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The bitter taste of success


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After 2 maniac runs of Raghoul event previously I have gathered enough reputation to have legend stance back then.

Run the Eyeless few times to gather the Barnacles - got as much as 2.

Run the WB 4 times, got the "specimens".

Numbingly occupied some Raghoul Planters or Collectors to finally have 2 Symbionts

Got gazzilion of "Raghoul DNA samples" with I have no idea what to do.

Now realized the "specimens" are BOUND so, it's not enough you kill the WB 2 or 3 times, NO, you need to kill it minimum 4 times with the same character.....GREAT IDEA, isn't it?

Done so, after 3 days of crazy group calling, rage quits, failed attempts, switching instances, being attacked by some PVPers who decided they will have fun in interrupting other's attempt to achieve something, etc.

Got all of those, run in euphoria to Jeelvic the Pelvic, bought Dewback and Varactyl and......

...felt like I have wasted some significant time of my life.

Not because the rewards are bad, no.

Because the way to obtain them is ridiculous.

I guess I am done with repetitive stuff. I am really not happy anymore to do the same stuff zillion times to get a reward.

Well, perhaps because I am earning each reward myself. I am not buying it out GTN, (just do not want support those who think they will earn easy credits - this part deserves a separate subject, one could make a PhD reserarching on people's greed).

My point is that once your have managed to "win" or "beat the content" you should be rewarded. If it takes numerous times to "beat the content" - fine, one needs practice, learning, etc. But once you have DONE that - well, ya know. (just in b4 calling me "entitled")

I am supporting the game, paying my subscription as many of you for almost 3 years now.

I started thinking whether this is the content I want to support.


And considering the news about DPS reduction and increasing the interrupts cooldowns, I am really ..starting to be worried.

I love Star Wars and so far loved SWTOR, but now... I just have baaaad feelings about this....

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You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this:


...Oh wait, wrong movie.


Yeah, there are some things in game where I don't consider the reward worth the effort. I've gotten my crystals and my plants from Jeelvic and now I'm done.

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I love my Infected Dewback, I've been happily riding around on it for a few months now. But getting it didn't hardly seem like any kind of effort because I got it by having fun with my guildies. After I had experienced sufficient fun I checked to see what stuff I had amassed and it turned out I had enough for an Infected Dewback so I bought one.


It didn't feel like a pointless grind because I wasn't grinding, I was having fun with my guildies. It's all a matter of outlook.

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Personally, I have one rule when it comes to SWTOR (or any game for that matter): If something feels like work and isn't enjoyable, don't do it.


I'm playing this game for fun, not to drive myself insane. This is one of the reasons I stopped doing dailies. I realized I wasn't have fun, and I was burning myself down by doing the same things day after day.

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Personally, I have one rule when it comes to SWTOR (or any game for that matter): If something feels like work and isn't enjoyable, don't do it.


Listen to this man, people! One of the sanest persons on this board.


100% agreement.


On a sidenote: It is possible to fail at killing the event worldboss? I didn't know that.


:mon_redface: It's a game.

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You could say the same thing about the game itself--a waste of time. Some people here proudly admit to playing the game for thousands of hours. In fact, they have played it the same number of hours it would have cost them to get a 4-year degree or more in a technical subject, including credit hours and double that in study time, which would have qualified them for a well-paying job and skills that would have lasted a lifetime. But they played SWTOR instead.
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You could say the same thing about the game itself--a waste of time. Some people here proudly admit to playing the game for thousands of hours. In fact, they have played it the same number of hours it would have cost them to get a 4-year degree or more in a technical subject, including credit hours and double that in study time, which would have qualified them for a well-paying job and skills that would have lasted a lifetime. But they played SWTOR instead.


Well, how's that my fault?

I have actually completed some schools and courses that allowed me to have a job (whether well-paid is another question) therefore I do not have thousands of hours to spend in game. But even if I had, still the idea put behind such grind is well, just wrong.

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........because I got it by having fun with my guildies. After I had experienced sufficient fun I checked to see what stuff I had amassed and it turned out I had enough for an Infected Dewback so I bought one.


It didn't feel like a pointless grind because I wasn't grinding, I was having fun with my guildies. It's all a matter of outlook.

True, however my guildies are mostly absent if not left completely, so I am left with PUGging options.

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Personally, I have one rule when it comes to SWTOR (or any game for that matter): If something feels like work and isn't enjoyable, don't do it.


I'm playing this game for fun, not to drive myself insane. This is one of the reasons I stopped doing dailies. I realized I wasn't have fun, and I was burning myself down by doing the same things day after day.


Well, that seems to be the only option. Sane choices.

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you fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this:


...oh wait, wrong movie.


Yeah, there are some things in game where i don't consider the reward worth the effort. I've gotten my crystals and my plants from jeelvic and now i'm done.



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On a PVE server? Winners? Rather annoyance, nothing more.

Don't get me wrong, I do play PVP. In WZs or Arenas.

I'm just toying with ya. ;)


However, I was trying to make a subtle point. It sounds like the pvp dudes probably had more fun than you did. Point being, if it's not really fun, don't do it. I've actually avoided the rakghoul event (as much as it will allow) because I don't think it looks like fun at all. :(

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Is it possible that working the game rather than playing it is a questionable approach? There is no 'winning' an MMO, just like you can't 'win' the internet.


Isn't the value of a game supposed to be in it's playing?


You can't win the internet?


Tell that to a certain Sir that roamed these forums not too long ago ;)

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