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Kaggath Battlegrounds Semi-Finals: Republic Resistance vs Republic Reborn


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OK, I've made my decision. To start, here's the scenario. Remember that the scenario is not the only way the battle can go down. It is merely one of many scenarios. So if you don't care about the fluff, skip straight to the end! :p





Defeat in the space battle was not in Revan’s plans, but they had been defeated nonetheless. However, Revan was confident that, no matter the odds, victory was still attainable. He had a carefully laid down plan with several factors, each of which were pieces in a single whole. This plan was easily implemented, and made full use of every advantage his forces could field.


Even better, the Republic Resistance had every intention of aiding his plans. Revan had been asked—very kindly, of course—by Nomi Sunrider to allow the civilians put between their forces to evacuate. Not only did allowing the civilians to evacuate give his plans more time to unfold, but it also improved his public view in the minds of the Senate and his allies. Of course Revan agreed with the opposing Jedi Master.


After two days of evacuating civilians, both sides put all of their plans into motion. The Reborn’s Special Forces, infiltrators, and Jedi under the command of Meetra Surik and Jace Malcom move into the lower levels and buildings, lying in wait to ambush unsuspecting enemies. At the same time, the Reborn’s vehicles are deployed in open areas within the Senate District.


Meanwhile, the Resistance deploys squads of Clone Troopers and Jedi into the lower levels to snuff out enemy cells. But their vehicles are not used for defensive purposes like the Reborn’s. Aerial transports deploy artillery and tanks on top of skyscrapers, giving them excellent vantage points.


But the battle does not start right away. Not until the Clone patrols are lured into a killzone where they are gunned down in quick fashion. A small skirmish causes the battle to implode as SpecForce teams ambush and quickly eliminate several Clone patrol squads. Clone Troopers under Commander Cody’s direction fall back into defensive positions, while Resistance vehicles use their vantage point to rain fire down on the defensively deployed Reborn vehicles.


Airspeeders deployed by the Reborn move through the gaps between skyscrapers and bombard Clone positions with their laser cannons. But their assault is brief when they are ordered to move to higher altitudes to assault Resistance vehicles, which had been more than effective in assaulting Reborn defensive positions and destroying vehicles. However, by moving into higher altitudes, the Airspeeders are left susceptible to fire from Resistance starfighters.


Meanwhile, Jedi on both sides clash. From within the Jedi Temple, Mace Windu directs Nomi Sunrider’s Battle Meditation to bolster her Jedi allies, giving them victory in some small skirmishes, while Meetra Surik personally leads her Jedi squads to victory in others.


Eventually, the ground combat begins to appear to grow sour for the Resistance. Cody orders his troops to retreat to upper levels. Seizing the advantage, Meetra and Jace carefully pursue, but engaging the new defensive position the Clones take leaves them exposed to fire from Droid Tanks deployed in defensive locations. Casualties are suffered on both sides, but more so for the Reborn as the trap forces them to retreat.


However, from the Chancellor’s Office, Revan adapts to the situation and delivers new orders. At his command, squads of Special Forces move up the tallest skyscrapers and destroy enemy emplacements. However, the Resistance quickly catches on and uses other artillery platforms to bombard the rooftops of buildings immediately when vehicles occupying them are destroyed. The SpecForce troopers, their intentions made clear, are forced to move against the Tank Droids’ positions.


More losses are suffered for both sides, but those suffered by the Resistance are more grievous in nature, and allow the Reborn to push an offensive once again. The Resistance continues its retreat back to the Jedi Temple, and the Reborn cautiously follows.


Eventually, the Reborn begins a siege of the Jedi Temple, finally bringing what remained of its tanks to the fore. Under such dire circumstances, the Resistance is forced to deploy the entire remained of its force to the defense. And along with a detachment of the Temple Guard and the majority of the Resistance’s Jedi Knights, Master Windu himself joins the fray, personally cutting down many soldiers and Revanchists in a brilliant display of skill and power. Eventually, however, the two Seconds in Command come face-to-face.


