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GSF jokes


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Since there are so many active, energetic, and humorous player around here, do your guys have any joke, funny moment, gag, or parody about GSF you can share? :)


Also, Anyone have movie "Gunsheep" or "Dude, where's tensor?"? I'd like to watch to watch them while I'm patching railgun holes on my scout. :D

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A scout built for MAX speed and evasion, and going full burn to a sat. Then cap the sat and get 30-40 points on the board before the enemy finally arrives.....- while I'm tucked up and cosy right underneath a fin. - That makes me laugh as the enemy come bumbling in, wondering where I am..... then realize and try to get in position - While I blow them form the sky - that always makes me smile.


and tanking in a scout.... picking up every enemy that fancies themselves, gathering several and then running at full chat back to my team-mates.....To have them pulverize the tail I've picked up, while I loop around and join in the carnage. - Yelling "It's a TRAP!" at the screen like it'll make a difference!


I can't wait for 12xp to end and get pack in the cockpit!

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