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Damage Dropping In 3.0


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True, the numbers only matter as they relate to all the other numbers, and affect the resulting gameplay.


What matters is whether the same character will find the same content easier, harder, or the same after 3.0 hits.


This is true, those of us who want higher numbers will just have to deal with it :p

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Tdmaha why are you defending bioware, and why are you constantly going against people are voicing their legitimate concern over a substantial dps loss coming 3.0?:confused:


I'm not defending bioware, I'm defending a stat squish. It's something I've been experiencing the last three weeks in WoW. It's not a big deal, they aren't taking any progress away from you, I'm sorry because I have experienced a stat squish I'm not allowed to tell those crying about it how silly they are by making this into a big deal? I'm not allowed to laugh at those who create a change.org petition over this lol. Just wait next week it will be a lawsuit over this. It's ridiculous the amount of ignorance this topic has by the criers.


You are not helping by posting misleading and inaccurate information you have zero knowledge on "substantial dps loss"? Can you please post where you got this information? It's people like you feeding the already ignorant bunch more worthless talking points is a much bigger issue on these forums then a person with actual experience in the topic like me.


You want a "substantial dps loss" you should have played wow four weeks ago. Your dps went from 500k to 50k now that is a "SUBSTANTIAL DPS LOSS".

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I'm not defending bioware, I'm defending a stat squish. It's something I've been experiencing the last three weeks in WoW. It's not a big deal, they aren't taking any progress away from you, I'm sorry because I have experienced a stat squish I'm not allowed to tell those crying about it how silly they are by making this into a big deal? I'm not allowed to laugh at those who create a change.org petition over this lol. Just wait next week it will be a lawsuit over this. It's ridiculous the amount of ignorance this topic has by the criers.


You are not helping by posting misleading and inaccurate information you have zero knowledge on "substantial dps loss"? Can you please post where you got this information? It's people like you feeding the already ignorant bunch more worthless talking points is a much bigger issue on these forums then a person with actual experience in the topic like me.


You want a "substantial dps loss" you should have played wow four weeks ago. Your dps went from 500k to 50k now that is a "SUBSTANTIAL DPS LOSS".


198 gear will be around the same as 186. That's equivalent to all dps progression being wiped out since 2.4. Only a moron wouldn't call that significant.

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I'm not defending bioware, I'm defending a stat squish. It's something I've been experiencing the last three weeks in WoW. It's not a big deal, they aren't taking any progress away from you, I'm sorry because I have experienced a stat squish I'm not allowed to tell those crying about it how silly they are by making this into a big deal? I'm not allowed to laugh at those who create a change.org petition over this lol. Just wait next week it will be a lawsuit over this. It's ridiculous the amount of ignorance this topic has by the criers.


You are not helping by posting misleading and inaccurate information you have zero knowledge on "substantial dps loss"? Can you please post where you got this information? It's people like you feeding the already ignorant bunch more worthless talking points is a much bigger issue on these forums then a person with actual experience in the topic like me.


You want a "substantial dps loss" you should have played wow four weeks ago. Your dps went from 500k to 50k now that is a "SUBSTANTIAL DPS LOSS".


where does it end!? when we hit lvl 65 with 4.0 we'll be doing the same dps with 210 gear, that we are gonna be doing with 198 gear come 3.0...which means no progress in dps from 3.0 to 4.0 while advancing in lvls, and this trend will continue with 5.0 into 6.0 etc....{ base off the way they are starting off 3.0}.....also HP will sky rocket, tank stats will probably sky rocket, heals will sky roocket to keep up with the huge health pool increase, while dps remain stagnant..all becuz bioware want to keep year old content relevant along side the new expansion...

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where does it end!? when we hit lvl 65 with 4.0 we'll be doing the same dps with 210 gear, that we are gonna be doing with 198 gear come 3.0...which means no progress in dps from 3.0 to 4.0 while advancing in lvls, and this trend will continue with 5.0 into 6.0 etc....{ base off the way they are starting off 3.0}.....also HP will sky rocket, tank stats will probably sky rocket, heals will sky roocket to keep up with the huge health pool increase, while dps remain stagnant..all becuz bioware want to keep year old content relevant along side the new expansion...


He just doesn't get it and has been trolling those of us with valid concerns since this change was announced.

I'm not in favor of this change, but I'll hold off on writing off SWTOR until I get to level 60 and decent gear again. I'm too invested in this game not to :(

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198 gear will be around the same as 186. That's equivalent to all dps progression being wiped out since 2.4. Only a moron wouldn't call that significant.


