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Environments looks nice so why does too many of the gear looks bad?


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I mean, the world is finely designed and some places are even jaw dropping.

And we keep getting either reskins, bad looking gears or totally silly ones.


Is there nothing that can be done to fix this?


Well, we could fix it by making everything to your tastes.


Of course, tons of other players would think those designs were totally crap then and pretty much be whining here like you are.


But it'd fix it for you.


Tastes vary.

Heck, even some of the worst items out there that seem universally loathed like the weapons of the stronghold packs have people that like them.


So no, there isn't any way to "fix" this, other than somehow getting you to grasp the idea that others don't like what you like and vice versa.

But I fear that will be very hard indeed.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I mean, the world is finely designed and some places are even jaw dropping.

And we keep getting either reskins, bad looking gears or totally silly ones.


Is there nothing that can be done to fix this?


Quess it would depend on what type of gear you like.


Personally the gear my characters wear looks great.

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To quote myself in another thread:

"As you get older, you'll realize that not everyone shares your tastes in ... well .. anything, really. Some people may actually like the look of those weapons. The [sorocco] Blaster Rifles look great on Treek. "

The same goes for armor, although I have to agree there's an awful lot of what I consider really ugly armor, especially those "sith" outfits with the ridiculous shoulder pads. :)

But then again, there's more than enough armor that I like, so, call it a push. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Quess it would depend on what type of gear you like.


Personally the gear my characters wear looks great.

Totally agree, although being able to find a decent looking set does not mean only few items looks bad.


For example I would say, in the last pack very few players find the gear nice and certainly even fewer find it great. Not to say there aren't any player that love it, but it's far from the majority.


To that I'd add would the gear be so appreciated the sales on the GTN would be much better and the prices higher. Which, from my experience isn't the case, but for a couple of pieces.

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In my opinion, most of the gears look great. It is the hats and such that look pretty ugly. Usually. Others think differently.


As for some of the detail levels, check your graphics settings, set them higher (I heard bloom being turned off makes for better lightsaber blades), play with them before deciding one gear set is ugly.


Other thought: Mix and match pieces. Some look great with other sets.

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It is the hats and such that look pretty ugly. Usually.

Well some head pieces are indeed ruining too many sets, and mix matching the body parts with others head pieces usually helps.


But yeah we got Predator and Spiderman helmets in the last shipment. Although there's more than hats, shoulder pads, backpacks, and flaps are kind of an issue too. I mean some are nice but well most are bad or worse. Then too many sets doesn't look SW at all.


Then I'm surprised nobody commented about the environments.

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In my opinion, most of the gears look great. It is the hats and such that look pretty ugly. Usually. Others think differently.


As for some of the detail levels, check your graphics settings, set them higher (I heard bloom being turned off makes for better lightsaber blades), play with them before deciding one gear set is ugly.


Other thought: Mix and match pieces. Some look great with other sets.


agreed :D and i actualy like the sets in newest pack a LOT. personally. I just ran out of characters to use them on, but may still grab one or two, just in case I change my mind.


as for ugly hats, that's like bioware specialty :p just ask any Dragon age fan :D

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Tell you what, go off and design what...several thousand different unique armors and weapons that all look different, varied, thematic, and everyone agrees are aesthetically pleasing. Then you can complain about Bioware maybe missing the mark a couple of times. Edited by GrimAce
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I actually like some of the gear from this pack, the only thing thats a real turnoff to me is the weapons and the /celebrate emote which just looks weird to me ( it looks like the person is pelvic thrusting the air in one direction and then the other, I think its just me but still thats my personal opinion) but besides that everything else looks good to me honestly, the armor does have reskins but they still look good depending on personal tastes and there are original sets like the Jarael set ( good to see them putting out more stuff from the Knights of the Old Republic comics series) as well as the dathomir set of course. All in all I think the gear isn't that bad and I have already obtained some of the pieces I am saving for future alts or even for current alts when they hit high level. Edited by Sangrar
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I mean, the world is finely designed and some places are even jaw dropping.

And we keep getting either reskins, bad looking gears or totally silly ones.


Is there nothing that can be done to fix this?


Probably due to technical issues. I am dead serious. Think about it:


Those planetary vistas and even the terrain are static therefore artists can design them and make them gorgeous. Secondly, those graphics are stored client side so they can load fast and they never have to be transmitted.


Gear has to fit onto male and female bodies of several sizes and shapes, and then have to move with that body in appropriate manners. Cloth gear has to flow in the wind. And your character appearance data is constantly being transmitted across the web. The list goes on. All of these technological constraints result in gear that is less attractive than the planets we play on.


Now I'll admit that is no excuse for the constant reskins we see. But that can be explained by expectations desired by players and set by developers. Some time ago EA/BW stated that they would release "new content" every six to eight weeks. Part of that "new content" is cartel items. In order to maintain that flow of "new content" more often than we probably like "old content" has to be rehashed. Again, not an excuse...an explanation.

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Totally agree, although being able to find a decent looking set does not mean only few items looks bad.


For example I would say, in the last pack very few players find the gear nice and certainly even fewer find it great. Not to say there aren't any player that love it, but it's far from the majority.


To that I'd add would the gear be so appreciated the sales on the GTN would be much better and the prices higher. Which, from my experience isn't the case, but for a couple of pieces.


What do you base that assumption on?


I haven't seen many more "waaah, I don't like this stuff" threads than usual (in fact, I've seen fewer) and the ones I've seen are about the weapons... again...


As for the GTN pricing, well the droprates for outfits seem to have skyrocketed with the introduction of most outfits being in boxes instead of individual pieces.

The only things going expensive on the GTN are the super-rare and individual outfits like jarael.


Add to that the fact that the price is lower than "usual" for the packs so people are buying more of them.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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i think you need to go to the eye doctor and get a new prescription! kuz most of the gear looks like crap!! mostly due to horrible horrible color choices that you cant change due to them being 3rd and 4th colors of the armors. then you have ll the extra added junk they love to throw on things, then you have the wow wannabe shoulder pads and the crappy/stupid looking backpacks they love to add to armor that really has no need for it... must i go on???


no need to be a jerk about it. and there is a way to fix it.. its by making NEW armor and not just reskinning old crappy armor... even though some of the crappy armor would look ok if they would just remove the crappy bits of it when they do a reskin but they never do instead they add more or make horrible color choices.


also no one likes the new weapons in these last few packs... all except the light sabers go for as low as 50 credits on the GTN... at least on my server and no i did not forget any zeroes i actually saw a sniper riffle, cannon, and pistol sit on there for 5 credits for an entire day.. not sure if they sold em or if their timer ran out :p


same can be said about the stupid cybernetic gear... you could get one of the sets for under 200 credits on the GTN im not sure which one it was kuz they all look the same to me but the entire set for under 200 credits... that is kinda sad!!


No need to be a jerk about it?

After reading what you replied to someone who liked it?


No, people need to wake up and figure out that not everything in the game is designed to please their specific tastes.

And the OP has complained about this plenty of times before, so yes, it was needed to be a jerk about it.


And yes, the weapons are a well-known eyesore to most.

But there are STILL people who like those designs.

Even the cybernetic armour that so many dislike (me included) has its fans.

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Probably due to technical issues. I am dead serious.

You do have a point but I certainly hope it's not the case, otherwise they can just trash their client and architecture already, considering all limitations we know they have.


Although that's the best explanation I ever read on these forums, as one as to be kind of blind and deaf not to know people are fed up with reskins, whatever the very low cost to make them.

Edited by Deewe
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