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JC's Ranked Teams and Schedule


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Once again, sorry. I've been trying to throw together teams, but it's hard getting everyone together for it, especially considering that only about 3 members of this guild are actually interested in grouped ranked, the rest I just have to pressure into it. :p


I can't put a date on when we can q, but I'll definitely try to let everyone know (that has a team)

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Special shoutout and bumpage for ranked of any kind. Thanks for promoting solo as well Gil and even letting your ranking drop so ****bags like me grab get some. Also thanks Ody for gettin stuff done while Gil is away, even though announcing in general ends up fahcing us over more than a few times :D
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Special shoutout and bumpage for ranked of any kind. Thanks for promoting solo as well Gil and even letting your ranking drop so ****bags like me grab get some. Also thanks Ody for gettin stuff done while Gil is away, even though announcing in general ends up fahcing us over more than a few times :D


Aha! Other people making Rahc puns besides me and Going!



Edited by AxeDragoneth
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The solo q competition has actually been decent. I know Mathcore has been getting it going a few nights. We did have a 24k healer queuing last night but Psycho encouraged him to go regs :D Although I am not going to reach tier 1 on any of my toons this season lol, I am glad everyone has been encouraging to get ranked popping more on our server.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there any specific times that guilds are doing solo ranked during the preseason? There were a few days that it was popping last week, but seems to have died off now...


Solo ranked pops randomly, people usually q up when you ask though. No granked yet unfortunately :(

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Solo ranked pops randomly, people usually q up when you ask though. No granked yet unfortunately :(


Yeah, I have been trying to get solo ranked going for the last several evenings, no luck. Am I missing something, is there a reason people don't do solo ranked more often, especially in preseason?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, I have been trying to get solo ranked going for the last several evenings, no luck. Am I missing something, is there a reason people don't do solo ranked more often, especially in preseason?


I just think there are a lot of people in the big pvp guilds that do a lot of premade regs. I'm sure it could be organized when there are a lot of the big pvpers on, though.

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I haven't really been active for the most part in setting up team ranked due to the fact that it is pre-season. Since it is pre-season I in a way don't really care about win-trading or anything of the sort due to the fact it has no bearing on anyone's rating, this will of course change when Season 4 starts; at which point I will create a new thread similar to this one. If people do want to do Team/Group Ranked I highly encourage it by asking around. Hopefully, this upcoming season will net some more teams so we can have a vast array of teams out there!
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