I haven't raided in TOR, but I have raided extensively in other games. Eventually I burned myself out on it and have decided to not participate in that play style any more. But my history as a former raider does give me a certain perspective on raiding (and let's face it, raiding is raiding in these types of MMO's, not much changes from one game to the next).


All that said, let me ask you this question: if they weren't doing this damage reduction what, exactly, would progression raiders do when the expac hits? I can tell you what:


1) Level to the new cap ASAP.

2) Gear up to the minimum standards required by the new endgame content.

3) Start running that endgame.


What part of that process does reducing damage change? None of it. I will concede that the idea of the Devs recycling the same two raids that have already been run to death into the next expac is a crappy move on their part. But the damage reduction itself changes nothing about what exactly raiders will be doing. The question then becomes: do you enjoy playing this game for its own sake, or not?


I'm sure someone is going to come in here after me and say something about seeing bigger numbers being part of it. Fine, I'll concede that to some people that matters. But in the end, you're still seeing new content, facing new challenges, beating new bosses. Isn't THAT what raiding is supposed to be about? The sense of accomplishment when you finally down that tough new boss? I just can't understand the need to see bigger numbers on the screen. It's just not what matters to me in MMO's. Heck, I don't think I can even tell you the exact numbers on most of my attacks. What matters is setting goals for myself and then achieving those goals in a fun, entertaining environment.


Anyway, that's my 2 credits on the matter. The part about recycling the content does kind of suck, but the rest of it I just don't see as a real issue for people that are serious about beating challenges at end game.

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Well, there's really no way to know who did or did not report a post, it's not like they share that or you get an update when someone does it. So accusing anyone of reporting your posts is kinda... an assumption, isn't it?


It's not so much that I'm following you, it's that every one of these threads about the changes is something like 50% you spewing invective and ranting at people to stop "crying" and attempting to belittle their concerns, so it's hard to miss.


But when a certain poster follows you around to every thread you post in, it then becomes an educated guess.


50% haha. There are 182 post you saying I posted 90 times here? I am confident you do know the exact number though...which again is rather awkward and weird...

Edited by tdmaha
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My concern is less with "progress" and more with the possibility that current content might become significantly more difficult, which is still hard to tell from what they're saying. I'm not going to go off the deep end about it happening until we know more, but it does concern me. Edited by Max_Killjoy
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My concern is less with "progress" and more with the possibility that current content might become more difficult, which is still hard to tell from what they're saying.


Umm it's not like the current content (outside of HM/nim ops) is hard. Why would it be bad if they added a little challenge? Why does everything have to be easy mode or given on a silver platter?

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But when a certain poster follows you around to every thread you post in, it then becomes an educated guess.


50% haha. There are 182 post you saying I posted 90 times here? I am confident you do know the exact number though...which again is rather awkward and weird...


Consider it hyperbole.


The point is, if one reads any of these threads, one is going to come across your posts. No one is "following you", that's... a bit paranoid, isn't it?

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Consider it hyperbole.


The point is, if one reads any of these threads, one is going to come across your posts. No one is "following you", that's... a bit paranoid, isn't it?


Umm for the last two or three days you have replied to me ( you stealth replies aren't very clever btw) on every thread I've been in. If you don't like my comments don't reply or better yet ignore me. But following me around (yes you do) is weird not being paranoid because it's something you are doing...I won't hide from you and will continue to confront you when you do...but feel free to continue if you must.

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Umm for the last two or three days you have replied to me ( you stealth replies aren't very clever btw) on every thread I've been in. If you don't like my comments don't reply or better yet ignore me. But following me around (yes you do) is weird not being paranoid because it's something you are doing...I won't hide from you and will continue to confront you when you do...but feel free to continue if you must.




OK. I'll make sure I don't post in any threads you post in, so you can not feel like you're being followed...


(Never mind that it's like we're both happen to be shopping for a TV, and you're flipping out because you keep seeing me in the electronics stores...)

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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As an interesting possibility that could work with slower damage, more intricate fighting moves. Most of the action has really fast maneuvers, would be nice to see a jedi flow from style to style. Just a thought. Edited by Touche
horrible typing skills
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OK. I'll make sure I don't post in any threads you post in, so you can not feel like you're being followed...


No no feel free just no need to do the stealth replies, or reply to every post or like you just did in another thread quote me using a quote that's not even in that thread to a completly different poster...Im not sure if I should feel good or creeped out I've had that type of effect on another poster.

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No no feel free just no need to do the stealth replies, or reply to every post or like you just did in another thread quote me using a quote that's not even in that thread to a completly different poster...Im not sure if I should feel good or creeped out I've had that type of effect on another poster.


