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At low absolute skill, it's interesting to see which things work best by watching new players. But they age out of being terrible so fast, it's hard to GET that data


And I think THAT is the real question we should be keeping in mind when we communicate. I can bet you anything that at a low enough skill level, strikes are the best, because they have the best combination of maneuvering (not too much!), speed (not too fast!), shields (lots!) and hull (plenty!).


As a new player, I agree with the 'Strikes are best'. I tried the starting scout but I couldn't kill anything and died very quickly. Bought a gunship and it's fun, but surviving with it is as hard as the beginning scout. Advice I got for survival will be useful once I get enough requisition, but for now I spawn, get in position, shoot a few times and usually die.


Strikes give me a chance to survive long enough to get a few kills/assists or at least hold a satelite till help comes. ;)

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