter what search words or sorting options you choose.


It's long been a problem trying to search for these, because of their generic name.


Making them artifact would cause problems. They just need the word "General" inserted to make them more easily searchable.


Minor General Experience Boost

Major General Experience Boost

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Minor Flashpoint Experience Boost

Minor Class Mission Experience Boost

Minor Exploration Experience Boost

Minor Space Mission Experience Boost

Minor Starfighter Experience Boost

Minor Warzone Experience Boost


Too smart and too good to happen! :p

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Didn't think of that but, isn't that just a gear restriction? Does it also restrict consumables? If F2P'er can't use it, maybe then just rename them to "Minor General Experience Boost" and "Major General Experience Boost"?


That would probably be the easiest fix. It would be a nice little qol update and we can sure use a lot of those!.


Well, then I must have a different GTN than you, because whenever I search for them they are the very first in the list... I've absolutely no need to page through oodles of other type of boosts.


I think you really are on a different GTN. I just logged in to test it. When I first search for minor exp, the first one doesn't show up until page 4. If you sort by name, the class quest buffs come up first, but then you can't sort by price. Sorting by low to high price they don't show up until page 12.


The only sort option that puts them first is sorting highest to lowest. Sorting that way you will overlook any under-priced listings.

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Well, then I must have a different GTN than you, because whenever I search for them they are the very first in the list... I've absolutely no need to page through oodles of other type of boosts.


Well I for one would like to know how you accomplish this. To my knowledge the search displays all of the boost types.


Unless, perhaps, you mean sorting by highest price first, which would likely bring the regular boosts to the front page, but naturally lower priced boosts would still be hidden in the sea of smaller boosts.

Edited by LordArtemis
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That would probably be the easiest fix. It would be a nice little qol update and we can sure use a lot of those!


I agree. I had suggested changing the name to minor XP boost and major XP boost, but was told the GTN does not allow searches of less than three letters.


Perhaps EXP?

Edited by LordArtemis
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Agreen to the name change, "General" and "Warzone" xp boosts are pretty much the only ones i -ever- have sell on the GTN.


Wish they would make non general ones sellable to vendors, I have 50+ of all of them and there are so many of them on the GTN its not even worth trying to sell them. Id love to be able to sell that stack of 97 minor exploration xp to a vendor :rolleyes:

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Or have the renamed to " general XP boosts " . Z


Maj Gen Boost in gtn tab, n sorted. :)


but still, +1. :)


Edit: got beaten to it by a long stretch apparently :D


It's alright, but I think that would have to be EXP boost, not XP boost, since I think you can't search two letter terms on the GTN so the problem would remain.


If it was Minor EXP Boost and Major EXP Boost I think that name change would allow the items to be searched properly.

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There are many types of experience boosts like for warzones, exploring etc. ALL types will come up when you search for a minor xp boost. .

That's true, BUT, if you search for "minor warzone boost", it only lists "minor warzone" boosts. Maybe you don't realize there is a text box where you can enter search criteria. Or maybe you don't realize that you don't have to type in the entire specific name for the item you want. Just entering "minor warzone" would probably only find "minor warzone XP boosts", for example, unless there's some other item with "minor warzone" in the name (in which case, adding another search term would narrow it down even more).

Edited by JediQuaker
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That's true, BUT, if you search for "minor warzone boost", it only lists "minor warzone" boosts. Maybe you don't realize there is a text box where you can enter search criteria. Or maybe you don't realize that you don't have to type in the entire specific name for the item you want. Just entering "minor warzone" would probably only find "minor warzone XP boosts", for example, unless there's some other item with "minor warzone" in the name (in which case, adding another search term would narrow it down even more).

Please look at the post Tsillah was replying to.

Then look at their WHOLE reply, not just a single sentence which you for whatever reason took out.

And then think again about the reply you wrote.

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Set minimum amount of credits to something like 10k (on my server the minor boosts go for around 11k or so), sort by cost from lowest to highest and you'll have filtered out about 90% of the stuff you don't want. I find 'm within 2-3 pages by doing that :)
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Well, this is what we have so far...if I am wrong, please correct me.


Possible options


1) Change Minor and Major XP boosts that are not specific to Artifact or Prototype quality, downgrade specific types if needed.

2) Change the name of the Minor and Major XP boosts to "Minor General Experience Boost" and "Major General Experience Boost" or perhaps use the "EXP" abbreviation for the word experience instead.

3) Add a feature to the GTN to sort by exact name.


Any one of these would make it far easier to search for the general boosts IMO.

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