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The Begeren Colony Summit


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I'll be interested to see how things go, myself. I have 16 characters on BC. However, I transferred one and am leveling others on a different server because my wife found a guild she likes that will actually happily teach the ops instead of whining because someone doesn't know the fights or hasn't seen it before and wants to watch the cut scenes. Our BC guild is very small, so we're stuck with pugs or finding friends to raid with on BC and that seems to be pretty few and far between. Groups usually want to find people who know the fights (and are very demanding about it) then queue for GF to get the extra comms. So, we stopped most of out play on BC. I hope things on BC improve.
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I'll be interested to see how things go, myself. I have 16 characters on BC. However, I transferred one and am leveling others on a different server because my wife found a guild she likes that will actually happily teach the ops instead of whining because someone doesn't know the fights or hasn't seen it before and wants to watch the cut scenes. Our BC guild is very small, so we're stuck with pugs or finding friends to raid with on BC and that seems to be pretty few and far between. Groups usually want to find people who know the fights (and are very demanding about it) then queue for GF to get the extra comms. So, we stopped most of out play on BC. I hope things on BC improve.


I think you said it yourself: your wife found a particular guild she likes. Most servers are generally quite alike, the difference comes in the guilds. If you joined a more well defined guild your experience may improve dramatically.


Also, because this content has been out for nigh a year, nearly everyone playing the game now who is active in raiding has already experienced the content and is just looking for quick comms. Groupfinder especially is where people go to grind out gear as quickly as possible. If you really want to experience the content fully do it in 8man SM as a guild run where the more experienced players are willing to and have an incentive to invest in your raiding experience.


However, when 3.0 hits next month the raiding will change drastically.

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My best advice for you would either do SM runs with your guildies or start talking to players you see frequently. As with the addition of 16 man ops, most guilds need to pug a lot of people to do a complete run. Feel free to send me a mail in game with what times you are most active, and I will try to send you an invite when we group up for operations. Everyone was new once, and 3.0 is going to balance the playing field again. I still don't really understand the mindset people have of rushing through, what is the point? So that you can go back to jump back and forth across the fleet faster? My in-game toons Republic side are Squigglezz, Pyssic, and Shanananana. :rak_03:


Edit: Did not notice I was on my friends forum account, my account on forum is Ricky-Fast-Slash

Edited by Shayandark
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After spending a little time on pubside the last week or so I have noticed a more cordial atmosphere and that people are generally trying to help each other. Now I can't say that this is true in the leveling aspect but at endgame it is very noticeable.


The pubside now kind of reminds me how the impside was pre 2.0.


Also not entirely sure that the impbasics/pubbasics channels have gone down well as I haven't seen a single call for help in either channel when I have been on, eventhough they were heavily pushed for the first couple of days. Maybe ZuZu is correct and people just don't want help, or don't actively seek it.


Thanks to all on imp side who ran solo ranked on Sunday, I noticed the STI crew were cleaning up as most of the time 2 or 3 of them were on the same side, but it was nice to see pops happening more frequently.


There still seems to be a lot of people (talent?) that may not have any idea that the summits are happening or how to get in touch with guild leaders/experienced players but hopefully that will change in due course, as well as the general attitude on our server.


BTW, Camel can you put me down as missing for this weekends summit. I will be out of town and may not make it back in time.

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Also not entirely sure that the impbasics/pubbasics channels have gone down well as I haven't seen a single call for help in either channel when I have been on, eventhough they were heavily pushed for the first couple of days. Maybe ZuZu is correct and people just don't want help, or don't actively seek it.


This is true. However this is mostly due in part because the majority don't really see the need for it. I mean let's be honest, if you're a casual player that enjoys raiding, get your comms every week and is in full 180 comm gear and clear the raids you do every week easily, would you listen to someone you may or may not know tell you to join a channel to help you play better?


