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What Do You Make of Shae Vizla's Return?


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As far as I see it, all the characters from the original cinematic trailers at launch (they're called Return, Hope, and Deceived; if you haven't ever seen them, then go watch them immediately. They are all fantastic) have had a significant role, assuming they survived the video except for Nico Okarr, the Smuggler guy, and Shae Vizla.


Satele went from Padawan to Grand Master, Malgus went from Sith apprentice to Emperor of his new empire, and Jace Malcolm was promoted over time from Havoc grunt to Supreme Commander. Darth Vindican, Master Ven Zallow, and Master Darach all died, but Zallow has been mentioned in the game and used to have a namesake server.


However, the Bedtime on Concordia foreshadowing story alludes to Shae's return. What do you think she'll be doing? Could she be an enemy or an ally fighting against the "worthy foe" in Revan that she's rumoured to be seeking?


I'm hoping that her and Mandalorians play a big part in the expansion. I also hope that she becomes Mand'alor somehow.

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I have no doubt that she'll be returning, and trying to fight Revan in some way. Whether she is going to fight Revan by helping the Republic and Empire or trying to fight him with just her Mandolorian buddies, I don't know, but I do think she'll be fighting Revan.


In the short story it is said she is waiting for a "real challenge". What can be a bigger challenge than taking down the guy who single handedly turned the tide of the Mandalorian Wars, defeated Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat, and saved the Republic from the threat of Malak and the Star Forge?



As for where we'll encounter her, I'm going to guess in the 2 new flashpoints that take place on Rishi.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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I have no doubt that she'll be returning, and trying to fight Revan in some way. Whether she is going to fight Revan by helping the Republic and Empire or trying to fight him with just her Mandolorian buddies, I don't know, but I do think she'll be fighting Revan.



Sorry to disappoint you, but it's been confirmed already that she is a boss in one of the operations. We the players will be killing her, either because she is siding with Revan, is working for someone else, or because she drops purples, either way, she dies. It was confirmed at the cantina tour.


Edit: http://gaddockgaming.com/2014/10/11/episode-57-nyc-cantina-qa-spoilers/ if you want to listen to it.


Edited by Khayleth
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Sorry to disappoint you, but it's been confirmed already that she is a boss in one of the operations. We the players will be killing her, either because she is siding with Revan, is working for someone else, or because she drops purples, either way, she dies. It was confirmed at the cantina tour.


Edit: http://gaddockgaming.com/2014/10/11/episode-57-nyc-cantina-qa-spoilers/ if you want to listen to it.


Well, that really bursts my bubble. I'm really disappointed now. I was really hoping for her to become a recurring character in SW:TOR.

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Sorry to disappoint you, but it's been confirmed already that she is a boss in one of the operations. We the players will be killing her, either because she is siding with Revan, is working for someone else, or because she drops purples, either way, she dies. It was confirmed at the cantina tour.


Edit: http://gaddockgaming.com/2014/10/11/episode-57-nyc-cantina-qa-spoilers/ if you want to listen to it.

I kinda doubt that...If she's a boss, it's probably to "earn her respect". She is a Mandolorian, after all.

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Well, that really bursts my bubble. I'm really disappointed now. I was really hoping for her to become a recurring character in SW:TOR.


Just because you are an Op boss, it doesn't mean you can't be a recurring character.


Jusk ask Kephess.

Edited by PLynkes
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Well I sure hope she looks like she did in the trailer. I still remember how they butchered in-game model of the London Tower guy from Mass Effect 3 first trailer. Most people were like "wait, it's him?" lol


They totally nailed the Malgus and Jace Malcom models, so I'm not that worried.

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Keep in mind it's years after the trailers, so she's going to show some aging and likely scarring. I doubt she'll be the hottie she was back then now. Just look at what they did to Satele's in game model. She was so cute as a padawan...


As for Shae being an Operations boss, yeah, we'll likely kill her. Joining Revan, who's always been respected by the Mandalorians, and fighting against both the Empire and the Republic at one time sounds like just the kind of challenge she'd like.

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I've never been a big fan of Mandalorians. I'm from the Kreia school of thought in which they are weak nobodies compared to the Jedi, and I don't like how they are consistently OP in the EU (imo). Therefore I hope she gets smacked down by Revan in Windu-Jango style.
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