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It's great that Bioware added some darker decorations and the Rakghoul event for Halloween.


But why no Pumpkins and Carved Pumpkins for decorations? :mad:


Please, add some. :D


Imperial Symbol Pumpkins, Republic Symbol Pumpkins, Revan Mask Pumpkins, etc

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Halloween doesn't exist in the Star Wars universe. The Rak event isn't actually a Halloween event either. Just well timed. It also showed up in July, which isn't really a scary time of year.


Christmas doesn't exist in Star Wars either, but we have "Life Day" with Snowflakes and is an event every Christmas time. No difference.


They timed the Rak event to be on Halloween for a reason, and also why they put those decorations up on the cartel market this week. It is not a stretch to add pumpkins, they just don;t have to be called pumpkins.

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