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Combat Sentinel seems ridiculously weak in pre-55 PvE and PvP.


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Combat Sentinel seems ridiculously squishy in leveling PvE compared to other classes, and in PvP too.


In PvE, Camouflage only lowers threat and enemies still can see you. You don't have any CC against strong mobs to escape when fights go sideways. You don't possess force push/shockwave either.


This makes Sentinel/Marauder so very squishy whenever you can't finish off your opponents quickly. This could happen when you draw one too many mobs in PvE, or an unexpected CC is thrown under your feet in PvP.


With 12* bonuses, I'm breezing through leveling contents with other classes(I've done all 8) while my sentinel dies so often without a header companion. Other DPS classes still can defeat PvE enemies with pretty much any companions, but it is difficult for sentinel without healer or at least a tank.


One thing about PvP: Shouldn't Sentinel/Marauder score top DPS among force users in most warzones? Sents/Marauder has no healer ability. No guards ability. No utility such as speed burst, force pull, force push, shockwave, etc. Limited CC and CC breaker. If you get pushed off in a huttball, you are mostly gonna lose that fight. Sent/Mara is pure DPS class with such limited utilities: then why the hell do I see sorc/assassins topping DPS scoreboard above marauder?


I feel this class is a gimp under level 55 in PvE and PvP. It's only worth to have 1 sent/mara in each team for a buff; other than that, this class seems useless without a pocket healer following you around. I never died in other class PvE missions except intentional ones, yet I'm dying so often with sentinel and DPS companion. I KNOW healder/tank companion works best, but with other classes I never needed a healer.


This class seems good only under predicted circumstances. There is not much maneuverability to overcome anything unexpected (extra damange from range, extra CC, etc) given the squishness of the class. I could defeat 2, or even 3 groups of mobs with other classes, but with Sent/Mara, 2 gropus of mos are enough to kill you if undergaered. In sorc run, I managed fine until level 35 with basic modds on orange gear.

Edited by Highsis
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Im more than inclined to agree with you, The Seninel/Marauder class is weak until level 46 or so when you start getting your good skills. All of that is going to change with disciplines- All that being said with the 12xp Boost I leveled a Sentinel and Marauder to 55, when you fight mobs, you should always have rebuke/cloak of pain on you right before you start/ that mitigates 20% damage allowing your burst to be more effective. Nextly is watching our for your health and poping Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage right before your looking at dying because it mitigates 99% damage for 6 seconds. every time you have it up you should be in Zen/Frenzy mode which gives you a 30% alacrity boost which makes all your abilities tick faster. Therse a lot you have to be aware of when playing this class its by far the most challenging class to play and master
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Watchman spec is as easy to level as any class. Focus starting at level 45 makes a joke of any leveling content. Combat only gets strong at level 48 for PvP, although you can make it strong at 45 for PvE if you do not take the root talents. Combat burst is still the best in the game. With Lord scurge decked out in full 162's I can still solo all the oricon content including heroics, and I just pulled 1.2K DPS with 28 killing blows (2 solo) in a warzone last night. It's a much more difficult class to be decent on than things like a shadow, but the top end performance is still pretty darn good.
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Have to say I agree with you, at the end of the day the best sentinel player on any server will be crushed by the best any other class. They are weak, plain and simple. Not much aoe, however, I have to disagree a bit with the pve, a sentinel can be quite effective if played well. I've been playing the same character since early access and i'm still learning how to maximize him. It's by far the most difficult class to master.


Like the other guy said, sabre ward and rebuke and also, if you are bio use stims, adrenals, and relics in your hotbar. these help with burst. Just use your head when fighting pve, awe will give you time to focus one target, after awe you have force sweep? I think, which also stuns them, don't forget about legacy force sweep, then you have the two saber throw and the two saber attack, and you also have the ability to stay alive 5 more seconds after your almost dead, giving you more time. So, you can do it, it's just very difficult. It's just underpowered and always has been. Hopefully the sor will op sent for once.


I tried working on an alacrity set for sentinel, I got my alacrity up to 9.39% standing, it's fast, but not fast enough to make up for the loss of power and strength. I thought the speed would increase the global cooldown allowing me to cast zen far more often. It's really fast in zen, but the damage sucks. Incase anyone else was thinking of doing that.

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Combat Sentinel seems ridiculously squishy in leveling PvE compared to other classes, and in PvP too.


In PvE, Camouflage only lowers threat and enemies still can see you.