The big thing is, people need to know why they should want to improve. A lot of the players that farm SM's have no HM achievements aside from the old classics, and with so many ppl being overgeared for the current SM's there's no real challenge in them, thus no incentive to improve or need really


Pugging HM's is a good way to start, maybe show someone that HM Dread Fortress isn't as hard as they thought and they go back and try and get their own guild into progressing in it. That's an ideal situation. However usually if a PUG does well in such a raid and they have no real loyalty to their current guild they'll just quit it and join the guild that they ran with, which strengthens said guild but if the goal is more widespread progression on the server, it's sorta detrimental


The channels I believe won't be very successful until post-3.0, when people don't outgear the raids by tiers of gear and will need to readjust their play to compensate not only for class changes but for the difficulty of doing new things at gear level. That will be a great opportunity to start getting people to work a little bit harder on their gameplay, as they'll tend to be forced to in order to get past the content

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This is true. However this is mostly due in part because the majority don't really see the need for it. I mean let's be honest, if you're a casual player that enjoys raiding, get your comms every week and is in full 180 comm gear and clear the raids you do every week easily, would you listen to someone you may or may not know tell you to join a channel to help you play better?


The big thing is, people need to know why they should want to improve. A lot of the players that farm SM's have no HM achievements aside from the old classics, and with so many ppl being overgeared for the current SM's there's no real challenge in them, thus no incentive to improve or need really


Pugging HM's is a good way to start, maybe show someone that HM Dread Fortress isn't as hard as they thought and they go back and try and get their own guild into progressing in it. That's an ideal situation. However usually if a PUG does well in such a raid and they have no real loyalty to their current guild they'll just quit it and join the guild that they ran with, which strengthens said guild but if the goal is more widespread progression on the server, it's sorta detrimental


The channels I believe won't be very successful until post-3.0, when people don't outgear the raids by tiers of gear and will need to readjust their play to compensate not only for class changes but for the difficulty of doing new things at gear level. That will be a great opportunity to start getting people to work a little bit harder on their gameplay, as they'll tend to be forced to in order to get past the content


I agree with pretty much agree with just about everything stated here, I'm just going to state a couple of things:


Based off of your first two paragraphs, it sounds like you'd rather try to give the public some sort of incentive to do HM and even NiM raids first before trying to simply teach them how to raid, which I totally agree with. The only problems with that are A) We are appealing to a very small percentage of BC's population, and B) Some of our potential future raiders may not even know if they like raiding yet. We can't just forcibly shove them into a raid. I believe that this is definitely a big part of the problem here on BC, which I'm afraid we can't really do too much about other than do PUG's and hopefully find people that find out that they start raiding. Once they start raiding, then we can show them the ropes, and start to integrate them into our community.


Which leads to the purpose of our chat channels. I agree that this channel might prove ineffective until 3.0 launches, but let me remind you that these changes are preparations for 3.0. Once it launches, I believe that we will actually will have a new purpose of the channel, at least temporarily. Our top raiding guilds will dive into content as soon as their groups are ready, and boom comes the raiding. Once they become comfortable with the bosses they've downed, then their knowledge of these bosses will find it's way into more casual raiding guilds on the server, then they dive into content, and so forth. Kinda similar to a trickle-down effect. (Not trying to be elitist here, but this is what happens in reality: The best raiders down content, then other guilds learn from them. Then they enter the content, adjust mechanics accordingly, then they clear it, and so forth.) Once the community as a whole is genuinely comfortable with the operations, then we enter the recruitment phase once again. So point here being that the original purpose of the chat may not be just "basics", but rather, getting members of the raiding community comfortable with these new instances first. Then we can look towards finding new people to raid with us, bringing us back to the original purpose of the channels.

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This is another reason people do not queue for group ranked. They don't queue because they have these false understandings of how group ranked goes. Sorcs are the most popular dps class to bring on your ranked team atm.


Only if they know how to play, which means bubbling when needed, and knowing how to kite and stay alive, sadly a lot of sorcs are so use to having seven meat shields in front of them that in smaller settings they panic and fail to use LOS to their advantage.