In a spectacular contest between two great swordbeings, Meetra Surik is overwhelmed by Windu’s sheer skill and strength. Regretfully, Master Windu moves to strike her down, but his blow does not land thanks to the timely intervention of Jace Malcom, who tackles Windu to the ground. With Mace on the ground, Jace attempts to drive a knife through the Jedi’s skull, but Master Windu’s strength is too great and Jace is pushed away. Staggered by the Jedi’s strength, Jace Malcom is bombarded by blaster fire from long range by Commander Cody as Master Windu and Meetra Surik re-engage in combat. With Nomi Sunrider’s Battle Meditation, a group of Jedi manages to breach Jace’s armor and cut him down.


From the Jedi Temple, Nomi Sunrider reaches out with Battle Meditation again, bolstering Windu’s skills. Meetra Surik is overwhelmed even quicker this time, and without Jace at her side she is forced to retreat with the remainder of her forces before she too is cut down.


Shortly after their victory on the Jedi Temple grounds, the Resistance finds itself bolstered by reinforcements from Kuat in the form of several tanks and artillery platforms, which had been shipped to Coruscant before Revan’s infiltration of Kuat could find success. Mace Windu quickly organizes an offensive strategy to drive straight into the heart of the Senate District to take Revan down.


Resistance forces quickly deploy artillery platforms into firing range of the Executive building. Realizing that his position is not suited for a last stand or a brave defense, Revan, Meetra Surik, and his finest Jedi followers make for a secret bunker from where they hope to lure the Resistance’s leaders into a final all-or-nothing duel to decide Coruscant’s fate.


As the Reborn’s leaders make for the defensive bunker, the Resistance pushes forward. Under cover of artillery fire, the Resistance deploys its forces in the Senate District and makes a direct assault on the Executive Building. With the aid of underworld elements, the Reborn’s soldiers put up a strong defense, long enough for Revan and Meetra to leave the Executive Building. But eventually the weight of numbers and artillery fire break the Reborn’s defenses, allowing the Resistance into the Executive Building.


To the surprise of the Resistance’s soldiers, Revan and Surik are nowhere to be found. But Master Windu knew that they would not be there. Predicting that Revan would retreat to the secret bunker, Mace Windu, Nomi Sunrider, and a group of the most elite forces they could afford raced to cut Revan and Surik and their guards off before they can reach the bunker.


To that end, both sides make one final clash at the entrance to the bunker.


The two forces’ Jedi clash while the leaders engage each other in single combat, Mace Windu engaging Revan while Nomi Sunrider duels with Meetra Surik. Their battle is a stunning display of flashing lights, but soon enough the scales begin to tip. Nomi Sunrider, though formidable in her own right, is soon forced on the back foot by her opponent. Similarly, Master Windu’s advanced and overwhelming fighting style forces Revan on the back foot. At the same time, the Revanchists begin to take a small advantage over the Resistance’s Jedi through their Force Bond with Meetra.


Though Master Windu is able to take the advantage over Revan, Nomi Sunrider’s dire situation forces him to disengage briefly to save her from certain death. He pushes Revan away with his strength and quickly summons the Force to throw Meetra away from Nomi before the finishing blow can be delivered.


Revan takes advantage of the temporary distraction to seize the offensive, nearly taking the Jedi’s head off and putting Windu on the back foot temporarily. Meetra moves to re-engage Nomi when a hail of blaster fire forces her into defense. From down the dark corridor, Commander Cody leads the last and most elite squads of the Resistance’s Clone forces into battle.


Blaze troopers race forward on their jetpacks and unleash streams of fire from their wrist gauntlets to scorch the last Revanchists. Elite Clones take firing positions and fire on Revan and Surik.


