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The Emperor is so uncharismatic in the game.


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I've read Revan in audio book before playing SWTOR and the sith emperor gave a chill down my spine. I really loved the novel, so much so that my favourite star wars character changed from Revan to the sith emperor.





What is up with the uncharismatic emperor in JK storyline? He doesn't speak in multiple voices(doesn't have to be thousands. 1 male and 1 female voices would have been so much more threatening than 1 voice), his appearance is rather plain.

I'm led to believe that the emperor JK struck down is the voice but why was the emperor harmed if JK only killed a voice? There are still so many unexplained things about this assumption, such as Scourge's vision.

Moreover on the issue, his demeanor and acts are so childish from what was shown in Revan. Why the hell does he have to brag about his grandiose plan of devouring the galaxy? I thought Drew Karphysin wrote both Revan and JK storyline.




Anyway, why is the emperor so boring and plain in the game?

Edited by Highsis
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Because he has maybe a page of dialogue in the whole game. There's only so much they could do.


lol no. The emperor doesn't have much appearance in Revan, either. I guess you haven't read the novel.


I'm taking issue with his voice/appearance/childish demeanor in comparison to his character in the novel. He wasn't a cartoonish villain in "Revan".

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lol no. The emperor doesn't have much appearance in Revan, either. I guess you haven't read the novel.


I'm taking issue with his voice/appearance/childish demeanor in comparison to his character in the novel. He wasn't a cartoonish villain in "Revan".


What part of the emperor is cartoonish? His lines all portrayed a deeply evil man. He was a pretty adequate villain.

Edited by Jduensing
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On the contrary, I thought the Emperor's lines in the game were far superior to the book. In fact it was quite brilliant.


On top of that Doug Bradely is an excellent voice actor, who deserves respect.


"My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium—it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same."


Really, not sure how you failed to find that charismatic. And what villain doesn't brag about his evil plans?

Edited by Beniboybling
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On the contrary, I thought the Emperor's lines in the game were far superior to the book. In fact it was quite brilliant.


On top of that Doug Bradely is an excellent voice actor, who deserves respect.


"My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium—it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same."


Really, not sure how you failed to find that charismatic. And what villain doesn't brag about his evil plans?


I really like fancy colors too if you get my jist.


Anyway, I found Emp's appearance lacking. I would of prefered his and his voices faces never be shown, but that's beside the point.


I actually liked some of his lines:

"You harness immense power, but you like the purity of will to direct it."

"You are mine. Servants. Slaves. Weapons. And you will obey…"

"You stand there because I allow - because I... do not fear."

and in response to the JK's random Jedi jargon, "There is no death, there is only the Force - and I am its master."


That last one must have hit like a truck




"Misdirected passion... such a waste."

"Reckless pride, limbed by self righteousness... you are master of nothing."

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I really like fancy colors too if you get my jist.


Anyway, I found Emp's appearance lacking. I would of prefered his and his voices faces never be shown, but that's beside the point.


I actually liked some of his lines:

"You harness immense power, but you like the purity of will to direct it."

"You are mine. Servants. Slaves. Weapons. And you will obey…"

"You stand there because I allow - because I... do not fear."

and in response to the JK's random Jedi jargon, "There is no death, there is only the Force - and I am its master."


That last one must have hit like a truck




"Misdirected passion... such a waste."

"Reckless pride, limbed by self righteousness... you are master of nothing."

Lawls, your colour coordination is a bit lacking... :p


Appearance? I must admit I thought the exact opposite, the Emperor's robes was the minimalist approach that had been so eye-soringly lacking from the rest of the game, so many stupid colours and plumes and patterns and stuff. I mean seriously, the greatest Sith Lord of all time wore a black rag and still looked awesome. So does the Emperor.


Really though I think the minimalist appearance made him all the more striking, especially against a background of wardrobe malfunctions, if they'd giving him some fancy pancy outfit he would have looked generic I feel.


As for his face *shrug* I don't know, I did think the zombie/brain mask was pretty cool.


Yeah, TBH I think the Sith Emperor has some of the best lines in the game. And his slap down to Tol Braga, awesome.

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Lawls, your colour coordination is a bit lacking... :p


Appearance? I must admit I thought the exact opposite, the Emperor's robes was the minimalist approach that had been so eye-soringly lacking from the rest of the game, so many stupid colours and plumes and patterns and stuff. I mean seriously, the greatest Sith Lord of all time wore a black rag and still looked awesome. So does the Emperor.


Really though I think the minimalist appearance made him all the more striking, especially against a background of wardrobe malfunctions, if they'd giving him some fancy pancy outfit he would have looked generic I feel.


As for his face *shrug* I don't know, I did think the zombie/brain mask was pretty cool.


Yeah, TBH I think the Sith Emperor has some of the best lines in the game. And his slap down to Tol Braga, awesome.


I don't want him to wear the glorious plumage of Lachris, or the magnificent pauldrons of Baras. I like his minimalisity, but I was hoping for something more unique to him.

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The costume is alright, but the face should never have ben shown. That said, I liked his writing and voice-acting. I also subscribe to the idea that both models of the Emperor (at the ends of Act 2 and Act 3, respectively) are different Voices.



For people who read the Revan novel, the face was a hint that it wasn't his actual body, meaning he isn't finished yet.

Yeah, I fail to see how this Emperor is uncharismatic and cartoonish.

Edited by Darkelefantos
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Well as far as I'm aware, the Sith Emperor is the only character in the game who wears total black...

There's a heroic quest giver in the main Imperial base on Belsavis. I believe he wears similar clothes to the Emperor all black. Though I'm not fully sure, he may have a little red trim. I'll check later.


And I meant a unique model of clothing. Simple, but unique to the Emp.

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On the contrary, I thought the Emperor's lines in the game were far superior to the book. In fact it was quite brilliant.


On top of that Doug Bradely is an excellent voice actor, who deserves respect.


"My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium—it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same."


Really, not sure how you failed to find that charismatic. And what villain doesn't brag about his evil plans?


Stumbled across this thread after recently completing the JK class story.

When the Emperor began speaking, I had a full blown nerdgasm and actually shouted "PINHEAD!". Honestly couldn't be happier with the choice of VA for the Emperor.


Anyone who says the Emperor's voice is uncharismatic... Go watch the Hellraiser films. Well, the first three at least.

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