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Pugging HM's is a good way to start, maybe show someone that HM Dread Fortress isn't as hard as they thought and they go back and try and get their own guild into progressing in it. That's an ideal situation. However usually if a PUG does well in such a raid and they have no real loyalty to their current guild they'll just quit it and join the guild that they ran with, which strengthens said guild but if the goal is more widespread progression on the server, it's sorta detrimental


I.E. the Dork Hunters.... And since they run the charter over on leftovers, is exactly why we need somebody else running something similar or better. Their goal is to take your guilds best (or people who think they're the best) and add them to their squad. Yovakka might be a diplomat but deep down they're all following the douchebag example of mad maddy.

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Info will not and should not be given out publicly. I want as many guilds as possible attending, however, I don't want people who aren't key member of their guilds attending. Officers and GMs/Founders are perfectly welcome, but I don't want more people in channel than there has to be. These meetings do have a set time limit, and if we try to give everyone in channel the chance to participate, then we won't get anywhere.


Caveh's TS (Otherwise known as Sponsored by Giradda/DWBI's TS) will be our home this evening.


If you need the information to enter channel, I will be on Klehitt for the next hour doing random stuff until the meeting starts. You can contact me that way. Or if you know someone who attended last week, you may ask them for the information.

Edited by Camelpockets
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I.E. the Dork Hunters.... And since they run the charter over on leftovers, is exactly why we need somebody else running something similar or better. Their goal is to take your guilds best (or people who think they're the best) and add them to their squad. Yovakka might be a diplomat but deep down they're all following the douchebag example of mad maddy.


I'm not sure what vendetta you have against us, I'd be happy to discuss it. We've gotten a little out of hand with posting crests in gen chat lately which admittedly is pretty douchey. I think its really unfortunate you refer to Madelene as a douchebag, I think name calling will only escalate and not turn into a good situation.


For leftovers, there are three charters, of which we're running ONE. More charters can be started if you talk to Sonette, who is affiliated with DWBI and Sponsored by Giradda. I was just suggesting that, we don't have to use leftovers at all, I think its just handy to schedule raids there. We haven't been scheduling many raids there lately. We've also been rather casual in terms of commitments to raids and such and really haven't farmed out the best players.


I hold no grudges against any guilds, and I totally applaud the achievements of guilds DWBI, OC, Giradda, and others that have been involved with raiding and have done MUCH BETTER than we have. I passed off leadership to Caveh specifically for this reason and as he's been much more into PVP.

Edited by bluecheesebandit
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I.E. the Dork Hunters.... And since they run the charter over on leftovers, is exactly why we need somebody else running something similar or better. Their goal is to take your guilds best (or people who think they're the best) and add them to their squad. Yovakka might be a diplomat but deep down they're all following the douchebag example of mad maddy.


Meh. It's what DWBI does :D


But in all seriousness: In order to do some content, groups do need the best to clear content. NiM DF and DP are perfect examples. The DPS check on the Council, I found out last night, is tight as hell. You CANNOT pull a dps through a fight like that. I'm not sure how stressed healers are, but I know tanks have their hands full on the first and third phases. Of course I'm using one of the hardest bosses in game as an example, but regardless, you cannot just bring in who you like into these types of operations.


Now I don't really know the drama going on here, but let me restate something: This forum is not meant to bash other people and their guild(s). Unless there's a point you're trying to make here, comments like this aren't tolerated on this thread. If you want to bash, go onto another forum or just duel it out in general chat. This forum is to discuss things relating to the Summit meetings.


And maybe a little bit of trolling.


On another note: We held our Summit meeting last night, and I'm going to briefly cover the (little) we talked about last night. While we did cover most of the topics included on the list, the topics didn't have a whole lot to talk about. We hit the major points in under a minute, and agreed to whatever findings we discussed.


There was one goal that stood out in particular: PvP involvement. We all agreed that the PvP community should get involved (if they wish) with these meetings. Now I'm not sure what people would want to talk about, besides opening up more ranked opportunities, but we believed that it was important that we should hold one meeting with both the PvE and PvP communities involved and figure out what we want to do. So this requires everyone to reach out to PvPers and let them know that they are strongly encouraged to come to the next summit meeting.


