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Do we REALLY not have a 'Lower hood' option yet?


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This seems so simple to me. We can make entire helmets disappear into hammerspace, but we can't make our characters reach up and toss a piece of fabric back. Silly comparison, yes, but the point remains. I bought the Eradicator's Warsuit for my Sith Warrior for a reason: because he looks awesome in it. But that effect is kinda lost when his long hair magically disappears because he wears an outfit that has a hood on it. At least, if we can't lower the hood, can we get an option to see the hair of our characters underneath it? And, hell, it can't be that much work; you already figured out how to make it work with Twi'leks, who can't wear hoods.


This is elemental. And while it may be low-priority, Bioware, you guys love making great RPGs more than - arguably - any other studio in the industry. Surely it can't be that much of a stretch for players to want the ability to see their head in cutscenes without ditching that otherwise-awesome piece of Cartel Market armor.

Edited by Legendoom
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Yep. Essentially three years down the road and over six years since the game was announced, we still don't have a hood down option. There's plenty of stuff that people have been clamouring for that we still don't have. It's disgusting and disappointing really.
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It may not seem like it, but there is alot (BW) has to do for this to work.


Create unique and re-do textures on ALL apparel items in the game with hoods. In that, they have to make the hood appear in a down state. They also have to create a WORKING variable in the coding to get your characters features (hair included) to sort properly on all camera angles you might be using without it clipping or looking bad.


And that isn't even 15% of the work they have to do.


If they are doing it, they are taking their time to make sure it looks good. As bad as EA is, BW is smart and not going to pre-publish something before it is ready.


Unless you are a code-ninja and can do that in your sleep, get a job at Bioware Austin and help them.


If you are not, shut up and be patient and quit your whining. If i was Bioware, the more people that whine and complain would make me want to delay it further for you ungrateful people.


Love you all though <3

Edited by DSpectre
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It may not seem like it, but there is alot (BW) has to do for this to work.


Create unique and re-do textures on ALL apparel items in the game with hoods. In that, they have to make the hood appear in a down state. They also have to create a WORKING variable in the coding to get your characters features (hair included) to sort properly on all camera angles you might be using without it clipping or looking bad.


And that isn't even 15% of the work they have to do.


You're welcome to explain why they were able to do it with Twi'leks. By just removing the hood.



Unless you are a code-ninja and can do that in your sleep, get a job at Bioware Austin and help them.


If you are not, shut up and be patient and quit your whining. If i was Bioware, the more people that whine and complain would make me want to delay it further for you ungrateful people.


Yes, how DARE I want a complete and better game experience for a game that I payed and am paying for! How ungrateful! How unreasonable! HOW ENTITLED, THIS I SAY!

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You're welcome to explain why they were able to do it with Twi'leks. By just removing the hood.





Yes, how DARE I want a complete and better game experience for a game that I payed and am paying for! How ungrateful! How unreasonable! HOW ENTITLED, THIS I SAY!


Down state and removing the hood are 2 very different things.

I guarantee that if they announced a "hood down" option that just removed the hood the forums would be in a uproar over Bioware being lazy.


From everything I have seen. The hoods are modeled either up or down. It is not just simply a piece of fabric draped over your head.


They would have to end up implementing this for each armor set that has a hood.

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  • 2 months later...

Not my idea, but there was suggestion that just might work : have an easily available adaptative helmet that hides hoods, does not hide hair (there are already several in the game that have both of these attribute), and looks like a hood down.

Might not look great with -every- single hooded armor piece but it would already be a huge boon.

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Why in the hell would it require new textures? They already have hood down models of various kinds they can use and the current textures are fine. All they have to do is have the hood down models replace the hood up models, the end. It may require some uv tweaks but that's about it as far as textures go.


The hardest part is applying the system to all hooded armors, and programming the toggle. Naturally they would just add it to the same page as other character toggles along with hide head slot and show/hide dark side corruption.


I don't think they quite get what a great QoL upgrade it would be for us.

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It may not seem like it, but there is alot (BW) has to do for this to work.


Create unique and re-do textures on ALL apparel items in the game with hoods. In that, they have to make the hood appear in a down state. They also have to create a WORKING variable in the coding to get your characters features (hair included) to sort properly on all camera angles you might be using without it clipping or looking bad.


Yes... and it brings up the problem when you use shortcuts and hard code so many things... such as the chairs not actually working in the game, except for the ones on your ship on the bridge that were "hotwired" by a dev back in beta"


The armor isn't real, the clothes aren't real... if they were, then this WOULD be an easy fix. Since it is all "hard coded" without actually existing, it doesn't work.



In truth, the game engine sucks... in 2015 we have plenty of compute power to have the clothes be real, this would solve a ton of clipping issues...


But alas, it won't come with this game... maybe the next one...

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