It actually is a little deeper than that. use Force Camouflage when an enemy has taken aggro on you and your threat should go down to nearly 0 and you also take about 50% less damage when under Force Camo


You don't have any CC against strong mobs to escape when fights go sideways. You don't possess force push/shockwave either.


Ok? your job is to kill or be killed, you shouldnt try to take on 3 Champion mobs at one time...


This makes Sentinel/Marauder so very squishy whenever you can't finish off your opponents quickly. This could happen when you draw one too many mobs in PvE, or an unexpected CC is thrown under your feet in PvP.


That's your own fault, you posess the largest DCD arsenal for any DPS class and should be able to form the battle the way you want...


With 12* bonuses, I'm breezing through leveling contents with other classes(I've done all 8) while my sentinel dies so often without a header companion. Other DPS classes still can defeat PvE enemies with pretty much any companions, but it is difficult for sentinel without healer or at least a tank.


Just use LT Pierce/Lord Scourge as your tank and you should be fine, if your really good you can use Kira/Jaesa


One thing about PvP: Shouldn't Sentinel/Marauder score top DPS among force users in most warzones? Sents/Marauder has no healer ability. No guards ability. No utility such as speed burst, force pull, force push, shockwave, etc. Limited CC and CC breaker. If you get pushed off in a huttball, you are mostly gonna lose that fight. Sent/Mara is pure DPS class with such limited utilities: then why the hell do I see sorc/assassins topping DPS scoreboard above marauder?


Because Sent/Mara is hard to play, the difficulty of play makes it so that it's harder to deal more damage.


I feel this class is a gimp under level 55 in PvE and PvP. It's only worth to have 1 sent/mara in each team for a buff; other than that, this class seems useless without a pocket healer following you around. I never died in other class PvE missions except intentional ones, yet I'm dying so often with sentinel and DPS companion. I KNOW healder/tank companion works best, but with other classes I never needed a healer.


This class seems good only under predicted circumstances. There is not much maneuverability to overcome anything unexpected (extra damange from range, extra CC, etc) given the squishness of the class. I could defeat 2, or even 3 groups of mobs with other classes, but with Sent/Mara, 2 gropus of mos are enough to kill you if undergaered. In sorc run, I managed fine until level 35 with basic modds on orange gear.



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Leveling my Sentinel I definitely agree that they're extremely squishy. But I find that using Doc as a companion (with makeshift gear via Commendations) to keep me healed is actually working better than trying to use Scourge when I'm leveling too fast to keep up gear on him. Fights feel like they go much more smooth now. Sometimes I do get dangerously low, but popping defensive cooldowns with Doc healing has so far saved my butt in those situations.


But I'm using Watchman for the somewhat self-sustainability, so maybe Doc (Marauder equivalent would be Quinn, right?) wouldn't be a good choice for the other two talent trees if you go down either of those.

Edited by Sorenthaz
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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't need a healer as a sent for 99% of all the leveling stuff you're going to be doing; I leveled with Kira most of the time. Send your companion in first on the largest mob, then follow shortly thereafter on the non-elite/non-strong mobs to finish killing them, then move to the big mob your companion is fighting.


As far as PvP, get used to it. You're a glass cannon. If you get left alone and you're smart with your cooldowns, you'll destroy people.

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Hi guys,


I recently leveled a marauder from 1-55 with the 12x exp using exclusively the first companion.

Gear I did I think 2 FPs total, without any drops but got coms from daily quests. Took forever for them to pop, otherwise I just used rewards from quests. Never take the com reward but always the item, even if it is slight upgrade only. Didnt have any problem at all. Voss was a big tight but just use Defensive cd's and was manageable.


I went with Rage spec, as you I concluded warriors have no good way to deal with the big mobs but they have alot of ways to basicly CC all the standard/weak mobs. Charge, Smash, scream, ravage etc and all with low CD's. This is why I went Rage spec.


Another advice I would like to point out, at 47 I went to Makeb, there you get some green crap items from quest's and also insane exp. Got lvl 47-55 without listening to quests in under 2hrs. Gearwise and lvl wise I could mop up the last quest stories with ease.

Dont forget to get the satellite stat boost on makeb as well, it makes it trivial 47-55 and this was like the easiest levels ever... Kinda making it to lvl2 kinda easy.

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i used the droid tank and geared him with cybertech, a crew skill that gives you a stun via grenades, i'd stay focus or watchman for both pve and pvp until you reach level 48 or more, since you can fill combat tree better and have the points in watchman to build more centering (valor 2/2)
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