As for the PvE community, I have something for everyone to think about. I had a little rant at the beginning of the meeting that talked about what we should focus on when 3.0 releases. In order to show some of the other servers that BC can actually do something, I stated two things: A) Focus on progression, then recruiting/teaching after, and B) Be competitive, but be collaborative.


I know that our focus last meeting was to try and find new people who want to raid, and prepare them for the stuff that will come. Until 3.0 launches, that is fine. But once it does release, I want all of the progression teams to work together to clear the new operations. (If they aren't difficult, I'll be deeply disappointed.) We can't simply pull people into these new raids without seeing them ourselves. We need our most raid-experienced people to dive into the content, and figure it out for themselves first. Once they feel comfortable with this new content, then they reach out to other progression teams and help them out. The competitiveness is good: I want people to try to claim server 1st on these new things. But I don't want that to lead to a purely elitist attitude. Once some guild does clear both HM ops, I don't want them to just say, "Hey look at what we did. We're too pro for these scrubs." Everybody will hate you. I would too. But if they make that title mean something, and say maybe, "Now that we're done here, let's ask around to see who needs some help," then we can all work together to strengthen this small PvE community.


So in short: Focus on bettering ourselves first, and be ready to reach out to others. Once everyone gets a feel for what's what, then we can shift our focus to finding new people to raid with.


Those, in my own biased opinion, were the two big things discussed during last night's meeting. Again we did cover most of the topics on the list, but the discussions were short and didn't evolve into some greater purpose. The next PvE meetings I believe will evolve into a mosh pit of discussing what will be going on with progression teams in 3.0. There aren't a lot of topics that are similar to those in the list that are ACTUALLY worth discussing, thus why I believe that this will be the future of the meetings.

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Camel, thanks again for doing this. Sorry I could not attend last night, I will try to make the next summit and spread the word around the PVPers to see whom they want to send.


In general the more the news of this spreads around the server the more likely we are going to get active participation. Hell even the people who don't want to participate can whisper people that they know attended.


Overall it is nice that representatives of the pubs and imps are working together for the betterment of the server. Now we need to wait for BW to give us that joint Operation we have been asking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this was nice to read.....i want to note that i was under the impression this would occur every third thursday of every month. curious it has changed since then and that there has been an increased frequency. this sounds like a closed and biased forum for SELECT guild members to get together. i now plenty of guilds not included or informed. The first and only time i attended this summit, was last minute and i had been good friends with the Hosti guild and TS 'owner. (allegedly, not verified) Nice to see that the tyrants are still at it, attempting to control the 'community' that is ever growing, rather than take the time to nurture newcomers and the 'running up'. How unfortunate that the best efforts are to host pageants of the 'best' and 'noteworthy', rather than grow a community and server.

Howdy folks!


Next summit meeting: December 7th @ 6:00pm PST


(Note: This is not intended to spark any forum wars between any types of people. This will merely talk about what the members of the summit have discussed, and future topics that we plan on discussing.)


As most people on the forums probably already know, we held our PvE summit last night and discussed mostly logistics of these types of meetings. But besides this, we've found one main issue that mostly everyone was in agreement.


I'll start with the logistics: We've decided to make this a recurring event. Every first and third Sunday of every month, at 6pm server, we will hold one of these meetings. Now this was originally created to be a PvE summit. However, some people had questioned about the current status of PvP. While we don't have a set plan for PvP yet, there was discussion of incorperating PvP into these meetings. Now this is for the community to decide, but I do have an opinion on the matter. We can either A) Instead of just a recurring PvE summit, we could include PvP (and possibly RP) and combine it into one large meeting, or B) Hold separate meetings for each of these divisions. I'd personally say B because we had at least over 20 people in the teamspeak channel last night, and trying to include another 20-30 people for RP and PvP would be utter chaos. However, I don't want to completely separate these divisions, so one thing that could happen is bring together the moderators of each of the meetings and briefly discuss what each meeting addressed and see where the paths crossed. This will likely be discussed at the next meeting.


