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The future of our characters!


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Character interaction


Character interaction would allow for one character such as the Sith Warrior and the Sith Inquisitor to interact with one another. They are becoming one of the most powerful sith in this case, so they will have to interact at some point (main story). Another Example would be the Hunter and the Agent, together they could find a specific target that only the agent has access to. Or require a skilled hunter to find and carbonized a specific unit. These story interactions would be short do to the fact the hunter you choose to complete this mission with May not be on. This reduces the time of waiting.


How would this benefit?


Socialization would increase between a majority of users, keeping them from reaching boredom etc... And possibly allowing them to stay on Swtor longer! When people meet one another they usually become friends, if these characters would interact through a main story mission it would make complete sense.


If you have any additions, please don't hesitate to state them.

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Not that I'm opposed to characters interacting with eachother, I like the idea of that. In fact it's needed for some characters, like warrior and inquisitor, bh and smuggler, etc...

But I don't like the idea of forcing grouping with other players being required for story progress. What if everyone has finished it? What if I don't like grouping? What if it breaks my immersion?

I'd rather see the interaction through companions. For instance, Nox requests aid from the wrath. In response the wrath sends his apprentice jaesa to respond. For that quest the inquisition would get to use jaesa as a temp companion. After which you get a unique convo with her. Or something along those lines.

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