In defense, Revan thrusts out his hand and summons a massive telekinetic wave, blasting back all of the Resistance’s forces. But the Resistance is unrelenting. Master Windu and the Blaze Troopers cover Nomi’s retreat, and Mace Windu takes up a second lightsaber from a fallen Jedi. The Blaze Troopers, last few Jedi, and Mace Windu engage Revan and Surik one last time. Though they fight valiantly, they are eventually defeated when Commander Cody and the rest of the Clones recover and provide suppressing fire. The fire from the Blaze Troopers, blades of the Jedi, blaster fire of the Clones, and finally Mace Windu’s dual-wielding variant of Vaapad prove too much for the legendary duo to handle.


The Republic Resistance is victorious.



Point Totals by Category (with commentary):



Population Control:

Resistance: 8

Reborn: 8


‘Control’ may not be the best word. This category is designed to decide how the population affects the battle. Based on the above, I decided that evacuation was the most likely outcome for both sides. Revan would not put civilians in danger in order to smooth relations with his allies and the Senate, and Nomi would evacuate the civilians because she’s a goody-goody-two-shoes.



Resistance: 6

Reborn: 6


This category is designed to facilitate a decision on how both sides’ Jedi would affect the battle. I eventually decided that the Reborn’s Jedi would have an advantage because of Revan’s training on how to kill Jedi, and the battle experience that those Jedi have. However, the advantage was not a major one, and most conflicts between them were decided by external factors such as Battle Meditation, Force Bonds, and the circumstances in which the engagements occurred.


Infantry Combat:

Resistance: 10

Reborn: 18


This category decided how standard infantry fared against each other. In this case, the Republic SpecForce was simply too powerful a force for the Clones to handle on their own. The SpecForce soldiers had better weapons, better armor, and better training. However, the Clones in this fight were not run-of-the-mill soldiers and were able to put up a good fight. In the end, only a handful of the most skilled and specialized Clones survived, and only because of other factors.



Resistance: 14

Reborn: 8


This category denotes the effectiveness of vehicles in the battle. Unfortunately for the Reborn, the Resistance simply possessed a greater number of vehicles and a larger amount of firepower. The Reborn’s artillery and Airspeeders were powerful, but didn’t have the numbers and firepower to overcome the Resistance’s vehicles, especially when Kuat came in to play.



Resistance: 24

Reborn: 18


This category is designed to decide the effectiveness of leaders in the battle. The category factors in special abilities such as Battle Meditation, Shatterpoint, and Force Bonds, as well as battlefield tactics, and, of course, single combat abilities.


I had eventually decided that, the Reborn had a superior tactical advantage and single combat abilities, but the Resistance had taken several other advantages. Nomi Sunrider’s Battle Meditation allowed her forces to take the advantage in select combat areas, Mace Windu’s Shatterpoint, keen insight, and tactical ingenuity allowed him to direct Nomi’s ability, perceive weaknesses in the enemy’s force and his own, and respond appropriately. All of these factors had allowed the Resistance to make up for its shortcomings and secure a small advantage in the grand scheme of the battle.



Resistance: 14

Reborn: 10


This category decides how the political field would be affected by the Kaggath. I had originally had a separate tally for Intelligence Agencies, but I decided that, since they mostly affected the political field, I would just port those points over here. I hadn’t really done much with this category in the scenario, so I’ll elaborate here.


The Senator of Kuat and Armand Isard were able to sway the majority of the Senate over to the Resistance, but it was a slim majority. And, unfortunately, the SIS wasn’t able to get infiltrators to Kuat in time to prevent the critical vehicle reinforcements from arriving to aid the Resistance in the battle. If this were a classic Kaggath, victory for the Reborn in that area would have been more likely.



Resistance: 76

Reborn: 68



Great debating everyone! Stay tuned for the next match!

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I feel so left out. :(


Nothing important, my post was something even Beni wasn't aware of, but I've decided against it because breaking people out of habits isn't worth the effort.


As for the Jerec thing, nothing major, just something to adjust loyalties and stop an unnecessary argument.

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Nothing important, my post was something even Beni wasn't aware of, but I've decided against it because breaking people out of habits isn't worth the effort.


As for the Jerec thing, nothing major, just something to adjust loyalties and stop an unnecessary argument.


What habits needed breaking? Surely none of mine? :D

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