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Planetary Comm Removal Concerns


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I understand that Planetary Comms are being removed in 3.0, which tbh concerns me on behalf of new players.


During the current 12*XP period I have levelled a few new alts saving my Planetary Comms along the way to gear an alt for free with Makeb Comms. As an established player I could gear them with GTN bought comms etc but my concern isn't for existing players.


I recall levelling the first time at launch when I was a new player and credits were tight, some of the skills I needed to learn required extra effort to earn the credits - and that was before I considered gearing myself let alone my companion(s)! Gaining Planetary Comms as I levelled was a good way to ensure that at least one of my companion was decently geared.


Just a quick shout out to the Devs on behalf of future players!

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I understand that Planetary Comms are being removed in 3.0, which tbh concerns me on behalf of new players.


During the current 12*XP period I have levelled a few new alts saving my Planetary Comms along the way to gear an alt for free with Makeb Comms. As an established player I could gear them with GTN bought comms etc but my concern isn't for existing players.


I recall levelling the first time at launch when I was a new player and credits were tight, some of the skills I needed to learn required extra effort to earn the credits - and that was before I considered gearing myself let alone my companion(s)! Gaining Planetary Comms as I levelled was a good way to ensure that at least one of my companion was decently geared.


Just a quick shout out to the Devs on behalf of future players!


Everything is just rolling up into basic comms. So only the name will be going away and not the actual comms or what you can buy with them.

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Everything is just rolling up into basic comms. So only the name will be going away and not the actual comms or what you can buy with them.


Ah right so will we still get them as random drops? As often with regards to missions rewards you are generally offered something instead of not as well.


Also as a side thought it will be interesting to see how these mods are priced as it will make basic gear very easy to attain or the mods very expensive.

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What is to stop them from making the prices as they are now?


80 to 140 basic comms for end game gear, 2 to 10 basic comms for leveling gear?


They are trying to make the game more casual friendly, five different types of comms, planet, classic, basic, elite, and ultimate, got confusing for many new players. Add to that war zone comms, fleet comms, etc.


So now we'll have basic, elite, and ultimate. Basic can be used from lvl 10 to 60 leveling, all the way to entry level gear at 186 rating. Elite and ultimates will remain the Higher end game gear, other than drops in HM and NiM ops.

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If anything, it'll be better because the cap is sure to be higher than 100.


Hard to tell without knowing the costs and the rewards from dailies, weekly, heroics, etc....

For example, the weekly for flashpoints is currently 10 planetary comms, which translates to 5 mods or 5 enhancements on planet vendors. Will that be the same in 3.0 ? If not, well... kinda sucks

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