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Merc pvp in 3.0


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I have had a lot of work lately so I haven't managed to get my merc healer to more than level 57 so far. I did Oricon for credits and my survivability is lower now in pve than prepatch. And that is having two more levels than before. I'm not sure they actually buffed anything with merc heals. Sure the kolto bomb hits more people but when you don't have 8 players around you will have a low HPS. I don't think my HPS right now is better than prepatch. Too bad my combat logs from before 3.0 got lost in a reinstall.
I dont think you need to worry about the HPS during the leveling period because its balanced for 60 content and will be quite different from what you experience now.
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I dont think you need to worry about the HPS during the leveling period because its balanced for 60 content and will be quite different from what you experience now.

True but I got a bit worried because mob pulls I could tank for an eternity with a resource neutral rotation couldn't be achieved now. I run out of resources if I try to keep the same heal output.

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I just wanted to put my frustrations down for someone to see. I went from getting a few kills per match to barely scratching at anyones health in warzones. Most of these utility points are useless unless your a healer, the only one that helps with any damage is for an ability so weak that I forgot I had it. 25% for Sweeping Blasters is a *********** joke. Death from Above woulda been a better ability for that. I used to think we were more burst-of-damage, then run. Now its like "no damage, die".


Its beyond frustrating. This used to be my main character, now I can barely fight NPCs that are 5 levels lower. It's awful going from a "can kinda work with this" playstyle to "Not in a million years, punk!" :'(

Edited by AdamCyr
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I've read many of the previous comments but I can't use many of the terms, mainly because I don't have them written down in front of me. But I will say that playing exactly the same from previous the patch to now; I've noticed a huge difference. I'm not the best player. I know that and admit that. But I like to have fun. I leveled a Bounty Hunter during the 12times XP because it was a class I hadn't played before.


Before the update, during PVP, I could take out 1 player, or do some damage to another one before dying. I used to last at least 10 seconds or longer on Void Star. Now, my health drops in 3 seconds. I am constantly stunned or immolbolized, and then I die. I can't DO anything. And my play style hasn't really changed.


I'm frustrated because I had fun on this character before. Now I want to completely avoid PVP (which is a good way for me to get the commendations I need to level up my modifications) and only stick to the missions of planets.

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The problem starts with the fact we are getting a damage nerf and that mercs are so easily killed already


So here's the thing; with current builds in arsenal you generally take some of the defensive utility procs and endurance.


Problem: in 3.0 we are getting damage nerfs. To make up for the damage nerfs you need to take the new damage utility buffs


Which in theory would be ok.. but... to get them you need to skip the defensive utility buffs


Compared to what we have NOW in arsenal? You have a choice in 3.0


1. Be weaker and easier to kill (by skipping the defense utility you normally would have taken) with the same damage as you have now (because the damage boosts barely bring you back up to par)


2. Be just as weak and easy to kill as you are now (by taking the utility defenses) but have less damage at level 60 (than you currently have at 55) and gain none of the new mobility perks because you lack enough points to take them


The only way arsenal is going to even remain at its current (weak) power level is if we had 10 utility points, at which point 3.0 will be playing the same class we have now + 1 new ability (to move while using unload)


Also: priming shot is stupid, an extra attack added to our rotation that does no more damage than we do now in order to occasionally shoot 1 tracer missle at the front of the global cooldown instead of the end? Thats not a damage increase, its an extra button to push for no real gain at all. Firing tracer instantly only means we can move after shooting, we still wait on the global cooldown to fire again. Its not really a gain of any kind, its an extra complication in our combat rotation that may as well be skipped


And the top of tree? Its an upgrade to unload, but instead of buffing unload it has its own button (which shuts off unload when you use it). So our "new ability" is really just a new name for unload and we take unload off our toolbar


Why don't we replace all of our attacks with new attacks that do the same thing but give them new names, than we can all pretend that was an upgrade too


Bioware wakeup: give us 5 more utility points, you already botched the new system and gave us nothing, at least stop taking more things away from us


3.0 = merc arsenal takes it in the *** again


Yeah its feeling a bit like 1.2 all over again with arsenal/gunnery. Our channeled medscan has a cool down which for me at least pretty much shreds getting power overrides since I typically used it pre 3.0 on a double med scan healing between 6-13k off of the 2 pops instantly. Honestly I feel like a shorter ranged ,weaker version of my sniper which is to say pretty much a glass cannon with less cannon and more glass. Oddly enough my sorcs channeled heal (madness sorc) has no cool down at all.

Edited by Ravenschild
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I just wanted to put my frustrations down for someone to see. I went from getting a few kills per match to barely scratching at anyones health in warzones.


One reason is cause everyone and their grandmas are rolling Tank classes in WZs now. I was doing Arsenal recently at level 60, full PvP Brutal, only to see my damage barely dent these tanks and then they force leap over or grapple me and just mutilate my toon like I was wearing paper. Any Tank class for a Merc dps, you might as well throw a white flag of surrender, cause they are immune to almost all your stuns, includes Jet Boost, absorb all your damage, and your defenses are useless. Even the new Pyro spec (forgot off the top of my head the new name) leaves you defenseless against Tank classes. Sure you can do some damage, but you better find a nice pole or a Jugg to hide behind because if they see you, and they get in your face, you are dead in 2 hits and nothing you can do.



PVP? Roll a Tank, if you wanna have a good time.

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Those 2k dps from madness are almost meaningless in WZs. Fluff dmg at its best. Im eating madness sorcs for breafast on my merc. Lightning is where its at.


Lightning is good now because interrupts are bugged on Lightning Sorcs. It may take BW a month to discover this, but it's a matter of time. And no Madness Sorc should ever lose to a Merc 1v1. The favored pvp classes of 2.10, Assassin dps, Op heal, Veng Jugg remain favored classes. The biggest pvp change in 3.0 is the renewed interest in PT/Vanguard. The biggest losers in 3.0? The Mara/Sents are complaining a lot, but IMO it has to be Merc/Commando heals. Technically, you can argue they didn't get worse, but when the other two healing classes have their output bumped by 40-50% and you don't, on a relative basis that's a hefty nerf.

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