Honestly, you and the other posters who can't respond to posts you disagree without using "cry" and "silly" and "QQ" and loads of hyperbole and strawmen... are kinda a jumbled mass at this point. I can never remember which of you made what comment attempting to belittle and demean and insult whatever it was that set you off.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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First, I will say, I don't care either way. It won't stop me from playing.


However, STOP using the stat squish in WoW. It is totally different. That involved EVERYTHING. Not only did they squish player stats, the also did mob stats. It was something that needed to be done because their engine could not handle the big numbers. ( it was getting to the point where they would not be able to raise any numbers for health, damage, you hopefully get where I am going with this).


They are making it easier to level. Things will die faster is what I remember reading. But end game will be harder from level 50 up. ( not saying anything about this being a bad thing)


The difference between the two.


WoW had to do it.


SWTOR wants to do it, because they feel it was a little too easy in end game. ( again not saying this is a bad thing)


WoW did it across the board.


SWTOR is level 50 and under. ( not really but by making the mobs easier to kill it is the same thing)


Now I am not coming down on you for trying to use WoW as an example, But The same questions you see here, happened on the WoW forums too. When they explained that it was across the board, people left that part of it alone. ( they then went on to the "I want muh big numbers")


People have legitimate concerns about this. Since it is not exactly like What happened in WoW.

Edited by Spiritinblack
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. But end game will be harder from level 50 up.




SWTOR is level 50 and under. ( not really but by making the mobs easier to kill it is the same thing)


Where did you get this idea? Makeb is level 50 to 55 and a leveling planet therefore part of the easier to kill mob zone. This is one of those bits of misinformation that spreads like wildfire without fact. Its as plain as day in the notes Bioware published.

Edited by TakexeNex
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So should we report all your insulting posts too?


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Where did you get this idea? Makeb is level 50 to 55 and a leveling planet therefore part of the easier to kill mob zone. This is one of those bits of misinformation that spreads like wildfire without fact. Its as plain as day in the notes Bioware published.


Actually, you are the one spreading misinformation. Perhaps you would like to reread the transcript of the Developer LiveStream, which includes this exact quote.

Now the trick of course is, tangentially related to that, in the lower-level game, something that we wanted to do is we’ve sort of always felt as time has gone on, that the game, especially the (because the game’s more mature now and players tend to play the higher level), that we could speed up the low-level game. So one of the things that we’re doing is, effectively, all the mobs from, like, level 50 on down, all the mobs that you see out in the planetary content and in your Class missions, that kind of stuff, they’re actually all going to die faster. So it won’t be quite such a “slog,” is the word we’re used a lot, so you get through the game a little faster.


P.S. There are no "notes Bioware published." Dulfy made a summary of the points from the LiveStream, which included some condensing and interpretation to get it into a bullet point format. The above portion of the transcript is the exact word-for-word information that was provided, with no interpretation.

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Using euphemisms, which really do cover my hate speech hidden between the verses, I can safely say that I would play all the way until level 50/55/60 MUCH EASIER AND FASTER simply being able to use FASTER speeders and already at level 1. Going from point A to point B is what takes time, not fighting (unless you try to solo heroics). No game mechanic needs to be adjusted - only the speeders. From what I remember in the Return of the Jedi movie, they were A LITTLE faster than 90% of a person running...
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Actually, you are the one spreading misinformation. Perhaps you would like to reread the transcript of the Developer LiveStream, which includes this exact quote.



P.S. There are no "notes Bioware published." Dulfy made a summary of the points from the LiveStream, which included some condensing and interpretation to get it into a bullet point format. The above portion of the transcript is the exact word-for-word information that was provided, with no interpretation.


"Like level 50 and under and planetary content....". Wouldn't Makeb and Oricon be "planetary content"?

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Why on earth would the Devs worry about last expansion Raids? Talk about not being forward looking.


If they're trying to balance DF / DP around level 60 toons then they are really missing the boat.


They are not balancing Level 60 DPS numbers around nightmare Dread Fortress and Dread Palace. What they said was that Level 55 characters today, in the best gear available are exceeding the DPS targets that the Developers had for these two Level 55 nightmare Operations. This means that if the Developers made no adjustment, the new gear coming in 3.0 would only add to the existing "too much DPS" situation, making the problem worse.


The solution they are implementing is to use 3.0 to reduce Level 55 DPS amounts to where they should have been for Level 55 Operation content, according to their internal targets, and then allow the players to progress from that point to Level 60 where they will end up at the Developer's Level 60 target DPS numbers.

Edited by Levram
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