The community's main issue is simply the lack of raiders. Now that's just a brief explanation. We've acknowledged the fact that there are people on fleet who do want to raid, but either don't know where to look, or possibly don't even know if they like to raid yet. There are incompetent raid leaders always pugging Story Modes on fleet, running with raid groups that sometimes can't actually finish the whole raid. Some people don't care, but there are some who leave the raid with the illusion that "Oh my these are horrifyingly difficult!" but still try to raid. THESE are the people who we need to look out for.


So far, we've came up with a couple ideas, some of which are already in progress:


Scheduled (or not) Guild SM Pug runs - Some guilds are already doing this, but the process is as follows: The guild takes X amount of people (however many they feel comfortable bringing), and fill the rest with Pugs. They raid with them, and evaluate each ones' skill and attitude. Skill may not be immediately present with ALL pugs, however, if they have the right attitude, and see possible potential, they guild could take them in and start showing them the ropes.


Server Calender (actually more-so a spreadsheet for now) (Link to Spreadsheet) - This is will become a list featuring all raiding guilds (May expand to PvP as well to show Ranked queue times and so forth) with their main raid groups, their scheduled pug runs, active members and their website. This is similar to the BC Guild index, already held my Madelene, but this will include immediate access to these little things that the Index doesn't currently hold.


A new help channel - Both Imp and Pub sides now have a help channel. Type in /cjoin pubbasics or /cjoin impbasics to ask any type of question that might not be answered correctly on the fleet. (for those who have not seen it yet. Thanks to Gag and Jake for setting these up, and the other people who I didn't mention. Not that I don't like you, but I didn't know about half the people in the room last night, so it's hard to tell who did what :D)


Now I probably didn't get ALL of what we talked about last night, however these are some big things that we discussed and actually did or started doing last night to try to help this awesome community.


Here is where you can come in to help. Below will be a list of topics that we believe are worth discussing and possibly finding solutions for in the future. All topics will be taken into consideration and will be evaluated by the members of the summit. Though one important reminder: This is NOT a place to bash other players. The purpose of this thread is to HELP OUR COMMUNITY. Criticism will only be accepted if it is constructive. Any bashing against others will result in intensive shunning. (If you are a summit member, you may be denied access to these summit meetings.) Just keep it friendly, and keep it constructive.


This will be a small step towards some big changes in the community. We will make the most out of 3.0. I guarantee it.






Proper roles of players in PvP

Need PvE topics

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this was nice to read.....i want to note that i was under the impression this would occur every third thursday of every month. curious it has changed since then and that there has been an increased frequency. this sounds like a closed and biased forum for SELECT guild members to get together. i now plenty of guilds not included or informed. The first and only time i attended this summit, was last minute and i had been good friends with the Hosti guild and TS 'owner. (allegedly, not verified) Nice to see that the tyrants are still at it, attempting to control the 'community' that is ever growing, rather than take the time to nurture newcomers and the 'running up'. How unfortunate that the best efforts are to host pageants of the 'best' and 'noteworthy', rather than grow a community and server.


This series of summits is different from the ones that were held earlier in the year, schedule wise. I didn't attend the first summits because this was where I began to feel burnt out, so I don't really know what went down during this meeting. However, this series of meetings was first held on a Sunday, and we all agreed that it would be best if we held these meetings on Sundays.


The whole problem with trying to "nuture" our whole community is that most of these people don't understand or simply don't know what to do. They may or may not know what raids are, and what pvp is, but even if they know the basics, it doesn't mean that they actually like doing whatever it is that they're doing. The best thing that the members of the PvE community can do is let them know what is out there, and give them a taste for what raiding is like. We're not going to force anyone into doing something that they don't want to do. While they may find out over time whether they like raiding or not, we can't simply just toss them into something without their consent. Pug raids are the best, and unfortunately, the only way to reach out to the new members of the PvE community. Unless you have better ideas, this is, and has been, our main course of action.

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