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The Begeren Colony Summit


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With different learning styles, interests and skill levels around, announcing learning opportunities (raids with 'instructors') just seems terrifying. Excuses like, "only 2 people know the fight, i'm out", "i can't afford my repair bill", etcetera would be the initial responses. It's an attitude challenge, in my opinion. People require incentive and to feel comfortable with failure with hopes to improve each time. (tougher end-game content prog groups fersure have experienced multiple wipes) I'm not saying that people that have cleared content or obviously know 'how to play' are the 'bad guys'. I would suggest that they perhaps share more than a linked achievement or brag about their success/potential. Rightfully earned and everyone is free to express themselves. 'new'/virgin end-gamers do not want to see those revered as the 'elite' telling them how simple it is. That just sounds like it's minimizing the challenge others have had. It truly is all mechanics and numbers. Everything can be replicated, it's the attitude and human performance (including error) that makes something easier or a bust. People know to observe, seek out from those they acknowledge as 'better' for advice, and consult public archives to improve. The concept of the help channels is amazing. keep advertising that, continue referring to the summit information. (each participant of summit should be doing this) Attitude will not improve overall without the vets, goods, and loudmouths monitoring how they address others or speak on content.


This has been quite a rant, however i didn't want to leave on a seemingly negative note. I believe in community, i believe in improvement.

This series of summits is different from the ones that were held earlier in the year, schedule wise. I didn't attend the first summits because this was where I began to feel burnt out, so I don't really know what went down during this meeting. However, this series of meetings was first held on a Sunday, and we all agreed that it would be best if we held these meetings on Sundays.


The whole problem with trying to "nuture" our whole community is that most of these people don't understand or simply don't know what to do. They may or may not know what raids are, and what pvp is, but even if they know the basics, it doesn't mean that they actually like doing whatever it is that they're doing. The best thing that the members of the PvE community can do is let them know what is out there, and give them a taste for what raiding is like. We're not going to force anyone into doing something that they don't want to do. While they may find out over time whether they like raiding or not, we can't simply just toss them into something without their consent. Pug raids are the best, and unfortunately, the only way to reach out to the new members of the PvE community. Unless you have better ideas, this is, and has been, our main course of action.

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I read somewhere in this forum about people actively seeking help, or doing so at all. I think this was in regards to the help channels on both factions. I have an idea that may be helpful. Generate a list on forums for people to volunteer themselves as 'go-to peeps'.


For example, N'abi stated that he would make himself available to people and help as he could. He would add his name to the list and perhaps every so often host little pow wows. Of course we are all ever-learning and 3.0 has thrown in some loops, i think that people interested in seeing true improvement, should offer what they can.


Similar to the links and announcing the help channels, the more exposure it gets, the more activity.


Imagine the competitions and competition there could also be for "best go-to person" for pve/pvp (and all other subcategories). By showing how helpful you can be, you can further ascend as a server recognized 'best (insert class/spec/content) player'.

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I am still willing to help people in whatever way I can. I typically frequent the imp side and while I am not the best at any aspect of the game I am willing to impart whatever knowledge I have or any help people need if I am able to.


If you can't find me ask one of the dark hunters or send me an n game mail to my main n'abi and I will get back to you promptly.

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